
tisdag 6 januari 2015

Tass tisdag och en flygande gris :) / Toesie Tuesday and a flying pig :)

Min matte hittade den här söta grisen i en affär i stan 
och köpte den givetvis till min husse eftersom han sagt att 
han ska gifta sig med matte när "Grisar flyger".
Kan ju nämna att han har en ganska stor samling med flygande 
grisar vid det här laget och matte är fortfarande ogift :)
My mom-person found this cute pig in a store and 
she of course bought it to my dad-person 
since he said that he will mary my mom-person 
"When pigs fly" :)
Can tell you that he got quite a large flying pig collection 
by now and my mom-person is still not married :)

Trevlig tisdag på er allihopa !
Wish you all a nice toesieday !

29 kommentarer:

  1. hmmmm...we're not sure if you Mom should launch a pig at his head or not!


  2. Those are some great toes, Charlie. Good luck with Dad-person :-)

  3. I think maybe my human's boyfriend should give HER some of those pigs - she has been dragging her feet for years.

  4. He's got a lof of flying pigs, but did you see one of them fly ? Purrs

  5. Oh many pigs does he have??????

    The Florida Furkids

  6. Don't take me wrong O.K. ?
    Warning : my advice is dangerous !!!

    Just throw a pig, and it can fly...tee..heh..heh

    " As long as you love each other & trust each other. That matters ! " my uncle don't believe in married and he stays with his partner over 15 years. They have 2 kids...and for me....they are forever and ever...real love ! Real commitment :)

    ((( hug ))) to your mom

  7. Hoppas att husse tar sitt förnuft till fånga och friar. Det är mycket trevligt att vara gift, det kan vi skriva under på efter snart 35 år ;-)

    Nosgos å en kram till din söta matte

  8. Hmmm... Your mum & dad definitely have a contract there and that is MOST CERTAINLY a pig capable of flyin' so...

    I hear January weddings are quite romantic & popular, these days.


  9. Huvudsaken är ju att de har dig! Grisar i alla ära, men de slår ju inte en katt.

  10. Så husse förstår inte vinken, hihi! Hälsa matte att hon skaffar en lätt gris och en heliumballong och släpper den över husses säng så ser han den när han vaknar och en flygande gris, hihi!


  11. You two are both looking cute today Charlie!

  12. love those toes and I guess PIGS CAN FLY!!! MOL!

  13. PAWSOME toesies! :) Happy Tuesday, sweetie! xx Roxy & Tigerlino <3

  14. WHo needs a hubby when she has a handsome mancat like you.

  15. At least you know your people are together because they want to be, not because law says the must! Your toesies are great. - Crepes.

  16. kjelle...dood...once, a pig flew up ona curtin pole over at flynn's place... tho his mum & dad iz all reddy mare reed.....troo storee...ask him !! ♥♥♥

  17. Cute toesies Kjelle. Cute pig too, but will it fly?

  18. Such adorable, pink little toes! We aren't too sure about that flying pig. Do you have to hide under things when it starts to fly?

  19. We think your Mom-person has a good sense of humor! Love your toesies, Charlie Rascal!

  20. Maybe u will get to go to the wezzing in a handsome tuxedo. :)

  21. That's an interesting pig with a crown and wings.
    And I like the photo of your toe furs.

  22. Nice toesies, handsome Kjelle! And from the looks of that statue, pigs CAN fly! :)


  23. Piggy with wings huh? I don't know about that...

    Noodle and crew

  24. LOVE those gorgeous toesies!!! That is a great flying pig! Has this become the inside joke between them?
    Marty's Mom

  25. Great toesies Charlie - I hope they're staying nice and warm! As for the flying pig - we think that's a really GOOD one. Too bad your Dad purrrson is so stubborn about the marrying thing!!! You could be the ring-bearer kitty!

    Hugs, Sammy

  26. Mjau,så fin flygande gris din matte hittade.
    Tass tass
