tisdag 11 oktober 2011

Cats On Tuesday

and visit Gattina and her cat´s 

My mom has been on a vaccation in Krakow with her friend and my stand-in the stuffed Kjelle Bus.

Her is my stand-in on the airplane to Krakow

Here is my stand-in saying Na zdrowie !
Which means Cheers :)

My mom has taken a lot of photos , 
which you can see here  

The same day mom came home it was my 1:st Gotcha Day and my visitor number 10.000 clicked in to my blog :)
So it was 3 things to be happy about that day !

The weather has been real bad here in Sweden the past week = a lot of rain and wind :(
So I had mostly been snoozing in the bed :)
Have a pawsome tuesday efurrybody !!

20 kommentarer:

Smudge sa...

Very beautiful pictures!!

Hjulia huller om buller sa...

Hav a nice day to, Kjelle Bus!



Fuzzy Tales sa...

Happy Tuesday! Did your mom bring you back any presents or treats? Because that's the most important thing! ;-)

Ingrid sa...

Fortunately you pointed out that she took a lot of photos because it's just written under the beer, so I thought maybe she had a lot of beer too !
We also have awful weather rain and wind and the cats are laying around in the best places of course !

Katten Lisa sa...

Med en sån stand-in behöver du inte vara orolig för konkurrens i alla fall. Det är väl nästan en förolämpning mot dig att kalla honom för Kjelle Bus, även om det står 'stuffed' framför. Jama om onaturligt flin, och magen borde han söka för, det där ser inte normalt ut. Tacka vet jag den äkta Kjelle Bus! ;)

Johanna Gehrlein sa...

oh my, your catlooks so cute, sleeping in the bed. Congratulation for so many visitors. Wish you a happy time.
best greetings, Johanna

Irishcoda sa...

LOL, love the pictures of the stand-in and also of the very lovely cat. There's nothing like the real thing!

We love LUNA sa...

Bonjour sweet Kjelle!
wow your mammy had a fabulous trip, and she is very kind!Your friend from Krakow is funny!I bet do you like to play with him.
The weather here is awful as well...well, it's time for a nap!

CATachresis sa...

We've had the same wind and rain. It's a big cloud! Keep snug as a bug :)

Dui och Deco sa...

Vi är så imponerade av att du tassar på engelska, vad du kan! Underbara bilder.Nosbuff

Whisppy sa...

Looking very comfy under the blankie! Na zdrowie!

Jackie sa...

We - me, Rappy, and Jet - have been spending most of our time on mom and pops bed too, the weather here is horrid, wet and cold. Calli sleeps in a drawer under their bed, (it's my place really but she's pinched it, you know what these females are like.)

Mr Puddy sa...

Just love your last photo my friend : )
Happy Tuesday !

Boo-Bah AKA Iris sa...

Snoozing in rainy weather is always a good thing. Your stand in is cute but not nearly as cute as you!

Unknown sa...

Kjelle Bus I never get tired of seeing your beautiful face! And congratulations on 10,000 visits - you are one popular kitty =^..^=

GTnCo sa...

oh aren't you a gorgeous kitty!

Al sa...

you looked so cute in that red cover!

Ellen Whyte sa...

Hey, good stuff all round! Excellent.

Annie Bear sa...

Great photos! I'm glad your mom shared those! You look so cute staying cozy there, Kjelle.

Luxington sa...

Happy First Gotcha Day!!!