tisdag 7 februari 2012

Cats On Tuesday

Yay ! Finally tuesday and time for me to blog in english.

Last week I missed Cats On Tuesday and it´s all my mom´s fault !
She worked 07:00-19:00 last tuesday and when she came home she was to tired  to even turn on the computer for me.

and visit Gattina and her cat´s
that hosts Cats On Tuesday

It has been really cold in all Sweden this past week.
Way up  north a place called Kvikkjokk had this winter
coldest temperature the other night with -43 Celsius.
Down in the southwest parts there I live we had "only" -19 Celsius the other night :)

So I haven´t been out on any walk´s lately 
it´s TOO cold for my toesies !!!

Instead I have been Sleeping in the bed

been playing in the bed :)

been sleeping on the couch

and been working to get my treats out of the UFO

 Wish you all a pawsome tuesday !

52 kommentarer:

Fuzzy Tales sa...

Brrrrr! We hope your temperatures warm up soon!

Sleeping is the best way to deal with winter, we think, and we love your sleeping pose on the couch. Ha!

Have a great week. :-)

Hjulia huller om buller sa...

Din sovställning i soffan är UNDERBAR!!!



LillaAquila sa...

Snö kristallerna var konstnärligt vackra! (du e jätte fin oxå kjelle!)
hoppas matte fått vila liyte inte lätt att jobba så hårt!


We love LUNA sa...

Dear Prince Kjelle,
First of all I need to say your new layout is wonderful and your header is adorable!
Oh poor mammy there, she works a lot!And we need be patient.
wow it's really cold there! So, stay warm ( you are sooo cute in these pictures ), take long and peaceful naps and we can play together in our dreams.
Ahhh and take good care of your mammy, I think all she wants after a long day at work, it's your company, stay by her side okay! Ahhhh and some rock music is cool as well! Good to relax! :)
purrs to you and hugs to your lovely mammy

Ingrid sa...

It seems to me that you are quiet active in this cold weather, lol !
your pictures are too funny !

Hannah and Lucy sa...

It's how cold? We would never get out of bed if it was that cold here!
Brrrrrrrr shiver, shiver - luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

You know I´m a swedish viking so I do go up from the bed even if it´s really cold :)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

I have to be active , because the floors are cold :)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Thank´s for the complements on my Valentine design !
Now my mommy is free from work almost 2 day´s = YAY !
So yes I will take good care of my mammy :)
Purrs to you lovely Luna and hugs to your lovely mammy

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Ja snökristaller dom är verkligen som riktiga konstverk !
Matte fick lite sovmorgon idag och det ska hon visst ha imorgon med :)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Min matte säger att ingen kan ligga i soffan och slappa som jag :)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Me too hope that the temperatures will rise soon !!!
Have a great week you too :)

Annie Bear sa...

Oh, only -19... I like the way you have your floofy tail to keep you warm, Kjelle. I love your Valentine design! Sorry your mom has to work so much. Mine does too.

I hope you got all the treats out!


Anonym sa...

Vad du är fin, Kjelle Bus och din sovställning i soffan är outstanding! *busvissling*

Callie (a.k.a. Trouble) sa...

Wow, and they are talking about our "cold" spell we are have here in Texas - it is all the way down in the 40's! I don't think we could handle your weather.

Dui och Deco sa...

Det har verkligen varit förskräckligt kallt. Har helt klart varit bäst att vara inne och mysa.Nosbuff

Aamor sa...

Varför gå ut när det är så kallt och man inte behöver. Bättre att prova på olika ställen att vila på, hihi!


Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Hi there !
Yes I´m very glad that I have my floofy tail to keep my nose warm :)
Thank´s for the compliment´s on my Valentine design :)
YES I got all my treats out moore than ones , my mom is nice and fills it again and again :)

CATachresis sa...

Very good idea, Kjelle. Those kind of temperatures are toesy frozy.


It's unseasonably warm here! We have NO snow. Kind of miss it! ...those toesies are quite possibly the cutest toesies EVER!!!!!
thanks for visiting us!
Katie & Glogirly

The Furries of Whisppy sa...

OMC. -43C! That is super BRRRRRRRR.
Even at -19C, that is REALLY cold. How do your humans handle such cold weather? Our weather, at it's "coldest" is perhaps around 25C.
Glad to know you are safe and warm indoors and enjoying yourself!

Luxington sa...

That UFO is pawesome! Good job keepin' your toesies warm :-)

Irishcoda sa...

Wishing you a warmer week and love looking at the pictures!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Tackar , tackar för KATTplimangerna :)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

You know we are vikings in Sweden so we can handle the weather ;-)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Mmm , det har verkligen varit "griskallt" som Svamhunden Sigge brukar säga :)
Så helt klart bäst att vara inne !!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Ibland är det allt bra skönt att vara innekatt ;-)

Bengal Business sa...

OMC MOL! What great pictures!! It izz still cold in Holland too! We loved that your blog was in English! Purrrs sweet friendzz Lars and Odin

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

I know ;-)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

We had unseasonably warm here too until 2 weeks ago , then the winter hit us. They say´s it´s the Russian winter.
Thank you so much for your compliment about my cute toesies !

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Me and my beans are so envy about your temperature !!!
We have friends that are in Thailand right now and they called earlier just to tell us that they are having over +30 Celsius.
Not the kind of call we wanted to have ;-)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

My UFO is really fun until it ran out of treats :)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Me too are wishing for a warmer week !
Thank´s for the compliments on my pictures :)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Thank´s for the compliments on my pictures :)
I try to blog in english every tuesday when Gattina are having Cats On Tuesday.
Because I know how weird Mr Google translater are sometimes :)
I try to change the words so he doesn´t mess up my posts but it´s not always working :(
Purrs , purrs

Unknown sa...

I like your photos, especially the one of you lying on your back on the couch. It should get down to about -10 overnight here, obviously a heatwave compared with your -43!

Daisy sa...

You sure know how to relax! I can't imagine weather that cold. I live in south Florida and if it gets below about 60 F, everyone here bundles all up!

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

We are nowhere as cold as you, but we don't like to go out when it is cold. We got down to -9 the other day which must feel quite mild to you. We are forecast to get much colder by the weekend.We love the picture of you sleeping on the couch.

Cathy Keisha sa...

All that snow is making me cold. Better stay inside and keep warm.

BeadedTail sa...

We're glad you are having so much fun inside when it's so cold outside!

Oui Oui sa...

Wow, that is really cold. We've been unusually mild here, about 4-10 C in the mornings. We think your temperatures are too cold for any toesies!

Photo Cache sa...

sweet fur kjelle, if we were you we'd just sleep the whole winter away :)

emma and buster

Cat-from-Sydney sa...

Kjelle Bus,
Google didn't allow me to comment on yours for a few days. Hoping today is a better day. Maybe you and your mammy wanna come on a vacation here? It's 33oC all year round, no snow or winter whatsoever. My Mama has gone goo goo gaa gaa over your toesies.... purrr....meow!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Yes you are having a heatwave ;-)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Yapp , I knoe how to relax for sure :)
Me and my mom and dad are so envie about your temperatures in Florida !!!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Don´t say it´s going to be colder to the weekend again ??
I hope that forecast doesn´t count in Sweden :)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

We don´t really have that much snow down south where I live. We just have about 4-5 inches. But we do have it cold , so YES I stay inside today too :)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Me too are glad for that :)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Yes we had very cold these past day´s , today it´s just -3 C = YAYY !!!
So maybe I can go out today ??

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Tehehe :)
Yap just like a bear ;-)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Bad , bad Mr Google that didin´t let you leave a comment :(
Glad he did now :)
YES me and mom LOVE to come and have a vacation over where you live , the temperature sounds GREAT !!!

Cindy Adkins sa...

Kjelle Bus, you pawed in so quiet, almost missed your comment!! Buster says thanks for not disturbing his meditations. We think your sleeping poses so cute and funny! MOL!! You have beautiful kitty photos in your blog banner, too!!
Lots of purrs,
Buster, Rudy and Sam

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Hi there !
Glad I didn´t disturb you in your meditation Buster :)