tisdag 18 oktober 2011

Cats On Tuesday

and visit Gattina and her cat´s

Hooray it´s tuesday and time for me to blog in english !!
So turn the translation off or it will be really wrong !!


Hallo , Mr Turtle !
Nice to meet you :)

Swiming in the ocean ;-)

Really mom , do you think that any of my furiends 
believe that I´m swiming in the ocean for real ??!!

The truth my furiends  is that , when mom came home 
today she had this fabric with her.
She thought it would be cool if it lookes like I´m swiming around 
in  in the ocean in my showcase on catshows.

What I think about the idea ??
Not one of mom´s most greatest ideas !!

Mom bought the fabric on a sale , it was 50% off.
Which woman can resist that ??

Mom wan´t me to tell you that she has become the new 
webmaster in the catclub Sydkatten that she is a member in.
She has promised that her new "job" will not interfere with my computertime and I have told her what will happen if it does !!

If any of you would be interested in 
looking at the catclubs website

There are no translationbutton on the page though :(
But if you click on the sentence =
Sydkatten har ny webmaster 
you can at least see a picture on my mom :)

23 kommentarer:

Ingrid sa...

Hahaha ! you really look like a terrorist !
I love the fabric it fits so well to your fur and swimming in a dry sea is wonderful for a cat ! at least you won't get wet !!

I got today ! It's also raining cats and dogs ! and I had an appointment with the hairdresser ! I choose the day, lol !

Cat-from-Sydney sa...

Kjelle Bus,
Your "ocean" looks pawesome. Unfortunately the fishies are not edible. Your mom is a true meowmy, must always think of feline children when shopping. purr...meow!

We love LUNA sa...

MOL silly Kjelle!
Hey, love your new friends turtles, they are really adorable and you look very comfortable there!
And don't forget my sweet friend..."Peace and love"okay!?

Whisppy sa...

You do look very adorable especially in the first photo.
If I were your Mommy, I would be very careful not to mess up your computer time!

Katten Lisa sa...

Puh, vilken tur att du inte hade ramlat i plurret på riktigt! Blev litet orolig där ett tag!
Men sååå fina bilder på dig! Som alltid!

Dui och Deco sa...

Du är alltid supercool.Nosbuff

Unknown sa...

No woman can resist 50% off, it's true! At least she bought you fabric with turtles and the ocean on it, it could have been worse... it could have had a DOG print!! =^..^=

Barbara sa...

You swim like a cat fish, and that's great fabric for your shows!

BeadedTail sa...

That's the best kind of ocean to be in since you don't have to get wet! We think the blue is pretty with your eyes too!

Johanna Gehrlein sa...

Hey my dear,
you look so wonderful with your blue eyes and the fabric ocean is the purrfect background for you. That animated photo kills me by laughing. Super!
Best greetings, Johanna

meowmeowmans sa...

You are the most handsome catfish we've ever seen, Kjelle! :)

Cindy Adkins sa...

Hee hee hee...this so funny! That looks like the ocean, but I know it's not! It's still raining here in Ohio...not so boring now, though, because my Mom lets me see all the posts on Cats on Tuesday! Glad my story made you laugh!
Buster Brown

CATachresis sa...

Oh I was going to make the catfish joke! Too late ....

I love the fabric though. Purrfect and the pic of your mom, Kjelle :~}

Annie Bear sa...

Love that print! I'd much rather be "swimming" in that fabric than in a real ocean!

It's a good think your mom listens to you, Kjelle!


Mr Puddy sa...

OMC !!! Look like you swim in the sea but you are not wet..tee..heh..That's brilliant idea : ) Have Fun !

Boo-Bah AKA Iris sa...

Oh my gosh, I can't quit laughing! I love the fabric and I think your Mom had a great idea to use it.
I think your Mom needs to try really hard to not take away from your computer time. :)

Ellen Whyte sa...

Love your new bed sheets and hope they don't get all shot up!

The Island Cats sa...

We think that fabric is pretty cool! We love the turtles on it!!

mooch sa...

Skulle absolut vara kul att se det tyget som utställningsburstyg. Ser fram emot det färdiga resultatet!

Smudge sa...

Wow! Drowning in a sea of comfy fabric! What a way to go!!!

Jackie sa...

That is a lovely fabric sea, nice to dive into and not get wet. Kjelle, you look so comfy nestled in the billows and playing with the fishes and turtle. Your momma obviously spoils you.

Daisy sa...

What a great underwater adventure! You could be a feline Jacques Cousteau!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte sa...

Scary!!! The terrorist I mean, not the fabric. Your ocean is better than the real thing unless you are a Van kitty.

Must remember to come on Tuesday.

One suggestion - Kjelle, maybe you can put a one sentence english translation heading for your post on other days.