tisdag 3 december 2013

Cats On Tuesday

Today I´m blogging entirely on english.
I guess many of you will miaow = YAY !
Because now you will know for sure
what I have been up to last week :)

I was with my mom-person at her work and visited 
5 of her caretakers on the friday and NO 
I didn´t drive the car !!

It was very much appreciated by all 
we visited :)

I have NOT been in a Zoo all weekend !!
I have been in a petstore called Arken Zoo 
and celebrated Cats Day.
Arken Zoo 
is a franchising chain with petstores 
all over Sweden :)
I was in the petstore in Ängelholm 
with some other cat´s from the 

We cats sat in our exibitioncages 

So the customers could look at us 

and some of us even let them pet us  :)

I was of course on a walk in the store and checked 
out their assortment :)

I have just one question , 
WHERE is the Catbeer ??!!

Look look , this teleportation tunnel is
called Feline Cruiser. 
I wonder if that is a luxary model ?!

Had no idea that I have my own brand with treats :)

Looking at ......

James a very well-behaved Chow-Chow 

Mom and the other people from Sydkatten 
got all this stuff from RC from the Petstore 
as a thankyou for that we hade been there 
all weekend 

As if that wasn´t enough we got Catlitter 
and Catfood and cattreats as well :)

My mom-person bought some jummy RC stinky-goodnes 
and got a cute tincan to put the food in.
She also bought samplebags of Orijen and Eukanuba.

My mom-person also bought me a treatbag and PlaqueOff 

I liked the hay in the bag the best :)

HAPPY  TUESDAY to you all !

Don´t forget to visit Gattina and her Cat´s 
that host´s 

34 kommentarer:

The Florida Furkids sa...

It looks like you had a fun time at the Pet store and came home with a lot of pawsome stuff!!

The Florida Furkids

The Furries of Whisppy sa...

Hahaha! Thank goodness you blogged in English today. We were wondering why you visited the Zoo. :p
You got some really cool stuff from RC!

Marg sa...

Wow that looks like such a fun day Kjelle. Just look at all the good stuff you got to inspect. Hope those other kitties found a nice home. Take care.

Hannah and Lucy sa...

Do you like to sniff the hay or do you nibble it too?
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Ingrid sa...

You were lucky to be able to walk around instead of sitting in a cage with people staring at you ! I think my cats would get crazy, they would think they are at the vet, lol !

Gunilla, Simba och Tasse sa...

Du verkar ha en tass med i spelet vad som än händer Kjelle, jama om att leva ett aktivt liv :-)
Kul att du fick lite godis med dig hem också.
Kramar och tassklappar

Katten Gustav sa...

Det var kul att få hälsningar från dig, Kjelle! Jag beundrar enormt ditt tålamod att vara så länge i affären. Fast jag ser att det inte bara var tråkigt, du fick se mycket intressant också!

Laila and Angel Minchie sa...

We love that pet store! What really got our attention was the bin with all the nip nanners!

Unknown sa...

What a fun time you had, huh? Love the place! Thanks for sharing...You are so cute!
Miss Kitty

Fuzzy Tales sa...

Wow, you always have the best adventures, plus you got terrific food, etc. We're impressed!

Thanks for stopping by our blog. :-)

Aamor sa...

Wow vad du fick grejor! Kul att det uppskattades så när snyggingarna ville visa upp sig!
Visst är det kul att kolla runt i djuraffärer!


Alice sa...

Jamarns vad mycket spinnande du varit med om i helgen! Kul att ni fick med er både mat, sand, gottisar och leksaker hem! Matte blev riktigt avis på plåtburken.

Sparkle sa...

That looks like it was such a fun weekend for you and the other kitties! Plus you got to help your human with the shopping. No cat beer? I guess we kitties are stuck with catnip tea... which isn't all bad!

Sweet Purrfections sa...

What a great pet store. Lots of great things for kitties.

Purrfect Kitties sa...

Hey sweetie, seems like you had a really fun time! :-) We love that pet store! You were so lucky to be able to check out their assortment - especially the fish and the mice... ;-) Not to mention the treats!!! Wow, you must have felt like you're in paradise! And wow, you even have your own brand of treats! That's so cool! We're really impressed!!!

You're a really beautiful cat. We're looking forward to hearing more from you! :-)

Hugs and purrs,
Roxy & Tigerlino

Kitties Blue sa...

You definitely deserved a treat bag for working all weekend, Charlie. Were some of kitties up for adoption? There sure were a lot of pretty ones. Thanks for the tip about Cats on Tuesdays. We didn't know about it. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Mollie sa...

OMC OMC what a super pet store and all those beautiful Kitties, those kittens are too cute just like you xxooxxx

Mollie and Alfie

BeadedTail sa...

Wow! What a week! Looks like you did a lot and enjoyed it all! James is a pretty woofie and so were all those other kitties! Of course you're the most handsome Kjelle Bus!

CATachresis sa...

Well, you've been busy, Charlie. And to think you have your very own cat treats !!! I hope they are paying you!! mol xx

da tabbies o trout towne sa...

kjelle...waddya meen ya dinna get ta drive de car...yur mom iz knot a good sport huh !! :) hope ya getted ta sampull thoze fish ...uh, we meen glad ya getted ta see thoze fish at de pet store.....N yea, we wanna noe wear de cat beer iz two....happee twozday buddy !!

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

Looks like you had a very fun time there Kjelle, and you brought lots of good things back with you.

Annie Bear sa...

Oh my goodness! So much going on and yes, I think they stole your image to put on those treat bags. You're so gorgeous, it's no wonder. You had so much fun at that pet store with so many things to look at and check out, and you got all those treats and food!

Mariodacat sa...

You are simply amazing pal. M wonders how you seem so calm walking around in a pet store. M says I'd probably take off on her and be running around all over or get very scared and hide under a shelf. Hope you found the cat beer.

meowmeowmans sa...

That's so cool that you got to walk all around the pet store, Kjelle! WE like the picture of you trying out the cat condo. :)

Anonym sa...

Thank you for the post in English! I enjoyed it very much. Google translate never totally gets it right. It looks like your Mom really spoiled you with all of those goodies that she bought! You are a very lucky cat. Speaking of lucky - I nominated your blog for the Versatile Blogger Award. Stop my blog and pick it up any time! http://playfulkitty.wordpress.com/2013/12/03/the-versatile-blogger-award/

Jans Funny Farm sa...

We're disappointed you didn't drive the car. :)

Looks like you had a good week.

Katnip Lounge sa...

Charlie, you have the bravest spirit to go out and be so social! We would be envious, but we're scardycats, MOL!

Ingrid, hemmets journal sa...

Vi på kattsajten har sammanställt en länklista över Sveriges kattbloggare - och du är en av bloggarna vi har lagt till på listan! Du hittar länklistan här: http://www.hemmetsjournal.se/katt/Hem/Lankguide/. Länka gärna tillbaka till oss! Mvh Ingrid, Hemmets journal/kattsajten.

Anonym sa...

Oh Charlie what fun! I love all the photos - especially that little ginger kitten sticking his paws outside the cage....AND you trying to get that hay in the bag!! Looks like you had a really fun time.

Kitty Hugs, Sammy

Clooney sa...

What a great display you kitties made! Such a good-looking group! Glad you had a good outing and a happy Cat Day.


What a FUN adventure!!!
You're very brave in your harness, Charlie!
I'm still a little scared in the pet store so I usually ride in my stroller.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens sa...

wow, that was a busy day and you got lots of great stuff!

Timmy Tomcat sa...

What a grand adventure.
Purrs my pal
That is interesting as I have a furend with the same blog name here in the US

Unknown sa...

Härliga bilder från utställningen och allt gott som ni är snälla och ger bort.Tazz&Kram