tisdag 6 oktober 2015

Idag för 5 år sedan .... / Today 5 years ago ....

Flyttade jag hem till min matte och husse :)
I moved in with my mom- and dad-person :)

Så låt oss börja PARTYYYYT !
So let the PARTYYYY begin !

Foton som togs 6 oktober 2010 , 
se så liten och oskyldig jag såg ut då *fniss*
Photos taken 6th october 2010 , 
just look how innocent I looked *MOL*

Tänkte ha ett kommentars Marathon där pengarna 
går till Kattfotens Katthem i Halmstad.
Ni får tills på torsdag på er att lämna kommentarer.
Matte hade tänkt sig att ge 5kr kommentaren 
upp till 250kr.
We are going to have a Commentathon and 
give the green papers to Catfoot Shelter in Halmstad.
You have until thursday to leave comments.

Hoppas ni har trevligt på PARTYYYT :)
Hope your having a grreat time at my PARTYYY :)

49 kommentarer:

Hjulia huller om buller sa...

Tänk så fort tiden går!
Du är lika gullig som då, men har fått mer värdighet och visdom sedan dess ;-)


katten Sven å company sa...

Ojojoj va' söt du var och är! Vi vill gärna komma å partaja. Måste bara lära oss att se skillnad på katt och hundgottisar men det kanske inte spelar så stor roll, hihihi

Lone Star Cats sa...

Happy Gotcha Day!

The Furries of Whisppy sa...

Happy 5th Gotcha Day, Kjelle Bus! We came to help your Mommy spend more $$$! MOL.

The Florida Furkids sa...

Happy 5th Gotcha Day. This is a fantastic party!!

The Florida Furkids

Gun Öhgren Åström sa...

Grattis finaste Kjelle.
Ha ett fint party

Nospuss från Nybytjejerna

Anonym sa...

❤️-ligt Grattis sötis ........
/Jam & Kram Annmi

Unknown sa...

Grattis på 5 års boendet ☺ Du måste ha bloggat nästan lika länge?

Summer sa...

Happy gotcha day! Enjoy!

Alice sa...

Vi putsar genast partypälsarna och kommer!
Jag har också bott hos matte i drygt 5 år nu, tänk vad tiden går fort när man har skojsigt :)

CATachresis sa...

Happy 5th Gotcha day Charlie!!! It only seems like yesterday, MOL What great noms! Thanks buddy! Here's to the next five, ten, fifteen .......... YAY!! xox

Fuzzy Tales sa...

Happy 5th Gotcha Day, Charlie! This is an amazing party! We hope you don't mind if we stay for the day; our human is busy with family who are visiting from far away (her dad and his wife).

So we're ready to have a great time! :-)

Purrs and peace,
Nicki and Derry

Anonym sa...

Charlie! Happy GOTCHA Day! We celebrated it at Cat Scouts this past Sunday too in your honor. What a great party with such delicious food and drinks.....you loved that big old rat toy of yours right from the start didn't you....I hope you got some new toys for your Gotcha Day.

Love, Sammy

Hannah and Lucy sa...

Have a Happy 5th Gotcha Day Kjelle Bus - the food looks terrific.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Marg sa...

A very Happy Gotcha day to to Charlie. That looks like some yummy food and some fun toys.You have a fine day.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties sa...

Happy Gotcha day!! Wow, what a great party!!

Alfons sa...

gjAtiS TeLLe öNkA AjFåNs!

Katten Enzo sa...

Kjelle! Kjelle! Kjelle! Du måste införa f r å g e s t u n d på din blogg, Kjelle! Jag har m å n g a frågor jag vill s t ä l l a !

Hannah and Lucy sa...

Happy, Happy 5th Gotcha Day Charlie - we hope you have a wonderful day.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Brian's Home Blog sa...

Happy Gotcha Day Charlie from all of us!!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

Happy Gotcha Day Kjelle! The food looks delish! Yeahhh Partyyy!!!

Katten Gustav sa...

Nu putsar jag morrisarna för fullt, stänker litet musdoft på mig och skyndar mig norrut...mmmm, ser verkligen fram emot ditt party! Och grattis till firandet av 5 år hos din familj!

Dui och Deco sa...

Vi är på väg! En dag väl värd att fira! Nosbuffar


A very very happy GOTCHA Charlie!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren sa...

Happy Happy 5th Gotcha Day Charlie!!
Wow what a great pawty!! Such delicious food! Yum!!!!
Wishing you the happiest day ever!!!

BeadedTail sa...

Happy 5th Gotcha Day! You've always been a cutie pie!

pilch92 sa...

Happy 5 year gotcha day!Very nice party. :)

Deziz World sa...

Happy 5ff Gotchaday Charlie. Weez fink yous still look innocent. Bu more purrtantly yous handsum so yous can get away wiff anyfin'. MOL Weez hope yous day is purrfect.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

da tabbies o trout towne sa...

kjelle...dood....we iz havin an AWESUM time at yur partee...manee thanx for invitin uz....best fishes, mice creem dishes & happee gotcha day wishes two ewe ♫♪♫♪♫ we think itz total lee awesum oh yur mom purrson two give two Catfoot Shelter ♥♥♥ hope yur day iz de BEST; heerz two another 5 & heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz & health ♥♥♥♥♥

Cleopawtra sa...

Happy Gotcha Day!!! Here's hoping for many, many, more to come.

Katie Isabella sa...

Oh you hands utterly adorable and purrfect mancat! Congratulations on your Gotcha Day! And what a PAWTY! I love the mice cream and the delicious foods and treats you have for us. Thank you for inviting me! And seeing you with that huge rat tail in your little mouth so long ago made mommy squeeze for how adorable you were and still are. xxxoooxx Kisses EVERY day dear Charlie.

Fozziemum sa...

Oh Charlie Happy belated Gotcha day sweetie...what an innocent indeed hahahhahah well..still look like trouble a lit bit :) have a super day and pawty hardy as we say..loves Fozziemum xxx

Kitty Cat Chronicles sa...

Woohoo! Happy Gotcha Day, Charlie!!! We hope it's the best yet!!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) sa...

We are here to help you celebrate your Happy Happy 5th Gotcha Day!

Katten Mimmi sa...

Ja men då måste jag ju kommentera!
Vi firade också igår, men bara 8 månader tillsammans.
Om 5 år kanske jag är en helt trygg och gosig katt, vem vet?
Jag kommer i alla fall fortsätta busa.
Och det hoppas jag att du också gör!
Stort GRATTIS snygging!

Vi i Kasperian sa...

Tack för senast, det var så himla kul att träffa allihop. Kasper var särskilt glad att få hälsa på Conrad, fast vi katter håll oss mest till alla katterna.
Festligt och fantastiskt gottigt var alltihop! Bästa partyt, appselutt! :D
Matte, so ju var våran chaufför, tackar särskilt för gottiset i Twist-påsen. :)
Och nu, nu har ju nästa femårsperiod startat. Tror den också blir helt fantastiskt!
Myse, Filip, Maxi, Kasper

Timmy Tomcat sa...

Yay dear friend Kjelle we are so honored to be here at your GotCha Day! Wheee lets pawty!
Timmy and the Crew

Laila and Angel Minchie sa...

A most Happy 5th Gotcha Day, Charlie!

meowmeowmans sa...

Sorry we are late, Kjelle! Happy Gotcha Day, dear boy. We are so glad you were gotcha'd into such a loving forever family. :)


Noodle Cat sa...

Happy Gotcha Day Charlie!

Noodle and crew

Cathy Keisha sa...

Happy Gotcha Day Charlie Rascal! Hope there are many more to come and many more pawties.

Photo Cache sa...

Happy happy Gotcha Day!!!!!

Emma and Buster

Furries sa...

Happy 5th Gotcha Day Charlie! I love your party roar photo.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu sa...

We're sorry to be so late. A belated Happy Gotcha Day, Charlie!

The Chans

Simba och Tasse sa...

Åh, så tråkigt att vi missade jättepartyt!! Men vi jamar HURRJAM och grattis i eftertass, och hoppas att vår kommentar ändå räknas :-)

Kattson sa...

Vilka fina år du bjudit matte och husse på!

Anonym sa...

Charlie....I love the picture of you with the rat's tail in your mouth....funny!
Happy, happy Gotcha Day my friend. Have fun. We sured loved the goodies you put out for everyone. The stixs were especially delectable.



Kitties Blue sa...

We are so super sorry to be late to the party. It looks as if you had a really great time, and what a good cause for your commentathon. We love the photos of you with that super big mousey. We may be late but our good wishes are no less sincere. Happy Gotcha Day, Charlie Rascal. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

A Tonl sa...

Dood !!!! Celebration time and we MISSED it?!?! *throws confetti* Happy GOTCHA Day!