tisdag 2 juni 2015

Tass Tisdag och lite annat / Toesie Tuesday with this and that

Eftersom regnet öser ner så tänker jag spendera 
denna tass tisdag i sängen :)
Since the rain is poring down I will spend this 
toesie tuesday in bed :)

Matte råkade på en björn i en butik som 
hon besökte i förra veckan.
Tack o jam så var den uppstoppad 
och INTE till salu :)
My mom-person ran into a bear in a store
she visited last week.
Thank COD it was both stuffed and NOT
for sale :)

En röd kotte som sitter på ...
A red spruce cone on ...

denna söta lilla Kottegran 
this cute little Acrocona Spruce

Underbart söta Tusenskönor som matte var ute 
och fotograferade i gräsmattan utanför hennes jobb igår
och som ni ser så hade vi mycket bättre väder då :)
Lovely Daisy´s that mom found outside her work yesterday
and as you can see we had much better weather yesterday :)

Önskar er alla en trevlig tisdag !
Wish you all a nice toesieday !

27 kommentarer:

Summer sa...

No rain here - I'll probably be sitting by the window today!

Katten Gustav sa...

Ja, fyjam, vilket trist väder det är idag! Både blåst och regn. Men jag, som slipper släpa på någon tvåbening där ute, har kunnat passa på att få litet gjort där ändå. Att ligga i sängen och vifta med tassen är inte så dumt det heller!

Kattson sa...

Vad klok du är som ägnar den här dagen åt vila. Snart kommer nog värmen och då får du annat att sysslan med!

Aamor sa...

Det är absolut skönast att hålla sig inne när det är blött väder!


Colehaus Cats sa...

It's raining here today too, Kjelle Bus, so we'll join you in a good nap.

Katie Isabella sa...

HappyToesie Tuesday Charlie Rascal! You handsome big you! And that bear! OH! MY! GOODNESS!!! The flowers are gorgeous! Your mom person finds some beauties to show us. As well as your beauty, that is.


Charlie we are purrin for rain. It has been so dry here and our green areas are getting brown. We think those flowers are very beautiful. YOU are certainly very handsome.

The Swiss Cats sa...

You're pawsome, Charlie ! Beautiful photo of daisies ! Purrs

da tabbies o trout towne sa...

dood...kjelle....we had rainz on caturday & sunday....N we did de eggs act same thing...we snoozed, napped, sleeped & catched 40 winx !! well, we eated R dinnerz two..... sisturr cuzin dai$y iz now raving bout how kewl de daisy flowerz iz ~~~~~ uz doodz like de spruce !!! ♥♥♥

pilch92 sa...

Good idea to stay in bed all day :) I am glad that bear was not real too.

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

Bed is the only place to be when it rains. It rained again here today but should be better tomorrow.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) sa...

It rained for 2 days here but now it's just cool and cloudy, which we are just fine with :) Hope you had a very restful day!

Brian's Home Blog sa...

Looking good Charlie!

Lone Star Cats sa...

Nappin sounds like a good plan to me.

BeadedTail sa...

We're getting lots of rain so we are taking extra naps too! The flowers are pretty! We loves your toesies!

Clooney sa...

Good for you to have a lazy day with the rain, sweet pic of you and pretty pic of the daisies!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren sa...

lovely photos and OMC A BEAR!!

Anonym sa...

Hi Charlie! Rainy days are good nappy days for sure.....love your Mom's photos - the bear is scary - we had a bear in our back yard once and I was NOT happy about it!

Hugs, Sammy

meowmeowmans sa...

That's a great idea, Kjelle. If it's raining, staying in bed is a good way to go. :)

Furries sa...

That's a beautiful photo of you. That little spruce tree is cute and it has so many vibrant colors.

Kitty Cat Chronicles sa...

Beautiful flowery photos, and an adorable one of you relaxing! Now... stay away from that bear!!!

CATachresis sa...

Happy Toesday to you too, Charlie!! That bear!! Oh My!!!!!

Cathy Keisha sa...

That bear looks scary. I’d rather look at you. I’m showing your Foto Frenzy choice tomorrow.

Donna sa...


Luv, Angel Keisha and Murphy the Poodle

Simba och Tasse sa...

Vilken fin bild på dig - du ser liksom djupsinnig och lite drömmande ut... Inte lika busig och spjuveraktig som annars - det bor en tänkare i dig Kjelle, sanna våra jam! :-)

Anonym sa...

We haven't had rain during the day for quite awhile now and I need a nap but am waiting for the bad weather. That bear would scare the cwap out of me...hope I never meet one. A pretend one in Cat Scout's would be ok though.

We loved the fresh looking daisy.


A Tonl sa...

We're FLOATING away over here - sooooo much rain, too!