tisdag 25 oktober 2011

Cats On Tuesday

Hooray , its tuesday

and time for
and visit Gattina and her cats !!
Please turn the translator off otherwise you can´t understand a thing.

This past weekend my mom was free from her work.
Do you think she and dad stayed at home with me ??!!
NOOOO , they ran away the WHOLE weekend :(
What they where doing on their trip ??
They looked at really old cars.
I guess that one wasn´t a big surprise and not a big surprise that my mom want´s to show some of them vintage cars either ;-)

Some of you have asked how on earth I got up here ??
I can tell you so much that I got a little help :)
How I got down ??
I jumped !!

Today it´s at last sunshine here in Sweden , so don´t ask me why mom has shut out the sun ??

Look it´s much better with the pull-down´s pulled-up :)

Do you see how loong whiskers I have ?!
Mom think´s that I should ask you if you see how gorgeus blue eye´s I have instead :)

Now you can take that flashbox away , mom !!!

Have a happy tuesday efurrybody 

25 kommentarer:

Ingrid sa...

You look really pretty with your huge blue eyes ! and balancing on the door isn't bad at all ! Humans sometimes have strange tastes, but the cars look good, especially the very old one. Even a cat could sit in there !

We love LUNA sa...

My sweet Kjelle,
You are so handsome in these pictures and you are very brave, such a fabulous climber!I'm proud of you my friend!
And thanks for sharing these great pictures.Mammy and I love those vintage precious cars!

Hjulia huller om buller sa...

Jättefina bilder både på dig och brummisarna!
Du har fina morrisar och vackra blåa ögon! Men det vet du nog, ditt charmtroll!!!



Skrutten och Skorpan sa...

Vilken lite busing du är. Nog för att vi undersöker det mesta men vi har aldrig varit uppe på en dörr. :) Söt är du också med dina blå ögon och långa morrhår.

Cindy Adkins sa...

Oh, you are so pretty with your blue eyes and long whiskers! Thanks for sharing the pics of the old cars - they're pretty, too!
Cindy, Buster, Rudy and Sam

Cat sa...

Kjelle your whiskers are fantastic and just as beautiful as your blue eyes!!! Your tummy in that first picture is pretty smashing too :-)

Annie Bear sa...

Beautiful face, dear Kjelle! Those cars were fun to see! I'm glad you got some sunshine!

Dui och Deco sa...

Underbara bilder! Vilka morrisa och vilka ögon!! Bilarna var rätt fina de med men de går inte att jämföra med dig.Nosbuff

Whisppy sa...

We KNEW you couldn't have gotten up the door on your own. Now Mom can stop calling us fat and saying how clever YOU are at being able to jump up that high.
You have BEAUTIFUL blue eyes AND lovely long whiskers!

Unknown sa...

oh Kjelle I always love your pictures, but that one of your blue eyes and whiskers is simply sublime... your mommy needs to frame it and hang it on the wall!! =^..^=

Ginger sa...

Oh, you are gorgeous with splendid blue eyes and lovely whiskers! Greetings from the United States South

Johanna Gehrlein sa...

Hej Kjelle,
who can understand those humans? They are somehow odd, aren't they? When my Mom saw your photo with the blue eyes and the long whiskers, she said: That cat is so beautiful, I could kiss that cat. I am angry, because she should rather kiss me! But I am impressed about your skills in balacing on the door. Your are really an impresive cat.
Best greetings Wiski

Katnip Lounge sa...

AHA! We wondered if you had a lift up to the door's top. We love your whiskers AND your handsome blue eyes--oh yes, and your TUMMY, too!

Photo Cache sa...

OUr mama sends you chin rubs and belly rubs and kisses. She says youre very cute. We both agree.

Emma and Buster

CATachresis sa...

Oooh! I think your whiskers are magnificent, Kjelle Bus. I can't imagine why your pawrents wanted to leave you to look at rusty old cars for a whole weekend!!!?? They must be crazy! :)))

Al sa...

You look sooo happy, especially when Mom is away! meowww! You jumped so high!

catsynth sa...

Looks like Kjelle is having a good time climbing around and posing for nice portraits.

Those classic cars are nice, too - works of art.

Mr Puddy sa...

OMC !!! I didn't know you can jump that high ! So cool !!!
and Kjelle, You are seriously Good Looking kitty !!!With those bootiful blue eyes , You can ask anything from my mommy : )

PS : My pawrents love photos of the antique cars...Awesome !

Cats of Wildcat Woods sa...

We love your very blue eyes and the cars!

BeadedTail sa...

We love that photo of your blue eyes and long whiskers! We can't see why your mom would rather look at cars than at you!

amanda sa...

Kjelle, you are just so gorgeous! purrs, Rio from Barcelona

Jackie sa...

Kjelle you have beautiful blue eyes.
Our mama was looking at vintage cars weekend before last too, she fell in love with a vintage cream coloured open top Bentley.

Geraldine sa...

How cute are these! Great photos. The cars are pretty swell too.

Happy Wed. G

And a headbonk from the Cheddar


meowmeowmans sa...

We love your whiskers AND your beautiful eyes, Kjelle! :)

That picture of you on the door is amazing!

Luxington sa...

Your blue eyes sure are gorgeous! Great whiskers too ;-)