tisdag 15 oktober 2013

Cats On Tuesday

that means that I blog in english today 
and that you can turn Mr Google Translater OFF :)

Last thursday I got the Opposites Attract Award
from beutiful Star 
over at Life with Ragdolls

Why I haven´t been able to write about it until now ?
Ask my mom-person !! *sigh*

Thank you soo much for the award , Star !

I should pass this award to 
ladycats since they are opposite malecats.

But since I can´t just choice a few I give it to all ladycats out there !

I know some of you have sean this pictures on FB and on Instagram
and I can´t really tell you why I have this yearning
to put my head in Candybags ?!

Yesterday afternoon I was taking a nap on the sofa 
when my mom-person came and woke me up 

I yelled - For crying out loud woman , why are 
you waking me up ?!

Couldn´t you at least have let me wake up properly
before you start taking pictures *sigh*

YAY ! It´s the ....

Cats of the Cat Blogosphere´s calendar for 2014 

Do you recognize this handsome boy ;-)

Oops ! Can you tell that I kissed Stunning Keisha ??

Me and my mom-person want´s to send 
for all the hard work she have put down in the calendar !

Don´t forget to visit Gattina and her cat´s 
that hosts Cats On Tuesday 

25 kommentarer:

The Furries of Whisppy sa...

Congratulations on your award, Kjelle Bus! Paula did a really good job with the calendar. :)

Hannah and Lucy sa...

Concats on your award. Oh no - how naughty of your Mom to wake you up with the flashy box.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Florida Furkids sa...

ConCatulations on that great award!! We had to laugh at your sleepy face picture! You look so cute!!

Mom Paula did a fabulous job on the calendar!!

The Florida Furkids

Brian's Home Blog sa...

Congratulations on the nice award my friend and your photos were so much fun. I agree, the calendar is totally wonderful!

Vi i Kasperian sa...

Jag kan tänka mig ganska många anledningar till att stoppa huvudet i en godispåse! Alla handlar förstås om att den måste innehålla åtminstone spår av RÄTT godis. :)

Överhuvudtaget visas för lite respekt inför vår sovintegritet, tycker jag. BRA att du inte drar dig för att säga ifrån!
Du är förresten jättefin i den där kalendern - fast fin är du ju alltid.

Sparkle sa...

Concatulations on your award! And that is a really awesome photo of you in the calendar!

meowmeowmans sa...

ConCATulations on your awesome award, Kjelle! :)

We got our calendar today, too! Isn't it great?


Life with Ragdolls sa...

I am really glad you like the award!

Mollie sa...

I'm in for that award then, as they call me Gaylord Mawahwhahhwaa Youz got bed hair Charlie when Humom woke you MOL xxxxooxxx

Mollie and Alfie

da tabbies o trout towne sa...

dood...way total lee awesum ya getted ta bee in da calendar !!! lookin good buddy :) N we hope ther bee sum candee left in de candee bags !!

Katnip Lounge sa...

We love your bedhead look!

Swami Zoe sa...

Concatulations handsome calendar man cat! Me-Ommmmmm

Marg sa...

A big congrats on your award. And Paula did a wonderful job on the calendar. Lots of great pictures.Take care.

Anonym sa...

oh CHarlie, I had no idea you have a crush on CK! Wow! And I luvluvluv my calendar too...sorry I have been away...we just got overwhelmed with some rescue work...we are trying hard to catch back up with furriends, paw hugs, Savannah

Unknown sa...

Kjelle!! Yous is Mr July!!!
Mes is going to has to gets me one of those calendars!!!

BeadedTail sa...

Concatulations on your award! That calendar was certainly worth your mom waking you up for!

Clooney sa...

Yay your calendar is in, that is awesome! You are looking cute as ever!

Anonym sa...

Så du har instagram!
Vi tog oss friheten att lägga till dig i vår kompislista:)
//mary fröken tott och adam

Texas, a Cat in... Austin sa...

Concats on the award! You look great on the calendar =^.^=
My human just ordered mine so I am patiently waiting now...

Rascal and Rocco sa...

Candy bags, grocery bags, any bags are fun! Can't wait to get our paws on one of those calendars!

Ingrid sa...

Congratulations to the award ! Humans behave so impolite ! why do they always wake up the cats ?

A Tonk's Tail sa...

We think that calendar is PAWESOME too! And we can't believe she'd WAKE you for a photo op! SERIOUSLY!


Congrats on the award, Charlie Rascal!
And COOL!!! This is one of our first peeks at the CB calendar! You are as handsome as ever.

LP sa...

The calendar looks pawsome Kjelle! And you look pawsome in it! :)

the critters in the cottage xo

Timmy Tomcat sa...

We are jumping around trying to catch up with our friends and Amazing that we chose this post of yours as
We got our calendar today!!! Well yesterday but Dad opened the package today. We have to see if we are in there. We think Stunning Keisha is a beautiful cat too.
Purrs my furend
Little Einstein is doing well.