onsdag 20 augusti 2014

Ingen ordlös onsdag / Not a wordless wednesay

Ja ha jam , det blir ingen ordlös onsdag 
denna veckan heller :)
No wordless wednesday this week either :)

Det var meningen att jag idag skulle visat en massa kort 
från kattutställningen i Helsingborg som matte 
besökte i söndags.
Men det har liksom kommit en massa vatten emellan.
Vi har inte drabbats och inga av våra närmsta grannar heller , 
men många många andra har fått in decimetervis med 
vatten i sina lägenheter och hus 
och några av dom vet vi vem det är :(
It was ment that I should show you pictures 
from a Catshow that my mom-person visited 
this sunday , but it has come a lot 
of water in between.
We have not been affected and none 
of our nearest neighbors either , but 
many people have got lots of water inside their
apartments and houses and some of them 
we know :(

Så här ser det ut en bit ifrån vårat , inget av vattnet som ni ser
syns i normala fall.
This is how it looks a a short distance from my home , 
non of the water you see should be seen if 
it where normal conditions.

Den här bilden är från grannbyn och pilen visar vart 
en av vägarna in till byn går eller 
rättare jamat ska gå.
Det är samma på denna bilden att inget av vattnet ni ser 
ska normalt sett inte synas.
This picture is from a village a bit north
of my home and where 
the arrow is there should be a road into the village.
It´s the same with this picture that non of the water you see 
should be there.

Så vi hoppas att ni förstår att vi inte ville visa massa 
kuliga bilder idag , när så många är drabbade 
av översvämningen.
So we hope you understand that we didn´t feel like 
showing any fun pictures today when 
so many people are effected by the flood.

29 kommentarer:

Lone Star Cats sa...

Glad y'all didn't get flooded out.

Hjulia huller om buller sa...

Stackarsalla de drabbade. Vi har sett många läsliga bilder från övesvämningen, både utomhus och inomhus. Vattenskador är dyra skador och tar tid att åtgärda :(
Skönt att höra att ni inte är en av dem med vatten upp till knäna inomhus :)
Ni får visa de kuliga bilderna en annan gladare dag!

Kram till matte och nosgos från Amanda till dig, busfrö

Anonym sa...

Uch...Lider verkligen med de drabbade :(
Så vackert foto på dig fining/Nospuss<3

Sparkle sa...

How awful - I don't blame you for not feeling very upbeat today.

Donna sa...

I am sorry about the flood. I hope your friends and neighbors are all okay soon.


Fuzzy Tales sa...

Oh, the flooding looks terrible! We're sending purrs to All Beings who have been affected.

Hannah and Lucy sa...

It is awful when people have to leave their homes due to flooding. Many in the UK had to do this last winter and not all of them have been able to return to their homes yet due to so much damp still being in the bricks/stone. We hope they all your people get the help they need.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Swiss Cats sa...

Oh no, it's awful ! Lot of rain following a heatwave is terrible ! We're sorry for all beans who have been affected and need help ! Purrs

Aamor sa...

Vi har undrat hur ni klarat er och huset från allt detta regn och även om många drabbats är det skönt att ni inte gjort det. Det är hemskt som det kan bli.
Nu får det inte komma mer så att det kan sjunka undan.


Mariodacat sa...

Oh dear, that flooding is horrible. We feel bad for all the humans that have been affected by the flooding. Stay safe pal.

Dui och Deco sa...

Mycket vatten är det! Svårt att förstå och stackars alla drabbade! Nosbuffar

Katten Gustav sa...

Oj, oj, oj, så hemskt! Nog för att det öst ner här också, men allt har försvunnit ner i marken bara. Vi har översvämning i källaren varje år, men den här gången har vi sluppit. Stackars alla som har blivit drabbade!

LP sa...

It's sad when people have to leave their home due to natural disasters. We hope everyone who is affected by the flooding can go back to their daily lives soon, safely and quickly.

the critters in the cottage xo

da tabbies o trout towne sa...

kjelle....we understand complete lee N we hope all de peepulz N ther pets N de wild life iz oh kay...we noe how vizshuz flooding iz.....we bee troo lee sorree they hafta deel with thiz ♥♥♥♥♥

BeadedTail sa...

Oh noes, that's awful! We hope all the humans and animals stay safe! You and your mom and dad stay safe too!

Seville at Nerissa's Life sa...

That last picture... GORGEOUS! Next thing you know, you're gonna be gracin' the covers of magazines.

Nissy #Niss4Senate - tell the PM, today.

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

The flooding looks awful. So many floods everywhere since last winter and still continuing. I hope those affected can soon get back to normal.

Brian's Home Blog sa...

Purrs to everyone from all of us, that is so scary.

meowmeowmans sa...

That is so scary, Kjelle. WE are purring and praying that your family, and everyone else stays safe.


Anonym sa...

OMC Charlie, dat's pawful. Altho' weez vewy happy yous not been affected diwectly. Weez be purrayin' fur yous all.

Luv ya'


Vi i Kasperian sa...

Nästan ofattbart - att inget av allt vatten bilderna visar hör hemma där!!

Simba och Tasse sa...

Usch och fyjam, stackars alla som drabbats av allt detta vatten! Så hänsynsfullt av er att tänka på dem när du gjorde ditt blogginlägg <3
Hoppas vattnet snart torkar upp1

Marg sa...

Wow, that is such a lot of water. Sure hope that it goes away soon and that it doesn't come to your house. We have all our paws crossed for you. Take care.

Kattson sa...

En sån här dag är det inte läge för roliga bilder. Men vi hoppas de som drabbats för hjälp snart.

My Mind's Eye sa...

Kjelle that is just horrible...so much water and destruction. Seems this summer there have been places with too much water and rain and others that are dry with forest fires over here. I wish we could share the rain with them.
Hugs madi your bfff

Annie Bear sa...

That is a lot if water. I'm so sorry so many people's homes were affected. What a blessing that your home isn't affected! It's so sad to know that people have to leave their homes.

Katie Isabella sa...

I'm so sorry dear Charlie. That is terrible to see. I hope none were injured as well. Love and hugs to you and your family and all who were affected by the floorings. xox

Kitties Blue sa...

We hope that the water doesn't come any closer to your home. It is so scary. Stay dry and safe. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Clooney sa...

Purrs and prayers to those affected by the floods, we hope that your weather changes and that you will be safe.