Aaaaaaaaahhhhh !

Nu vill min hopplösa matte visa en massa bilder igen !!
Denna gången är det på en massa bilar *suck*
Now want´s my hopelsess mom-person show
you a lot of pictures again !!
This time it´s on lots of cars *sigh´s*
Hon och husse var på
Power Start Of Summer Meet i Hässleholm i lördags.
My mom-person and dad-person was at
Power Start Of Summer Meet in Hässleholm
this past saturday.
Chevrolet Bel Air -57 , Chevrolet Impala -58 och
Chevrolet Impala -59
Samma bilar på rad :)
Same cars in a row :)
Där var till och med Änder som gick runt och tittade på bilar :)
There was even Duck´s walking around looking at cars :)
Dom sa till matte att det var en trevlig Bil-utställning ;-)
They said to my mom-person that they enjoyed the Car show ;-)
Om ni tycker att det bidde många bilder på bilar , så
ska ni veta att det var 4170 bilar på plats :)
If you think this was many picture´s on car´s , you shall
know that there was 4170 car´s on the Car show :)
Men jag förstår om ni somnat ;-)
But I do understand if you fell asleep ;-)
Trevlig tisdag på er allihopa !
Have a nice tuesday efurrybody !
35 kommentarer:
Mommy says: NICE FINS!!
she's weird...
Men de tog väl med sig de där fina fjäderkotletterna hem till dig?
The only things cars ever seem to do is take me to the vet! I don't care if they are vintage or whatever, cars have always done me wrong. I am ignoring my human's "Oooo's" and "Ahhhhs"!
Lillie tackar för de fina bilbilderna. Hon gillade framförallt de vackra 40-talarna! Vi somnade. ;)
Nosgos å gottisar
Cool looking cars!!! I'll bet your Mom Person had fun looking at them
The Florida Furkids
Gosh what a lot of gorgeous "rides" !!! My Dad's a big antique car fan so I get the fascination but honestly Charlie, I'd be like you....snoozing.
Hugs, Sammy
We don't like cars - they never take you anywhere nice and relaxing.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
We think that car show is missing something. Yep, it's missing a Handsome Mancat like you, Kjelle Bus!
Those sure were gorgeous cars! Our human grandpa was at an antique British car show recently (in his home city of Vancouver, BC) and he sent our human a lot of pics. They're worth a lot of $$$$$$$, those cars!
But we want to know why your mom didn't bring those ducks back for you to play with!
Bilar?? *gäääsp!* Den enda bil jag gillar är mattes, när hon äääääntligen kör in på tomten!
Fast hon tycker såna där tingestar är häftiga...
Stiliga bilar, inte tu jam om saken! Men stiligast av alla är katten på bilden överst i inlägget :-) <3
Thise cars sure are nice and maybe your Mom needs to buy you one!
That's a lot of cars for your mom to go see! Our mommy likes old Mustangs since they are close to her age!
Wow! That's a lot of CLASSIC cars!! The last time I've seen some of these kinds was when I was in high school ... umpteen years ago! These cars have been very well cared for, haven't they?
(I nearly forgot Grace & Company's blogoversary, too ... until comments started showing up in my email on an old post!! LOL!)
Our mom really enjoyed looking at those cool cars! Very classy!
En himla massa gamla fina bilar och du fick inte följa med och se dom!!!
Tur ändå att vi fick se några bilder på dig ;-)
Jam tyckte bilden med änderna var finast!
I have to say that even though I'm not a car person...I would have enjoyed that. I love those lights that look like lipsticks! Alice fell asleep until the duck pictures came up though. Glad your Mom-person had fun!
kjelle...4170 carz N yur mom N dad couldna even bring ONE home for ewe ta drive !!!!!
.... dood...thatz knot rite....tho neither iz rood quackerz showin up....
jack azz duckz.....
Oh Handsum Charlie those awe sum weally nice caws. What kinda caw wus dat wiff da piggy on da hood?? Hav a Pawsum Tuesday yous selff!!
Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses
That is a lot of cars. I would be like you and snooze though. I bet there were some nice comfy seats a kitty could curl up on.
Our mommy loves old cars and these are stunners. She cannot imagine so many in one place. It would take days to see all of them. She says, "Thanks for sharing!" XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Those cars are beautiful! :) So are the ducks, too.
Wait, we kinda wondered if the mom brought back the BIRDS for you...? *licks lips*
That's a whole lot of cars at the car show! We think it's great that even the ducks attended the show, too.
Det är klart att det är du som ska va i centrum! <3
Men oj, så mycket fina bilar din matte och husse har fotat, kanon fina. :D
Jag hoppas att din dag har varit bra, du ser ju för go ut på dom två bilderna. Felix och resten av gänget hälsar! <3 <3 :D
We know how your mom loves old muscle cars! Our mom's first car was a turquoise 1964 Plymouth Belvedere and we wouldn't be surprsed if there were some of them there. And it had a push button transmission too!
WOW! That's a huge display!! Nice wheels Charlie, but as far as I'm concerned, if you've seen one you've seen them all!! MOL
Jamarns vad brummisar! :O
Så många har jag aldrig sett.
Cool cars, Kjelle! We liked that flying pig hood ornament. :)
And we were glad this post included some pictures of you, too!
We will be certain to show these photos to our Daddyman! Thanks! Tell your Mama not to worry...our Mama is so far behind visiting since her fact, she is trying to catch up everywhere...but mostly at work... she feels old and tired and still behind on everything! Hope all is well with all of you :) We will catch up..slowly but surely! :)
the critters in the cottage xo
Tur att alla dom där bilarna inte får rum på min lilla gårdsplan... Skulle vara rädd hela tiden att nån av mina katter skulle bli överkörd...
Hi Charlie! Those cars are really neat. Mumsy says they used to have a few of them! She liked the cars, we liked the ducks. And all of us are happy to see your sweet face.
Those cars were okay but they would have looked a whole lot better if you had been sitting on them in all those pictures. Ducks were there so you should have been there too sweet Kjelle. Hugs and nose kisses
Oh My thanks fur sharing. Our Dad loved looking at all those great old cars. He really misses those days and even driving his little red convertible is not like that old 58 Caddy his Dad had.
Now we can nap Kjelle
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