måndag 7 mars 2016

Lite av varje ... / A little bit of this and that ...

Hej allihopa !
Som vanligt har/är matte upptagen med annat än 
att hjälpa mig att blogga och hälsa på bloggkompisar *suck*
Funderar allvarligt på att ge henne sparken !!
Någon som vet om någon mindre upptagen matte 
som kan ta sig an jobbet ??
Hi everybody !
As usual our mom-person is busy with other stuff
than help me with the blog and visit blogfriends *sigh*
I are seriously thinking on fire her !!
Anyone that knows a less busy mom-person 
that can take over the job ??

Galen hund på promenad i skogen :)
Crazy dog on a walk in the forrest :)

Givetvis så har hon varit på en konsert igen !!
Of course she has been on yet another concert !!

Conrad övar på sitt tålamod , något han kan behöva *fniss*
Patience training for Conrad.
That is something he really needs *giggles*

Så här glad blir man när man är hund och 
får ett nytt gummi ben :)
If you are a dog you are this happy when you get a 
new chew bone :)

Jag gjorde så klart en kvalitets kontroll av benet ,
innan han fick det :)
I did, of course, a quality check of the bone,

before he got it :)

och jag har fått två nya fjäder leksaker :)
and me got two new feather toy´s :)

Fått en KATTong också :)
Om ni undrar varför jag ser så sur ut ,
så är det för att husse säger att MIN KATTong ska slängas !!
I got a new box too :)
If you wonder why I look so grumpy in this picture , 
it´s because the dad-person say´s it´s going into the bin !!

Har utövat lite yoga , 
denna positionen kallar jag - Strike a pose :)
Have done some Yoga ,
this yoga position I call - Strike a pose :)

Var väldigt längesedan som vi var med på Athena´s
Caturday Art :(
Men här kommer ett litet konstverk :)
Was very many weeks ago we attended in Athena´s 
Caturday Art :(
But her comes a little piece of art :)

Glöm inte att besöka ...
Det är bara att klicka på bilden :)
Don´t forget to visit ...
Just click on the picture :)

Det var också längesedan vi var med på The Cat on my head´s Söndags Selfies :(
It has been to many weeks since we attended 
The Cat on my head´s Sunday Selfie´s too :(

Så denna veckan får ni en flamsig selfie från mig :)
So this week you get a silly selfie from me :)

och en ändå flamsigare från Conrad :)
and a even more silly one from Conrad :)

Glöm inte att besöka ...
Det är bara att klicka på bilden :)
Don´t forget to visit ...
Just click on the picture :)

Önskar er alla en trevlig vecka :)
Wish all of you a nice week :)

52 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Så underbara Foton ❤️
Åh,Darin han är ju sååå bra/Nospuss sötingar!

Hannah and Lucy sa...

I can't read your words as we are English.

Kattson sa...

Undra på att du är is så fin form när du utövar yoga också. Det visste jag inte, men borde ju anat. Väldigt bra rörelse du visar.

Photo Cache sa...

Charlie, you just got to live with busy moms. Same with us; just try to bitey a bit and that would get them going.

Emma and Buster

Hannah and Lucy sa...

Thank you so much for translating your blog into English for us - Mum can manage a few words of French from when she was at school but even some of those wprds she can't remember now!
Thank your Mom for us please.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Anonym sa...

Mee-you Charlie Rascal yur fotoss are so much fun! An yur ferst foto made LadyMum *swoon* with deelite! Shee sayss yur even more hansumm then mee....iss OK>>>I AGREE with her!
An yur silly selfie iss reelly good all so.
Conrad yur one bouncy doggie an mee wood luv to play toyss with you an do *zoomiesss* around yur place!! Have fun with yur new toyss mee furendss....
Mee wood offer you mee LadyMum BUTT shee iss STILL sick so shee not a good candy-date at all...
Wishin all of youss' a grate week.
Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

Katten Gustav sa...

Det är nog i princip omöjligt att få ordning på vidlyftiga mattar? Men du har uppfostrat henne väl när det gäller mat och leksaker i alla fall, alltid något! Och massor med fina bilder, som vanligt!

Dui och Deco sa...

De har en tendens att smita ibland våra tvåbeningar. Fina bilder på er ! Nosbuffar

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren sa...

Charlie there sure is a lot of fun going on there! Dakota would love to take a walk with crazy Conrad! That was nice of you to quality check his bone. Love your yoga pose! Love, Cody catchatwithcarenandcody

Aamor sa...

Snygga tungor på selfisarna, hihi!
Va? Menar du att din husse kastade din fina kattong? Oförskämt!
Tror nog att du har en jättebra matte, vet att du har det så byta inte ut henne, man vet vad man har men inte vad man får ;-)


Summer sa...

Dog toys are really weird looking things! And then our normal-looking boxes get tossed. So not fair!

Anonym sa...

Your Selfies and Artwork is fantastic again, Kjelle Bus and the environment is absolutely stunning! Pawkisses :) <3

da tabbies o trout towne sa...

dood...kjelle...whoa....look how big conrad iz now......him must bee 137 feetz tall !!!! good two see ewe bak thiz way; yur selfeez total lee rockz.... & we all R gonna practizz yur yoga poze !!! happee week a head two ewe all ♥♥♥

pilch92 sa...

Nice to see you cuties. You got it all covered- the art, the selfies :) Your Mom goes to lots of concerts. I would work for you, but my cats keep me busy.

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

Doesn't your dad know it is kitty law that no boxes should be thrown away? I like your yoga pose.

Lone Star Cats sa...

Nice yoga pose!

LP sa...

It looks as though everyone is happy! Conrad, do you have a favourite toy that keeps you busy when you are in the house ? We are looking for toys that are useful in helping to keep Wilhelmina occupied when she is inside. Let us know if you have any ideas. She loves her bones and chew toys but some times they give her an upset tummy so she can't have them for too long.

the critters in the cottage xo

Brian's Home Blog sa...

Those are great photos guys! Maybe you and Conrad need to put on a concert for your Mum!

Cats Herd You sa...

Busy humans are just something you have to live with. Everyone's humans get too busy to get out and visit blogs sometimes. As long as it means your human is spending more time with you, that's what really matters.

Anonym sa...

Hi Charlie! What great photos of you and Conrad....love your yoga pose - it's perfect! My Mom sent your Mom-person an email to let you know we're using one of her photos for our Teaser today!!! We had some that we hadn't used before. THANK YOUR MOM for us will you?

Love and Hugs, Sammy

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu sa...

We pretty much all have the same problem with busy people. We have to learn to make do!

The Chans

Ramblingon sa...

Oh beautiful beautiful gorgeous Charlie! KISSES!

Dash Kitten Crew sa...

Your selfie looks fun and made us smile. So did your running dog - wow such energy!!!

Furries sa...

You mom has been busy, but so have you and Conrad. Walks, training, new toys, a new box (I also hate it when my box gets put in the recycling bin), and silly selfies.

CATachresis sa...

Whats this about humans and boxes? They can't see an empty one, without throwing it away!! Madness! Good to see you and Conrad, Charlie xox

Laika sa...

Vores Matte kunne nu også gøre det bedre med vores blot :/

Gunilla, Simba och Tasse sa...

Full rulle som vanligt :-) Men fina bilder hinner ni i alla fall ta, det tackar vi för, alltid lika roligt att kolla på era bilder <3
Kramar och tassklappar

meowmeowmans sa...

Such wonderful photos, Kjelle and Conrad. Our parents get busy sometimes, too!

Juno sa...

Kejelle and Conrad, glad to see both of you are doing well. OMD, Conrad, your patience to keep the treats on your paw is impressive!

Momo & Pinot xo

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) sa...

Sadly, I don't think "less busy mom persons" exist :( Glad to catch up with you though!

Cathy Keisha sa...

Whoa! You got everyone one there! A week's worth of blog posts in one. Great to see you again and find out what you're up to. I work TW like a dog so she's not available for freelance work.

Noodle Cat sa...

Really great photos!
Have a wonderful week...

Noodle and crew

Vi i Kasperian sa...

Kjelle och Conrad, eran matte är i alla fall inte fullt lika kass som min (för hon är flera dagar sämre än er!!)

Tur att vi åtminstone ibland får tillfälle att tala om att vi fortfarande finns till!
Kasper med kattflock

Anonym sa...

Charlie, I haven't seen you for ages. I've missed you my friend. Your yoga is fantastic...no one understands how difficult yoga can be. Your new buddy is quite the Woofie. How do you like him? Bet he has a hard time getting on dad's lap....not like you Charlie.

Take care bud.


Deziz World sa...

You be lookin' so handsum Charlie. Me doesn't think there's any less busy mommy's on da planet, so ya' better keep da one ya' have. She's purretty good to you, even ifin she brought home a doggy. MOL Fanks fur yous support.

Luv ya'


Djurfamiljen sa...

Ska dom slänga din kartong? :-O

Anonym sa...

Älskade Kjelle och Charlie! Varför har ni varit tysta sedan den 7 mars? Saknar er. Hälsningar till er och er matte! Ulla

Katie Isabella sa...

I miss you dear Charlie. I hope all IS WELL.

Deb Barnes sa...

If you find someone to help your Mom be less busy, let us know! Our poor mom is terrible at blogging lately - she has no time at all anymore!

Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties

Juno sa...

Kjelle and Conrad! How are you? Hope all is well with you.

Momo & Pinot

Anonym sa...

*Saaaaknar .........
/Nospuss på Er!

Juno sa...

Hello Kjelle and Conrad, how have you been? I miss you!! Hope all is well with you and mom person! Have a great summer!!

Momo & Pinot xo

Unknown sa...

Thank you for translating it to English. I really like your blog!!

Unknown sa...

Beautiful images!!! I wish it was in English too

Anonym sa...

Miss U ...
/Jam & Kram ❤️

Unknown sa...

Very nice blog!!! Great pictures, Charlie. You all look so beautiful!!!!!!!

Unknown sa...

I hope this finds you and yours doing well. May we display your header on our new site directory? As it is now, the site title (linked back to your home page) is listed, and we think displaying the header will attract more attention. In any event, we hope you will come by and see what is going on at SiteHoundSniffs.com.

Linda sa...

Beautiful photos and art. :)

Katie Isabella sa...

I miss you darling Charlie.

The Florida Furkids sa...

We're just checking in to see how you are....we miss you.

The Florida Furkids

Colehaus Cats sa...

So good to see you in all your various poses, Kjelle Bus! We wish you a very Merry Christmas!

Unknown sa...

It's so nice of you to translate your blog into English so we can all enjoy it!!!!! Hope your mom will not be that busy in the future. Love all the pictures!!! You all look great:)