söndag 8 december 2013

Instagram Favorit Söndag

Tänk att det är söndag nu igen 
och den 2:a Advent och snart är 
det Jul !

Ho Ho Ho :)

Fast nu var det ju meningen att jag skulle 
visa några bilder från Instagram och inte årets Julkort.

Så här kommer några av bilderna från Instagram :)

Mina gosiga tassar 

Min gosiga mage :)

Äntligen en tillräckligt stor påse , 
som man får plats i :)

Vad är det för vitt på mina 
takfönster ?!

Bildbevis på att jag var ute i det otäcka vita en stund.
Blev INTE tvingad !!
Satt innanför dörren och jamade på min matte 
att vi visst skulle gå ut och titta :)

Kan ju tillägga att det vita snart är borta igen , eftersom 
regnet öser ner :(

Trevlig söndag 
2:a Advent på er allihopa !

40 kommentarer:

The Island Cats sa...

Those are great pictures of you, Charlie! You were very brave to go out in the white stuff.

Hannah and Lucy sa...

We hope you didn't get frozen toesies.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

meowmeowmans sa...

Kjelle, we always love your Instagram pictures. How brave of you to go outside in the snow. We prefer to stay inside where it is nice and warm. :)

Anonym sa...

Mysiga bilder på dig! Så tråkigt att det regnar!

The Furries of Whisppy sa...

A post filled with floofy squishy Kjelle Bus. Purrrrrrfect!

Julia Williams sa...

I love your toesies and tummy, but I can't believe you actually went out in the snow! My cats would never do that. Not even for a second!

Dui och Deco sa...

Du är gosig hela du! Nosbuffar

Kattson sa...

Fina bilder på en fin katt. Det blir nog snart barmark igen. Hoppas bara inte blåsten ställer till mer elände.

Aamor sa...

Hela du är mysig inte bara tassarna och magen ;-)
Modigt av dig att gå ut och kolla det vita men så är du ju en tuffing och man måste kolla!
Snön är borta hos oss också så nu är det bara blöt och mörkt igen.


Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) sa...

We love snow cats. Odin loves snow too. Stay warm Charlie!

Swami Zoe sa...

Ho ho ho! Stay warm in the snow! Me-Ommmmm

My Mind's Eye sa...

We just love you in you dressed at Santa cat!! OMCs you have walked in snow...do tell what does it feel like. I am inside only but it surely looks like fun
Hugs madi your bfff

Jans Funny Farm sa...

So you go out in the snow. Good to see you're safe in a harness.

Anonym sa...

Whoa! A cat that let a human dress him in a costume? What manner of witchcraft is this?

Sparkle sa...

I love your Instagram pics... but you will never see a photo of ME in the snow! Mainly because we don't get snow here, MOL!

Anonym sa...

Hey Charly, you are the cutest Santa cat ever!!! So sweet! :-) We love those pictures of you! You're such a beautiful little fellow! :-)

Hugs and kisses,
Roxy & Tigerlino

Cats Herd You sa...

What soft-looking toesies and tummy you have! We would never go outside in the snow, so you will have to tell us what it's like.

Alice sa...

Vad modig du är som vågar dig ut i det vita! Här har det nästan inte kommit någonting, det täcker inte ens marken.
Trevlig 2:a kattvent!

Annie Bear sa...

Love all these pictures of you. It snowed here today all day but I didn't go out in it.

Happy Advent!

Vi i Kasperian sa...

Så fina bilder, precis som vanligt alltså. :D
Du har nog världens goaste tassar!!
Menar du att det regnar hos dig!!
Här snöar det lite grann, matte önskar att allt vitt ska regna bort snabbt som bara den!!!
Vi vill inte ha isgata heller, bara barmark! Gröna jular gillar vi. :)

BeadedTail sa...

We were enjoying them all until the last one with you in the white stuff! That made our feets cold so we can only imagine how your's feel! Stay warm!

Donna sa...

Oh wow, does snow taste like ice cream?


Charlie, you make the BEST Santa EVER!!!
Katie & Waffles the elf

Unknown sa...

super cute! she will fit in that bag... eventually

Katnip Lounge sa...

What? No snowshoes?

simszanne sa...

Nu hittade vi dig på Instagram så vi kan följa dig där också :)

Mollie sa...

You have white stuff Wooohooooo. Love your photo's Charlie :) xxooxxx

Mollie and Alfie

Katie Isabella sa...

OH OH OH OH! Squishy paws and tummy? HEAVENLY! You in the snow...beautiful. xoxoxox

Anonym sa...

Wonderful photos. But I don't know about that Santa outfit....you're a very patient kitty to let your human put that on you! **giggle**

Mariodacat sa...

You are one brave dude to walk about on dat cold white stuff. We have white stuff too, but I tried it one year and promptly came back inside. ha ha - it was coooooooold!

KisseKatt sa...

Du är en riktig goskatt hela du!
Nosi Nosi KisseKatt

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

You make a cute Santa Kjelle! We don't often get snow, but when we do I used to like to go out in it too. Now I am older, I prefer to lie in front of the wood burner.

LP sa...

Bonjour Kjelle! You look adorable in your Santa suit sweetie! We have snow here too but it will also be gone soon since it is supposed to rain this week. Enjoy it while it lasts :)

the critters in the cottage xo

Sxanuxa sa...

Oh Santa Kjelle!
Will yous please bring my presents!!! Me was a purrrfect angel while Mommy was away....
Yes! Me was! Don't listen to Kozmo....

snoopy@snoopysdogblog sa...

You're just so photogenic buddy!! :)

Stay warm,

Your pal Snoopy :)

Seville at Nerissa's Life sa...

I LOVE that bag! I do love a good paper bag. Such fun, they are.


Kitties Blue sa...

Your snow was very pretty. What we have had this year never stuck to the ground. We had some bad ice, however. We don't like to walk in it. Seems you don't mind. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Clooney sa...

Dem toesies of yours is just fantastic! Great pictures.

A Tonl sa...

Well, google translate's being poopy again. :( But...SNOW??? Mowzers! And bags with cool STUFF in them? SCORE!

Unknown sa...

Underbara bilder och den i snön gillas. Tazz&Kram