tisdag 10 november 2015

Inget internet, Ingen TV , ingen telefon :( / No internet, No TV, no phone :(

Då var det dags igen *suck*
Så detta inlägg görs från mobilen.
Denna gången verkar det som om dom som ska gräva ner elen lyckades gräva av telefon ledningen.
Håll tassarna för att vi får tillbaka allt innan helgen! //

Here we go again *sigh*
So this post is made with the Android phone.
This time it seams that the company that put down the electricity in the ground, succeded to dig of the phone wires.
Please hold your paws crossed that we will get it back before the weekend !

15 kommentarer:

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren sa...

oh no that's awful!!!
Just try to look at it as God's way of giving you a break...

Katten Gustav sa...

Som isolerade på en öde ö...hoppas ni får kontakt med världen snart igen!

Deziz World sa...

Oh charlie weez so swry yous havin' da fone twubbles. Sendin' purrs.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

CATachresis sa...

Stoopid hoomans! We hope you get it back soon, Charlie! xxx

Alice sa...

Stackars er! Vi håller tassarna för att de löser det hela snabbt

da tabbies o trout towne sa...

kjelle....dood....sorree bout de "noe" stuffz.....de food serviss gurls place oh employ had no powers for like three dayz, but everee one still had ta go INTA werk....

go figure...like why.....

& ya never saw a kleener office coz no one could due any thing but kleen up files !! hope ya get yur powerz bak soon ~~~ ♥♥♥

Lone Star Cats sa...

Hope it comes back soon!

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

I hope you get your internet back soon before it drives your mum crazy!

pilch92 sa...

I hope you get your internet back soon.

A Tonl sa...

Oh NOES! Crossing our paws for you!

Brian's Home Blog sa...

All paws crossed Charlie, we are here waiting for you.

The Swiss Cats sa...

Poor Charlie ! We cross our paws that everything comes back to normal very soon ! Purrs

Noodle Cat sa...

We hope everything is back to normal very soon!
have a wonderful Wednesday...

Noodle and crew

Gunilla, Simba och Tasse sa...

Fyjam, så jobbigt för er! Vi håller tassar och tummar för att ledningarna blir lagade ögonaböj!
kramar och tassklappar

Hannah and Lucy sa...

We hope you get your internet back very soon.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx