tisdag 5 april 2011

Cats on Tuesday

I have been singing serenades the last couple of day´s/nights

Do I have to say that my 2-legged  hasn´t been appreciated that at all !
So now it´s  ..
to my furry balls say´s mom :(

My mom has apparently called the Vet today and made a reservation for me to get

next tuesday :(

Me and dad are very upset over that mom has made that decision without talking to us !!!

4 kommentarer:

Cats of Wildcat Woods sa...

Uh oh..snip snip but it is for the best. Hope all goes well.

Dui och Deco sa...

Lite tarvligt att du inte fått jama om det hela. Dock så går det fort och är inte så läskigt. Nosbuff

NoOne sa...


Ellen Whyte sa...

Well at least you can woo the ladies afterwards with no evil consequences!