tisdag 25 november 2014

Busat , hopplös matte och Fjäderkotletter / Played , hopeless mom-person and Birdies

Jag vet att jag skrev att min hopplösa matte 
skulle hjälpa mig att KATTentera ifatt i helgen.
Men eftersom hon är rymningsbenägen , 
så var hon inte mycket hemma *suck*
Får vara glad över att hon i alla fall 
har busat en massa med mig :)
I know I wrote that my mom-person would help me 
visit you all this weekend.
But since she is well known escapist , she 
wasn´t much home *sigh*
I have say to her defence that when she was home 
she played a lot with me :)

Nu får katterna på Trout Talkin Tabbies blunda , 
för nu kommer matte att visa bilder på en massa
fjäderkotletter som hon såg på 
Fjäderfä utställningen hon besökte i helgen :)
Now a warning to the Trout Talkin Tabbies !
Can you beleive that my mom-person visited a 
Poultry Exhibition this weekend ??!!
And that she took lot´s of pictures that 
she now is going to show you *shivers*

Den prisvinnande Kalkonen visade matte sin rumpa *fniss*
The price winning Turkey showed mom his bum *giggles*

Bevis på att Fjäderkotletter ÄR opålitliga !!
Proof that birdies are not to be trusted !!

Trevlig tisdag på er allihopa !
Wish you all a nice Tuesday !

29 kommentarer:

Cherry City Kitties sa...

Our mom and dad have been to these shows too AND they keep a house in the back yard with chick-hens in it. As long as they don't try to come in, we're ok with it!

Now mom person, get back to playing with Kjelle Bus! It is your most important job to be sure!

Hannah and Lucy sa...

Our Mum would just run for her life if she had to go inside there as she doesn't like feathers and beaks.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Marg sa...

Wow, those some might fancy chickens and ducks. Great pictures. You all have a great day.

The Island Cats sa...

Wow, those are some good looking birds. We hope the Trout Tabbies close their eyes when they see this!

It was nice that you got some play time too, Charlie!

Brian's Home Blog sa...

I'm glad you got some playtime in! Dang, those birds are pretty darn fancy!

Hannah and Lucy sa...

Wow look at those birdies - we wish Mum could cook us one for dinner!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Aamor sa...

Det viktigaste är ju som sagt att hon ägnade sig åt dig när hon var hemma.
Alltså den andra bilden på fjäderfäna, den med "krona" på huvudet liknar de Shih Tzu som ställs ut i bla USA, HIHI!


Hjulia huller om buller sa...

Den prisvinnande kalkonen klarar sig väl över Thankgiving - helgen på torsdag ;-)
(USAs största helgdag som är viktigare än jul för amerikaner)


Vi i Kasperian sa...

Sån tur att det är katter vi är, så vi slipper se ut så där som dom där med fjädrar!!!!
Fast matte säger att i synnerhet ett par tuppar var JÄTTESTILIGA! Pfui...!!!!
Maxi, Filip och Myse

Katten Gustav sa...

Prio ett är förstås att umgås med sin katt! Sedan förstår jag att hon var och kollade på all maten i rent studiesyfte? Du får väl se vad som ligger i din matskål framöver?

Dui och Deco sa...

Många stora fjäderkotletter var det!
Bra att matte ägnar sig åt det viktigaste i alla fall-Dig! Nosbuffar

Summer sa...

Wow, those are some gorgeous birds! Although when it comes to chickens, I have a saying: "It's not the outside the counts, but rather how the inside tastes!"

BeadedTail sa...

That's a lot of birds! Those Trout Talkin Tabbies are gonna flip!

pilch92 sa...

That tunnel looks like fun. Now I am going to feel guilty eating turkey on Thursday :(

Kitties Blue sa...

We cannot imagine why your human would want to visit all those birds, but there were some very interesting ones. We think they probably all taste better than they look, however. We are so happy that your human took some time out to play with you. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Kitties Blue sa...

We cannot imagine why your human would want to visit all those birds, but there were some very interesting ones. We think they probably all taste better than they look, however. We are so happy that your human took some time out to play with you. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Anonym sa...

OMC Charlie, sum of those chickens had HAIR!! They sure do look funny. And one of 'em had a big ole hump on it's but. MOL IT's always good when da hooman spends time wiff yous. Hav a pawsum day.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

Kitty Cat Chronicles sa...

That poultry exhibition looks like a meal in the making! Did your mom at least bring you back some good chicken, Charlie?

Anonym sa...

Ooh! Ooh! BIRDIES!!! (*chatters*) MOL ;)

Looks like you had a lot of fun playing with your mommy! :)

xx Roxy & Tigerlino <3

da tabbies o trout towne sa...


what de be jezuz.... ya noe, we said poultree exhibit....may bee kjelle's mom getted sum fotoz oh sum wee babee chciknz....dozen eggs ina crate ...how ta cook an omelet !!!!!



sew we seed, noe pun inn tended, number one, N we iz thinkin...cranbereez...hang in ther for kjelle....

than yur mom wented crazed ore sum thin dood... N we troo lee....we said,

thiz iza reel life horror mewvie happenin rite heer on kjelle's blog..

and R brainz went crazed, & R visionz wuz goin N we came thiz close ta loozin R minds....

N now we hafta go


Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

All those birds are sure to give the Tabbies nightmares! That second one has a fancy hairdo.

Cats Herd You sa...

You look like you were having a really good time in the tunnel.

Furries sa...

I think it's more important that your mom played with you than visited other kitties. All those beautiful birds are amazing. I wonder if they taste as good as they look. ;-)

meowmeowmans sa...

Well, we are glad to hear your Mom played with you lots, Kjelle. That is very important!

We hope the Trout Towne Tabbies don't see these pictures of the burdz! ;)


LP sa...

At least she is playing with you Kjelle! And that is a pawsome red tunnel...very festive! Our Mama likes chickens too! Your Mama takes wonderful photos..those chickens are beautiful!

the critters in the cottage xo

Cathy Keisha sa...

Whoa! I think I saw my Thanksgiving dinner!

Marty the Manx sa...

Kjelle Bus you look like you were having FUN! Those were some cool looking birds at the show!

Just Mags sa...

Don't tell the Tabbies at Trout Towne we said so but....those are some beautiful birds! Your mom did great getting all the pictures. Hugs and nose kisses

Clooney sa...

Very cool to see the bird pics, and we love your red tunnel, Charlie Rascal, glad you got lots of playtime! MOL @ Trout Towne comment!