tisdag 14 oktober 2014

Mag o Tass tisdag med Gustav och mig :) / Tummy and Toesie Tuesday with Gustav and me :)

Gustav visar nästan magen när han kaninsparkar 
på min mattes sko :)
Gustav is almost showing his tummy when he bunnykicks my 
mom-persons shoe :)

Som ni kan ana på den här bilden , 
så har Gustav VÄLDIGT vassa klor 
As you can see in this picture Gustav 
has VERY sharp claws :)

Mina tassar är bara stora och mjuka dom ;-)
My toesies are just big and soft ;-)

Trevlig tisdag på er allihopa !
Wish you all a nice tuesday !

31 kommentarer:

Katnip Lounge sa...

Yowza! He DOES have quite a set of talons!

::note to self--don't mess with Gustav!::

Ingrid sa...

Gustav you are such a handsome cat, even bunny kicking doesn't matter, lol !

Summer sa...

My claws are always very short and non-threatening. Darn it.

Anonym sa...

Tass Tass på ER finingar ♡ ...
/Jam & Kram

Lone Star Cats sa...

Impressive claws Gustav!

Alice sa...

Vilka sötingar, båda två! :)

Cats Herd You sa...

Very impressive claws, Gustav! We won't get him angry!

The Florida Furkids sa...

Whoa....pawsome claws Gustav!! We love your soft and fluffy paws too.
The Florida Furkids

The Swiss Cats sa...

Impressive claws, we've better not to mess with Gustav ! Purrs

Vanessa Morgan sa...

Very impressive claws, Gustav.

Hannah and Lucy sa...

Gustav your claws look so sharp like little razors. Have a great Tuesday.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Donna sa...

Wow, those are some cute toes!

BeadedTail sa...

Gustav does have big ole claws! We think both of you have cute toesies!

Kattson sa...

Fast Gustav kanske behövde lite vassa klor när han var i slagsmål, för det syns på öronen att han varit.

Dui och Deco sa...

Finingar! Nosbuffar

Anonym sa...

What a cutie! Enjoy your Tuesday!

A Tonl sa...

Good for him to show the humans he's such a vishus beastie! MOL!!

Aamor sa...

Gustavs tassar verkar säga "kom hit så ska ni få känna på mina klor" fast hans ansikte ser mer ut som kom och gosa med mig, hihi!
Dina ser ut som såna som min matte hade velat pussa på.


Vi i Kasperian sa...

Våra tassar och klor ser ut som Gustavs, det ser vi till alldeles själva. :)
Hans är väldigt fina, och det är minsann dina också. VÄLDIGT fina till och med! :)
/Maxi, Filip och Myse

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren sa...

the bunny kicking has me swooning!

Anonym sa...

Yous awe boff gawjus. Hav a pawsum day.

Luv ya'


da tabbies o trout towne sa...

happee twoz day two ewe kjelle & gustav..dont forget two day iz all ya can eat trout * toona twoozday...enjoy !! ~~~~~♥♥♥

CATachresis sa...

It is very difficult for me to allow The Staff to come and visit you as she always goes "SQUEEEEEEE" very loudly! *sigh* MOl

Furries sa...

You have to keep your claws sharp for going outside. I stay inside, so my claws are trimmed. I like your big furry toes.

Findus, Isak och Rasmus sa...

Två uppsättningar tjusiga tassar! Hihi, vi skulle vilja höra matte om Gustav mjölktrampade på hennes mage? Hon som klagar på Findus klor! Kurr och burr.

meowmeowmans sa...

How nice to see both you and Gustav, Kjelle!

You are right ... Gustav's nails look very sharp! How scary!

Katie Isabella sa...

Oh...toesies, feets and claws? Can't get any better. XXO Gustaf, you are VERY handsome.

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

Gustaf does have "no nonsense" claws.

Knatolee sa...

Gorgeous orange kitties!

LP sa...

Gustav looks like a bit of a ruffian (albeit a very cute one!) and you look like a pampered gentleman Kjelle! Both of you are very appealing in your own way though :)

the critters in the cottage xo

Kitties Blue sa...

Our mommy likes all kinds of toesies, and you both have very nice ones. Gustav looks a lot like our neighbor cat, Sparky. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo