tisdag 9 april 2013

Cats On Tuesday ...

Yes , I know it has been a furry long time since I did a blogpost in english and I´m sorry for that since I know how bad Mr Google are translating my post´s.

So please turn OFF Mr Google Translater and enjoy today´s blogpost entirely in english !

Today´s blogpost is also participating in 
Cats On Tuesday that Gattina and her cats hosts.

I think most of you have understood that I have been on a Catshow in Norway in a town called Fredrikstad all weekend.

Our motel room was OK !
Me and mom had one bed each :)

The window was purrfect to snoopervise from 
and there was WI-FI so I could check my FB :)

The Catshow was in a huge Arena 
called Östfoldhallen.
We where about 480 cats on the Catshow per/day and it was 
the catclub Östfoldkatten that arranged it.

On the saturday I got 1 CAGPIB bow
                                      de Grand 
                                      de Beauté

After the show I was very tired and felt asleep as early as 21:00 :)

On the sunday I got 2 bows :)
1 CAGPIB and
1 from Norwegian Birman Friends 
The one from the NBV I got for I was EX 1 on the saturday.

My mom bought me a Mr King Rat 

and a new feather wand :)

When we got home my mom surprisingly took this 
BIG box out from the car.
I have NO idea how it got in the car ?!

Oh Oh it looks like this have to be assembled !

I better snoopervise help mom to assemble it :)

Ta da !
It´s a bunkbed de luxe = YAY :)

I think I start trying the top bed :)

and then I try the lower bed :)

Do you see me ??

As if bows and gift´s from Norway isn´t enough , 
I´m in the norwegian catmagazine called Aristocats :)

It´s my FB friend Humphrey Mjaus that have taken the pictures on the Aristocats magazine and kindly sent to me.
If he haven´t done that I would have no idea that I was in a norwegian catmagazine. 

I have to miaow ,
I LOVE Norway <3
Don´t forget to visit Gattina and her cats :)

34 kommentarer:

Sparkle sa...

Wow! I LOVE your bunk bed! And concatulations on getting in Aristocats! You are getting to be a very big celebkitty!

Seville at Nerissa's Life sa...

Whoa! Havin' you own bed at the hotel must have been pretty nice but... the new bed your mom brought out of the car? Well... It's fit for ROYALTY! purrs

Seville at Nerissa's Life sa...

Whoa! Havin' you own bed at the hotel must have been pretty nice but... the new bed your mom brought out of the car? Well... It's fit for ROYALTY! purrs

Alice sa...

Kattulerar till dem fina rosifetterna! Jamarns vilken fin säng du har fått! *avis*
Den där blåa fjädervippan såg också skojsig ut!

Fuzzy Tales sa...

Yes, wow! Congratulations on your success at the show and OMC, that cat bed is totally fabulous!

CATachresis sa...

WOW! That bed is amazing!!! So jealous mol. ConCats on your awards and getting in the cat mag. Awesome!!!! xox

BeadedTail sa...

Concats on your ribbons! We bet you were the most handsome Mancat there! We love your new bed too!

Annie Bear sa...

Your bunk bed is awesome, Kjelle. Congrats again on your ribbons and that is so great about the cat magazine!

Unknown sa...

Oh honey, you are so famous... congrats on your win of so many ribbons butb especially being features in a top magazine! Great Job! That bed is tops...and yes, we can see you! Miss Kitty says you are Famous Cat!!! XO

Unknown sa...

Oh Wow! What a busy boy yous been!
And me LOVES that bunk bed!

Ingrid sa...

Wow ! congratulations to your awards ! The bunk bed is terrific ! Have never seen such a royal bed for a kitty ! You probably will stay in there 24 h and only come out for food !

Cezar and Léia sa...

no doubts you are a Prince! :)
First of all, conCATulations! What a wonderful prize, you are very handsome and talented!I love your pictures, the hotel is very nice and I'm so happy because we also can be in touch using FB! :)
I love your new super bed!It's amazing!Your mammy must be very proud of you my sweet friend!
purrs and love
Luna - WE LOVE LUNA and mom Léia is also your huge fan, she is sending kisses to you and a big hug to your adorable mammy!

Linens and Royals sa...

You are a very beautiful and clever cat. You deserve to win ribbons and be featured in cat magazines. You also deserve to sleep in such a wonderful bed. My cat is envious of such a bed and has to make do by sleeping in my bed. I'm sure there are no such beds for sale here.
I am visiting from Gattina's blog.

Hannah and Lucy sa...

We love your bunk bed Kjelle - you can hide away in the bottom bunk and not answer your Mom if you don't feel like it.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Brian's Home Blog sa...

Congratulations my friend, we are all proud of you! That new bed is wonderful!!!

LP sa...

Congratulations on all the ribbons you won at the cat show Kjelle! Well done! It looks as though you had lots of fun and bought some nice gifts from Norawy too! We love your bunk bed-it is very glamorous! Have fun with it!! :)

the critters in the cottage xo

Hjulia huller om buller sa...

NU vet vi att du inte alls är lite bortskämd, utan MYCKET :)
Vilken lyxslaf....


Nosbuffar, fast vi ÄR avis ;-)

The Furries of Whisppy sa...

3 new ribbons! Well done, Kjelle Bus!
We really love your new bunk bed. It looks super comfy, upper bunk AND lower bunk!

Mollie sa...

You sure are King Charlie, that bunk bed is awesome, fantastic just the bed, now you can have furiends to stay, Basie me first on the list :) xx00xxx

Mollie and Alfie

Katie Isabella sa...

Charlie, first of all, a pleasure to see you in English today! It has been quite a while BUT even better are your absolutely stunningly gorgous pictures. Oh what a beauty you are!!!

Love the trip pictures and being able to see your honors from the cat show and you BUNKBED too! MOL MOL. May I visit and have the upper bunk? xoxoxoxo

Unknown sa...

Wowee! Your own bed at the hotel, a winning a rosette in the competition, and then a beautiful bed like that. Kizzie will be green with envy.

Anonym sa...

Waooo så fin säng,Kjelle Busis/Nospuss & Kram

Vi i Kasperian sa...

Tjusigare hundbädd har nog aldrig skådats. :)
Rasande finns rosifetter fick du också. Heja Norge... ;)

Cathy Keisha sa...

Concats on all the medals. You deserve them! I got the toys yesterday and will blog about them. Now that you're so famous, I may have to sell your pawtograph or auction it for charity. MOL!

Oui Oui sa...

Wow! Concats on your ribbons and pictures, but especially on your new bed! Your mom is really good to you, isn't she? You should be wearing the crown, not the rat.

Knatolee sa...

Sleeping beauty! Congratulations on your ribbons and fame. And I love your new bed!

The Island Cats sa...

Kjelle, congrats on all your ribbons! And your bed is the best! Definitely made for a champion like you!!

Clooney sa...

Oh wow, lots of exciting stuff going on with you Charlie Rascal! Congrats on your ribbons from the show and being in the magazine! We always love seeing your beautiful pictures. That new bunk bed of yours is fabulous! Have a wonderful week!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 sa...

You are so dashing!!

CCL Wendy sa...

Congratulations, Kjelle Bus! It doesn't take any blue ribbons for me to know how beautiful you are, though. All I have to do is look at you.

You sure did make out like a bandit with your king rat and a new double-decker bed!


Gunilla och Frasse sa...

Vilken händelserik vecka, Kjelle! Stort GRATTIS till dina utmärkelser, och till den FANTASTISKA sängen, har aldrig sett något så fin! Och ingång där nere också så man kan slappa i lugn och ro utan att bli störd. Jamarcool! :D
Kramar och tassklappar

Timmy Tomcat sa...

Golly Gee Whiskers Kjelle you are such a Celebrity! And you are my pal!
Oh My... I am Faint!
Whew... Let me get my paws on the ground.
Ah better...
Cool bed Dood! Your Mom is a really nice person fur-sure!

Anonym sa...

YEA!! Kjele Bus!! you are one rocking cat! Concats!! Paw pats, Savannah

wildcatwoods sa...

Concats to you and we love your bed! Thanks for the birthday wishes for Marg!

cats of wildcat woods