tisdag 1 april 2014

Tass tisdag / Toesie Tuesday

Både tassar och fötter :)
Both paws and feet´s :)

Hmm , jag var säker på att jag hörde något under tunneln 
Hmm , I was pretty sure I heard something moving under my tunnel 

KATTattack !
CATattack !

Fångade dig , matte :)
I got you , mom :)

Trevlig tisdag på er allihopa !
Wish you all a furry nice tuesday !

Don´t forget to visit Gattina 
and her cats that host´s ...

33 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Naw...Sötis/Tass Tass pårej

Sparkle sa...

I wish our tunnel was big enough to sit up in!

Vi i Kasperian sa...

Åh, jag vill OCKSÅ ha en tunnel!!! Lyllos dej...

Ingrid sa...

What beautiful paws you have and the red tunnel fits very well to your fur, lol !

The Florida Furkids sa...

Happy Tuesday!!!!

The Florida Furkids

Hannah and Lucy sa...

There's no room in our tunnel to be able to sit up in. Mum we need a bigger tunnel can you get us one please.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Fuzzy Tales sa...

Your tunnel is great! Happy Tuesday to you!

CatInTheFridge sa...

Kjelle Bus, you are SO COOL - Crepes.

Katten Gustav sa...

Kjelle ständigt på språng, fångar byten dagen lång!!

Kattson sa...

VAd duktig du var som fångade matte. Hon var också duktig som fångade dig på bild.

Anonym sa...

Så söt du är! ♥

Aamor sa...

Så din matte försökte leka i din fina tunnel, hihi!
Bra att du kom på och tog henne!


Seville at Nerissa's Life sa...

Oops! Left my comment for this post on the wrong post. MOUSES!

Anywho... I just wanted to tell you that I love the picture of your paws with your peep's feet. I do. I really, really do!


da tabbies o trout towne sa...

dood...a happee twooz day two ewe az well, hope ya haza grate day in yur tunnel N hope ya get lotz oh toona N trout two day !! :)

Brian's Home Blog sa...

Happy fancy paws Tuesday Charlie!

Kitties Blue sa...

Wishing you the same. You looks so cute sitting inside your tunnel. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren sa...

absolutely love those photos!

Alice sa...

Söt-tassar! :)

BeadedTail sa...

Your feets are so cute! You have a pawesome tunnel!

Mariodacat sa...

I know I've said this at least a thousand times, but you are so cure. M said she just "melts" when she sees you.

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

I like your lovely big tunnel Kjelle.

Cats Herd You sa...

Great photos. Your toesies look very soft!

Donna sa...

I like the tunnel. :)

The Furries of Whisppy sa...

That's a fine looking tunnel, Kjelle Bus! The red goes really well with your furs too. :)

Mollie sa...

Has a wonderful Tuesday Charlie, pop over to plat twister with me :) xxoxx

Mollie and Alfie

Marg sa...

Those are some mighty good looking paws and feet too. That tunnel is really nice too. Nice and big. Hope you have a great day.

A Tonl sa...

We have GOT to get ourselves a TUNNEL!! We love the idea of CATattacking the MOMMY!

Timmy Tomcat sa...

You sure did get Mom good Kjelle! How is my favorite overseas kittah?
Yes I did wear that thing fur Mollie. Meow

Katie Isabella sa...

I snag MY mommy all the time from my tunnel. She never learns! xxoo

Marty the Manx sa...

Tunnel attack!

Just Mags sa...

You have a very nice tunnel...we love the color. Tunnel attacks are fun. Hugs and nose kisses


That's a cool tunnel!!! It's HUGE!!!
i bet I could lose Waffles in there!
...at least it's worth a try!
; ) Katie

Anonym sa...

I luvluvluv playing in my tunnels!! You do look very dashing in pink I must say