onsdag 15 juli 2015

Ordlös onsdag / Wordless wednesday

Önskar er alla en trevlig onsdag :)
Wish all of you a nice wednesday :)

24 kommentarer:

Lone Star Cats sa...

Hope ya have a great Wednesday too!

Hjulia huller om buller sa...

Ha en mysig onsdag ni med :)


Summer sa...

Are you chewing on the stick end of a toy? That's one of my favorite things to do!

The Island Cats sa...

Keep chewing, Charlie Rascal! :)

Hannah and Lucy sa...

Are you waiting to be given a ride home?
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Alice sa...

Kattikopter och kattlimosin har vi åkt men vi har aldrig sett en kattskottkärra förut. *fnissjam*

pilch92 sa...

Cute photos, you are a busy kitty.

Aamor sa...

Rensar du tänderna Kjelle?
Ingen som vill köra runt med Gustav i rullebören, synd om honom, hihi!


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu sa...

You look like you are brushing your teeth in the first photo!

The Chans

Dui och Deco sa...

Det samma! Fina bilder! Nosbuffar

Brian's Home Blog sa...

You both have the extra cute showing today!

Photo Cache sa...

That's a nice ride you have Charlie.

Emma and Buster

BeadedTail sa...

You two are super cute! Happy Wednesday!

The Swiss Cats sa...

Have a great day ! Purrs

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

Lovely photos of both of you. My dad used to give Eric wheelbarrow rides. He used to jump in and wait. I didn't like it though.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren sa...

darling photos! We wish you a nice Wednesday too!

da tabbies o trout towne sa...

kjelle & gustav....happee wednezday two ewe both az well !! ♥♥♥

Unknown sa...

Yous is gorgeous!!! Mes coming by to kiss yous!

Donna sa...

I would like to sit in a box for swimming too. :)

Luv, Angel Keisha and Murphy the Poodle

Gunilla, Simba och Tasse sa...

Underbara sommarbilder som både katter och människor blir glada av :-) <3
Kramar och tassklappar

Deziz World sa...

Gawjus fotos. Have a pawsum day.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

meowmeowmans sa...

Both of you boys are looking extra handsome today, Kjelle and Gustav! :)

Hugs to you, and Mom and Dad, too!

Furries sa...

Looks like you're a very helpful gardener and your wheelbarrow is very clean.

Kitties Blue sa...

Hi Gustav. You are looking very handsome today. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo