söndag 10 juni 2012

Slappesöndag / Easy Sunday

Idag regnar det katter och hundar här 

Så jag ligger och slappar i min transport-bur.

och drömmer om landet nånstans över Regnbågen :)

24 kommentarer:

Marg sa...

Too cute the raining of cats and dogs. It is doing the same thing here. Great place to take it easy Kjelle. Love the pictures. Take care.

Katie Isabella sa...

I couldn't get the translator to start so I will just say I love the cats and dogs raining picture and I ALWAYS love seeing you, you beautiful sweetheart. xox

The Florida Furkids sa...

Enjoy your EASY Sunday!!

The Florida Furkids and Lexi

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

It is raining cats and dogs here also. We have had several days of torrential rain and storm force winds. We are staying dry indoors and relaxing too.

Dui och Deco sa...

Slappedag med gos är det bästa man kan ägna sig åt när det är ruskväder. Nosbuff

Kattson sa...

Klokt beslut att stanna inne en sån här dag. Cool stil i transportburen!

cats of wildcat woods sa...

Cute cats raining pic! Our Snowballl is better but not taking his meds! We will have to get another kind in liquid. Thanks for purring for him

Mariodacat sa...

Hi Buddy - that video is hysterical. Love those musical cats singing Over The Rainbow. Enjoy the rain.

Mary, Fröken Tott och Adam sa...

Vi shoppade i grannstaden idag och trodde bestämt att vi också skulle få se massa katter och hundar komma ur himlen. Men blev bara ett kort på ovädret som aldrig bröt ut på bloggen.
Undra hur man kommer på en kattorgel?!:)

The Furries of Whisppy sa...

That's such a funny video! Hahaha.
We've not had rain for weeks now...we don't mind if you sent some over. ;)

Findus, Isak och Rasmus sa...

Stackare, ska det aldrig bli regn upphör? Vi har faktiskt haft riktigt hyfsat väder i helgen med altan-väder. Skulle gärna dela med oss till dig! Kurr och burr.

Unknown sa...

Wow, vilket roligt regn. ;-)
Kram o Tazz

Daisy sa...

The good thing about a rainy day is lounging about inside and relaxin'!

CATachresis sa...

That video is too weird!!!! lol

Yeh it’s been raining cats and dogs here too. Must be the same rain lol

Katnip Lounge sa...

We're amazed that you WILLINGLY go in the carrier!

snoopy@snoopysdogblog sa...

Hey Charlie Rascal,

Does it really rain Cats and Dogs?! I've never seen anything like that - in fact, I don't even see much regular rain here in California - today we just had, Sun, Sun and more Sun - it's great cos I get to play outside!! :)

I hope you had fun despite the weather buddy,

Your pal Snoopy :)

Unknown sa...

Sigh. It is raining cats and dogs here too! They is worried our river will floods! But we lives on the high side it is our neighbors we has to worry about.

Libra sa...

Det har kommit en massa blött här också.
Tråkigt! Men nu skiner solen.
Så nu blir det utomhus bus. Det bästa som finns!

simszanne sa...

Skönt att ha slappardagar ibland :)

Fr. Tom Fish sa...

Kjelle, this post was fantastic. First, the raining cats and dogs is great. Then, the cat organist cracked us up. We loved it!! How does the man keep a straight face?

Tom xx

meowmeowmans sa...

When it's raining like cats and dogs outside, the best place to be is INSIDE. Smart move, Kjelle! :)

Ellen Whyte sa...

You look so comfy in your carrier - not a Rascal at all :-)

Kattfamiljen sa...

Usch för allt regn som kommer hela tiden. Igår var de fint här men innan det har det regnat och idag har det regnat igen :-(
Men du är såå söt när du slappar i transportburen :-)


That video is HILARIOUS!!!!! OMC...it's giving me some scary ideas!!!
xo Katie