söndag 13 september 2015

Söndags Selfie / Sunday Selfie

På tok för gott gräs denna veckan för att lyckas ta 
en ordentlig selfie :)
Way to jummy grass to succeed with taking 
a good selfie this week :)

Conrad lyckades nästan med att ta en bra selfie , 
om det inte hade varit för allt det där gruset i hans nylle :)
Conrad almost got to take a good selfie,
if it had not been for all that gravel in his face :)

Glöm inte att besöka ...
Don´t forget to visit ...

Matte säger att ibland är livet allt bra gott att leva.
Givetvis har hon bilder att visa :)
Mum says that sometimes life is almost to good.
Of course, she has pictures to show :)

Att sitta på en sten en solig september dag och titta 
ut över havet.
Sitting on a rock by the sea on a sunny september day 
looking out over the ocean

Kvälls promenad i ett vackert naturreservat 
Evening walk in a beutiful Nature reserve

med en flock får som också ville följa med 
på promenaden :)
with a flock of sheep that wanted to come along 
on the walk :)

Titta ner i den spegelblanka sjön från bryggan och tro 
att man tittar upp i skyn.
Look down into the dead calm water in the  lake from the jetty
and believe you are looking up at the sky.

Med så mycket vackert som det finns
 på vår jord. Så förstår inte matte att det 
kan finnas så mycket krig och elände som det gör :(

Önskar er alla en FREDfull söndag !

With so much beauty to enjoy
on our world. My mom-person doesn´t understand 
how it can be so many wars and so much misery as it does :(

Wish all of you a PEACEful sunday !

35 kommentarer:

Photo Cache sa...

Your selfies are wonderful.

Emma and Buster

A Tonl sa...

What cool photos! You live in such a lovely part of the world!

A Tonl sa...

What lovely photos! You live in such a cool part of the world!

Summer sa...

Very true words!

Anonym sa...

Fantastiskt vackert & ni är för söta ♡ ...
/Nospuss på Er

Marg sa...

What great pictures. Conrad is so cute. So Charlie, are you and Conrad getting along all right???? You all sure live in a beautiful place. Have a great day.

Anonym sa...

Your Mom-person is right......how can the world be so beautiful when there is so much SAD all around. We hope one day EVERYONE will learn to enjoy what is right in front of all of us - if we just look! Your Mom's photos are super........

Love, Sammy

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

Lovely selfies of you and Conrad. Your mum's photos are beautiful. So many people do not appreciate what is all around them.

Alice sa...

Gräset se jamargott ut!
Fina bilder. Vi önskar er också en härlig söndag

The Island Cats sa...

We would love to nom some grass today. Great selfies!

meowmeowmans sa...

We always enjoy your Mom's pictures, Kjelle. Of course, we love the selfies of you and Conrad best of all. :)

Brian's Home Blog sa...

Those are sure wonderful selfies! Enjoy that grass Charlie!

Deb Barnes sa...

Oh goodness! We love that picture of Conrad! Precious! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties

Kattson sa...

Tänk om alla tvåbeningar gjorde som din matte - njöt av allt vacker på jorden istället för att kriga och bråka. Varför kan inte alla acceptera varandra?

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty sa...

Lovely photos! Sweden is a very beautiful place. So much natural beauty and clean air.

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie


Always love your photography!
Enjoyed your #selfies Conrad and Charlie
Happy Sunday
Annabelle,Boo,Ping, & Mr Jinx

Aamor sa...

Vi hundar lägger gärna nosen i blöt överallt och få då en del som fastnar på nosen, hihi!
De där maktgalna och elaka personerna som gör att det finns så mycket skit och krig i världen borde verkligen tänka om och göra som er matte, sätta sig ner och bara njuta för det måste väl ge mer tillfredställelse än att terrorisera och tortera!


Dui och Deco sa...

Fina selfies! Det är ju gott med gräs och så ska det väl synas när man har kul! Nosbuffar

The Daily Pip sa...

Lovely photos. My assistant says sitting by the ocean is one of the most wonderful things in the world!

Deziz World sa...

Aaaaaaaw Y'all look so cute. But yous still da mostest handsum. Have a blest day.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

The Swiss Cats sa...

Beautiful photos ! Mum would love to come and visit Scandinavia one time... And great selfies ! Purrs

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren sa...

your photos and selfies are just wonderful!

Anonym sa...

We love both of your selfies and the other photos your mom took. I think the goates wanted to make a Selfie too :D Pawkisses :) <3

Furries sa...

Beautiful selfies and nature pictures.

Lola The Rescued Cat sa...

Your photos are so peaceful.

CATachresis sa...

The pictures your mom person took are beautiful! And we agree with your sentiments entirely, your selfie is terrific!! xx

pilch92 sa...

You both look cute. Thank you for the kind words you wrote on my blog about the loss of my Lucy.

Noodle Cat sa...

Great photos!
Hope you had a super Sunday...

Noodle and crew

Ingrid sa...

Conrad's selfie is priceless !

Jans Funny Farm sa...

Yes, we don't understand about the wars either. That looks like a fun walk. Marcus said to tell Conrad the sand on his nose made the picture beautiful. Nothing like the color dirt. (According to Marcus)

Katie Isabella sa...

YOUR mom -person and MY mom-person are VERY very alike. We enjoy and are grateful for the beauty that surrounds us and we appreciate that we have it and take care of it as best we can. There are many things to consider and soon mom may make a blog on her own blog about the topic. xxooxx

Kitties Blue sa...

Our mom agrees with your mom that so much beauty should be able to counteract some of the atrocities and sadness in our world. Too bad it doesn't. Great selfies this week. Thanks for joining us again. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Vi i Kasperian sa...

Båda selfisarna är jättefina, och lite grus på nosen bara pryder sin plats!!
Så fina bilder matten tagit! Tror att Conrad drar ut henne på både en och två promenader nu och då. :D Det är så vi hundar gör.
Sen skyndar sig mattarna hem för att få gosa med sina katter. Det har jag allt sett!!

Donna sa...

Oh boy, grass is fun to sniff!

Luv, Angel Keisha and Murphy the Poodle

LP sa...

We love those little black sheep:) and all your Mama's photos as always :) The clouds in the lake are beautiful and truly peaceful.

We don't understand war and hatred or power struggles. Our Mama doesn't understand them either. Why choose destruction and hatred when beauty and love can be found everywhere and are ultimately a far more healthy choice?

the critters in the cottage xo