söndag 16 augusti 2015

Söndags Selfie / Sunday Selfie

Om ni tycker jag ser lite skeptisk ut på dagens selfie 
så beror det på bilden under.
If you think I look a little skeptical on today's selfie
it depends on the image below.

Han heter Conrad och han är väldigt pipig 
och så har han lagt rabarber på min nya säng *suck*
His name is Conrad and he is very squeaky
and he have stolen MY new bed * sigh *

Jag kommer aldrig mer kunna använda den sängen , nu när han ligger och dreglar , rapar och fiser i den :(
I will never be able to use that bed again ,
now that he has drooled , burped and farted in it :(

Glöm inte att besöka ...
Don´t forget to visit ...

Trevlig söndag på er allihopa !
Have a nice sunday efurrybody !

36 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Naw...men söt är han allt hihi ♡ ...
/Nooospuss på Er Pst..Kjelle du först fniss

Fuzzy Tales sa...

You have a puppy now???!!!! OMC, we don't know what to think. Is he staying or are your humans taking care of him for someone?

If he's staying, your mom had better make this up to you, BIG TIME.

Thanks for stopping by, other than the puppy, we hope everyone is okay!

Purrs and peace.

Marg sa...

Oh Conrad, is so so cute. Hopefully maybe you will get a new bed Charlie. You have to train that puppy now to not mess with cats. Have fun with that puppy. Take care.

Vi i Kasperian sa...

Kjelle - säg inte att du har blivit med hund! I så fall är du bara att gratulera!!! Tror att Conrad skulle bli en lika bra öronrengörare och allmänt gosig som våran Kasper!
Hoppas att det är så det är!
/Myse, Filip och Maxi

Vi i Kasperian sa...

Ojojojoj - tror bestämt att vi och matten plötsligt bloggade under falskt namn!!!
Den där dansbloggen är ju inte alls vår, men matte är nära förbunden med den som har den. ::)
Så tokigt det kan bli! Kasper säga att det beror på att det var VI som bloggade och inte han!! Hrm...
Myse, Filip och Maxi

pilch92 sa...

He is cute, but not as cute as you and I think you need a new bed :)

Katie Isabella sa...

Oh Charlie...this is awful for you. Did your mom person get you another bed?

meowmeowmans sa...

Uh oh. You have a dog brother now, Kjelle? Maybe your Mom can get you a new bed, and place it high up (because dogs can't climb like us cats).


The Florida Furkids sa...

OMC dog cooties in your bed??? He is kind of cute though!!

The Florida Furkids

Hjulia huller om buller sa...

Men Kjelle då... Han ni blivit med en liten skällis???
Visst är han söt men behöver en stor dos kattvett från dig. Vad han får och INTE får göra ;-)



Charlie is Conrad staying like 'forever'?
Oh dear we are all sorry you lost your bead.
But your Selfie is great!

Happy Sunday Selfie
Annabelle, Boo, Ping and Mr Jinx

Aamor sa...

Har du skaffat dig en kompis eller du är vara hundvakt. Tror att du kommer att lägga dig där igen men kanske efter luftning eller till du van dig vid det, hihi!
Sötnos är han allt.


Brian's Home Blog sa...

Maybe he snuck into the wrong house Charlie!

Ingrid sa...

Do you have a new brother ? He looks so cute !

Kattson sa...

Meh,,, vem är nu den här Conrad? Hur kan matte tillåta att han tar DIN säng?

noodlecat sa...

What a cutie pie!
This could be interesting...

Noodle and crew

Summer sa...

Ewww! Your human needs to get you a new bed. Maybe TWO new beds!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren sa...

OMG he is sooooooooooooo cute!!
Are you going to live with a woofie now like I do?
Love, Cody

The Swiss Cats sa...

That puppy is super cute, but farting in your bed... Yuck ! We think that 1. you need a new bed, 2. you need to train that puppy not to mess with you 3. you'll be able to blame the dog ! Purrs

Furries sa...

I'm sorry your bed was stolen by the puppy. Conrad is cute and I"m sure you'll teach him how to behave around kitties. Hopefully you get a new bed soon.

Unknown sa...

Sigh, that's the way it is when yous gets new siblings! After Cinnamon sleeped in our Red Bed Kozmo and mes would not sleep in it, even after Mommy washed it and yous knows what, Jo Jo was not here then, and its been washed since and Jo Jo wont sleeps in it!
But Conrad is cute and mes thinks that yous and him will bes good furrends.

Deziz World sa...

Oh No Charlie. What is yous hooman finkin'? Yous lookin' handsum as ever. Have a blest day.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

Kitties Blue sa...

OMC...who is Conrad and whatever is he doing in your bed? Of all the nerve to have farted in it. Is he going to be a permanent resident? We will admit he's pretty cute. Let us know if he's staying. Thanks so much for being a faithful supporter of our blog hop and joining us for Astrid and Lisbeth's birthday hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

CATachresis sa...

Charlie, I think puppies can be quite rude .... AND BIG!!!

Unknown sa...

Is he your new brother? Puppies can be a pain but once they grow up we are much nicer! Love Dolly

Annie Bear sa...

Charlie, you have a very nice selfie. Conrad is cute. Is he a new family member?? Yes, you'll definitely need a new bed!

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

I have to admit he is cute, but to fart in your bed is unforgivable. I hope you get a brand new bed that he won't be able to steal.

Lone Star Cats sa...

Did ya gets a new puppy brofur??

Lola The Rescued Cat sa...

You deserve a new bed AND treats

The Island Cats sa...

Aw, Conrad is kinda cute. But he needs to get his own bed. ;)

BeadedTail sa...

Conrad is pretty darn cute but it's not right he took your bed and farted in it! Puppies can be stinky!

da tabbies o trout towne sa...

dood....uh......did yur mom purrson just bringz a dawg in two yur houz....sure he IZ cute N all, but...a DAWG...her coulda shoulda bringed in fish

~~~ waves ~~~~~~~ veree nice two meet ewe conrad !!♥♥♥

A Tonl sa...

*goggle-eyed look* Oh NOOOOOO!!!
We feel your pain, Charlie.

Donna sa...

Oh boy, u Mom and Dad adopt a puppeh? I hope u get new bed, and also, Conrad be good boy.

Luv, Angel Keisha and Murphy the Poodle

Timmy Tomcat sa...

MOL... Maybe there will be sharing of a sort but I think I would choose another bed too!

LP sa...

Kjelle, you can barter for a new bed (or two) now that you are the big brofur!! Heehee. It looks as though Conrad is there to stay! He is pretty darn adorable and we know you will love having a brofur. We love our woofies here :) Welcome to the world little Conrad. You found a wonderful family :)

the critters in the cottage xo