onsdag 23 april 2014

Ordlös onsdag / Wordless wednesday

28 kommentarer:

Sparkle sa...

Wow! That was some wind!

Anonym sa...

Underbar är du ♡ ...
/Nospuss pårej!

Charliepuss sa...

You look like a lion! Raaaaahhhhh!

RedSetter sa...

Run for it, Lion on the loose...Oh sorry Charlie, I should have realised that magnificent beast was you. Looking good in the sun.

Anonym sa...

Charlie it looks like you've got some pretty good winds happening there but in spite of that, you're loving the fresh air!

Happy Wednesday, Sammy

The Swiss Cats sa...

Windy, isn't it ? Fortunately, you have a leash to keep you on earth ! Purrs

Katten Gustav sa...

Men har det blåst så mycket? Det har jag inte tänkt på. Fast jag har ju inte sån lång och stilig päls som du!

Kattson sa...

Ibland behövs inga jam!

Aamor sa...

Vinden ger dig sidobena, hihi!
Själv har jag alltid mittbena men den finns sällan mitt på ryggen, hihi!


BeadedTail sa...

Hope that wind doesn't blow you off the tree!

Anonym sa...

Jamars vad det blåste i pälsen idag.
Du ser likadan ut som jag gjorde i morse.
Men kom man bara i lä så var det riktigt gott i solen.


Anonym sa...

You're looking GOOD, sweetie! :-) Have a PURRFECT time! :-) xoxo

Kitties Blue sa...

Those sure were some strong winds. Glad you didn't blow away. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giuletta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Brian's Home Blog sa...

Hold on tight pal!

Anonym sa...

OMC it's pawful windy der handsum. Hav a Pawsum day!!

Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses :)


Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

You are looking a bit windswept Kjelle.

Donna sa...

U are a handsome feller. :)

Katie Isabella sa...

Oh my goodness! Even in the strong strong winds you are SO handsome and your furs are superb!!

meowmeowmans sa...

Yikes! That's some wind, Kjelle! Hold on tight, sweet boy!

Just Mags sa...

We hope you were hanging on real good, that wind was really blowing your gorgeous furs. Hugs and nose kisses

Seville at Nerissa's Life sa...

It's lookin' like it's a little windy there. Be sure you don't blow away, okay? Okay.


Marty the Manx sa...

Windy kitty!

Gunilla, Simba och Tasse sa...

Härliga vårbilder på dig, man riktigt ser hur du njuter av livet :-)

LP sa...

Kjelle! You could be swept away by those strong winds! Luckily your Mama has a firm grip on your leash or you would be like a balloon in the air!! :P

the critters in the cottage xo

Anonym sa...

Oj vad det blåser om dig!
Kurrelisvansvift! ♥

Timmy Tomcat sa...

Wow! Jazzy
You are such the photo hog Kjelle
Such a handsome cat.

Timmy Tomcat sa...

Maybe more bluesy. We did not realize this was Cream...
Dad took notice

Linnsen sa...

Jamars vad det blåste i pälsen där. Jag misstänker att du fick ett hårt jobb med att få pälsen snygg igen!
