tisdag 3 maj 2011

Cats On Tuesday

Today it´s rainy and cold weather here in Sweden.
So no walk with mom today :(
Instead she has used the macrolens on her camera and chased me around the whole apartment !!!

HELP can somebody HELP me ??!!

Got hail in my fur

I´m thinking about taking a leap up in the chandelier ?!
It didn´t get further than a thought = mom stopped me :(

Here I got the camera right up my nose

I´m sooo tired on mom and her camera !!!

If you don´t put the camera away now mom !
I´m gonna hit you with my paw !

and visit Gattina and the
others that participate in
Cats On Tuesday !

11 kommentarer:

We love LUNA sa...

Bonjour my sweet Prince Kjelle!
First of all, I need to say I'm enchanted by your lovely eyes and so charming tail! :)
Love your close ups!

Dui och Deco sa...

Vilka bilder hon tar matte!Du kommer verkligen till din rätt, så stilig. Nosbuff

Photo Cache sa...

My cats give me the look when I take out my camera inside the house and chase after them too.


Unknown sa...

Love the close up shots, such a beautiful kitty!

Ingrid sa...

It's a hard life to be a model ! My cats complain all the time too !
But I have to admit that the result is real good !

Findus, Isak och Rasmus sa...

Så underbara bilder på dig! Fast vi förstår att du blev lite trött på kameran. Kanske du kan krafsa en matta eller nåt över den så att matte inte hittar den? Kurr och burr.

Luna und Luzie sa...

Awwwww, these are cute close ups.
You are so beautiful!

Mr Puddy sa...

Your Photos are so brilliant !!!
and wow ! you got the opened roof..That's cool !!
Have a lovely day Kjelle : )

Sharon Wagner sa...

You always have to worry when the cats start looking up at the ceiling.

Unknown sa...

Hos oss snöade det på tvären igår.

Barbara sa...

LOL! My cats are so used to the camera now that they just don't care. How sad that you never got to play on the chandelier - humans spoil all the fun.