tisdag 18 februari 2014

Cats On Tuesday

Tuesday means that I do my post entirely in english :)

I got some questions on my arty photo 
my mom-person helped me do for Athena´s 
Art Blog Hop.

She have a free photo editing program called PhotoScape 
on her PC.
If you wan´t it on your compooter ,
just Google the name :)

My mom-person first picked a photo and the choose among the *Filters and choose *pictorialisering and then *Colored Pencil and then Voilá :)

My mom-person said that I spoiled this photo ?!
Me I think my tongue is rather cute :)

Don´t forget to visit 
Cats On Tuesday :)

Happy Tuesday to you all !!


26 kommentarer:

Sparkle sa...

I think the tongue is what MAKES that photo!

The Florida Furkids sa...

We love your Art photo AND the one with your tongue out!!!

The Florida Furkids

The Island Cats sa...

What a cute picture of you and your tongue, Charlie!

The Furries of Whisppy sa...

We think that photo of you sticking your tongue out makes the photo all the more adorable!

Fozziemum sa...

Oh WE LOVE THE TONGUE :) and mums art work on her pic looks great :) have a week of sticking your tongue out sweet one :) hugs Fozziemum xx

Hannah and Lucy sa...

We think if you touch your nose with your tongue you should get double treats.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Marg sa...

We have to agree with Sparkle, that tongue is terrific. But so is the other picture. We might try that Program. Take care.

Anonym sa...

Vad du är snygg, Kjelle Bus! ♥

Ingrid sa...

Your little pink tongue is so cute, so you didn't spoil the photo at all !

Brian's Home Blog sa...

We love the tongue pic too Charlie!

Mollie sa...

I love your cute tongue. Will check that photoscape out :) Thanks Charlie xxoxxx

Mollie and Alfie

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren sa...

your tongue sticking out is my FAVORITE part of that photo!!! Also, you speak English better than I do!

da tabbies o trout towne sa...

dood...awesum foto edit stuff N we dont think ya could ever ruin a pick sure oh yur self...they all iz good...less ya take a pick sure oh yur self by sum.... BURDZ !!!

Anonym sa...

Lovely pitcure/Hug

A Tonl sa...

well of COURSE the tongue totally makes it! It's TacoTongueTuesday on Instagram, after all!!!

BeadedTail sa...

Your photo is super cute with your tongue out! Happy Tuesday to you!

Fuzzy Tales sa...

Oh, we love that art photo! Your mom did a great job with it. And of course seeing your tongue makes the second photo!

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

You couldn't spoil a photo with a cute tongue like that!

meowmeowmans sa...

That tongue picture is terrific, Kjelle! Love you, buddy!

Kitties Blue sa...

Thanks for telling us how you did the Caturday Art Photo 'cause we loves it. Mom will have to see if that program will work on the MAC. Your tongue made that photo PURRFECT in our opinion! Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Simba och Tasse sa...

Vilket roligt program, det blev ju som ett riktigt porträtt av dig, Kjelle! Och vi tror att tungbilden hade blivit jättefin också - lite modern konst över det hela :-)

Barbara sa...

Lovely arty pic - and you're always gorgeous sticking out tongue or not! Pepper stuck her tongue out at me this week too x

LP sa...

You could never ruin any photo Kjelle! You are too darn cute! We will ask our slow and dimwitted Mama to try that art program on one of our photos! Thanks for telling us about it :)

the critters in the cottage xo

CATachresis sa...

Well I for one don't think you need any photo enhancement, Charlie!!! But photoscape does look good fun, so will make mum go and check it out!! :)

Donna sa...

U is very cute in the pikshers. :)

Just Mags sa...

Oh, we love the picture of you with that cute, little, pink tongue sticking out. Hugs and nose kisses