God morgon allihopa :)
Bredbandet krånglar fortfarande till och från :(
Har verkligen lust att tassa till det där bolaget !
Dom senaste dagarna har jag ägnat åt
* Flug jakt
* Gräs ätning
* provsittning i en Mustang Cab.
Kunde jag inte åka med eftersom mitt säkerhetsbälte inte fungerade i bälteshållaren.
Lika glad för det eftersom den mullrar rätt mycket :)
Nu ska jag se hur många kompisar jag hinner besöka innan bredbandet havererar igen ?!
Trevlig helg på er :)
36 kommentarer:
Hi Charlie! Good morning to you too......sounds like you've been rather busy. That means you're staying out of trouble!
Kitty Hugs, Sammy
Hello Charlie :-) Thank you for Henry's birthday wishes xxx purrrrr
You have amazing blue eyes and our Mom would love to kiss your nose. We hope your broadband starts to behave better.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
You're looking great!
That must be fun, riding in the car. Mom sticks me in a cage when we go for a ride.
Good morning gorgeous!! We hope your broadband gets fixed!!
The Florida Furkids
Trevlig helg detsamma!
Ditt gräs ser nästan ännu saftigare ut än mitt! Förstår att du smaska i dig.
Mitt matte hade också en Mustang för många, många år sedan, men den var inget bra och såldes rätt snart. Men det är en jamars snygg bil. Tycker hon.
Flugor och gräs är trevliga saker! Ta tass om er! Nosbuff
Ingen rast och ingen ro för universums snyggaste kille! Tur att du är stor nog och har fluff nog att bära ansvaret! Hoppas att bredbandet börjar fungera ordentligt. Det finns faktiskt inget riktigt liv utan internet....
Nosgos å gottisar
maurice & Kajsa
Hoppas bredbandet sköter sig och fungerar nu.
Vad modig du är som vågar sitta i brummisen!
You look so cool in that mustang!!!
Oh, Kjelle Bus, your eyes are just stunning in that first photo, sweetheart!!...It looks like you have enjoyed a fun and exciting week, darling boy!...Happy weekend, sweet friend...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat
Hi Kjelle! We loved the quick report about what you have been up to. Have a good weeked, and we hope your broadband gets fixed soon. :)
Inte fy skam att ägna sig åt flugjakt och gräsätning!
Du passar jättebra i Mustangen ;)
We hope your broadband gets fixed! Mr. Google didn't do a very good job translating today but we could figure everything out! And nobuddy can mess up your handsome face! :)
At least you have been busy while the broadband has been having problems!
Synd på bredbandstrasslet,men...
Sååå fina foto & va söt du är i mustangen & bra att su sitter fastspänd ♥...
NosPuss Annmi
We are so envious of your long juicy green grass!
We hope your broadband behaves itself!
It sounds like you are pretty frustrated Charlie Rascal!! :( Hope it is mended soon!!
you can DRIVE???!! MOL!
I needed a fix of those blue eyes. Hope your broadband comes back.
Plenty of interesting things to do!
Have a great (hopefully connected) weekend!
Good morning to you! I'm glad you're having fun even though you're having some broadband troubles...
Flugjagning i mörkt rum belyst av en enda lampa i katthöjd är ju super!!
Oh no!!!!!! Not broadband issues! Hope they get resolved and have a great weekend! Purrs from the Zee and Zoey gang!
I sorry the Interwebs don't work.
I love love love those beautiful pink toe pads and YOU look ravishing in that Mustang!!
Hope those nasty connection fleas have gone for good.
See you are still getting out and about. Good hunting my furend. Meow.
Our Dad was looking at those Mustangs a few years ago. He gave up the motorcycles and needed to still have some wind. He ended up with Mercedes SLK-230. He recommends them if you like a convert. It has been a few years now and he says the itch to get a new one rolls in sometimes. But it is overcome by the no-auto-payment happiness. Meow. We agree. Keep the cat food coming.
Purrs Kjelle
Men dumma bredband! Förstår dom inte att det är V Ä L D I G T viktigt att en bloggande katt skall kunna just blogga!
Så fina bilder på dig :-)
Fly catching is a good way to spend the time when your broadband is not being good.
Dood, you too? Ours has been in and out for the past 3 days, but we think we know why - our cable's buried underground, and we've been having flash flood warnings here daily :(
But in the meantime it looks like you've kept busy what with the grass nomming and all. We agree on the convertible. We wouldn't want to ride in it either!
aiiee!! CHarlie Rascal!! I would luvluvluv that Mustang...well, at least Mom Linda would! Missed you...hope to be around more often now, paw pats, Savannah
Interweb problems are the worst :( What time are you picking me up Charlie in that Mustang ?? BOL xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie
Your blue eyes make me breathless...
(um, don't tell Spaghetti Bob!)
Every cat needs a Mustang convertible!
Wonderful pictures of you as always, looking good buddy! Wow, I wonder how it would have been to go in the convertible, you are one brave kitty!
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