tisdag 27 september 2011

Cats On Tuesday

Hooray ! it´s tuesday and time 
for me to blog in english :)
So please do NOT use Mr Google translation on this post !!!
It will be a real disaster to read then :(

that arrange this meme :)

Since last tuesday here has happend a lot of things :)

Last wednesday I received a blogaward 
I´m very happy for the award :)

Last thursday I competed in 
Cat Vs. Dogs with this photo
 Do I have to say that i crushed that poor little doggie, with 1175 votes against the cute little doggies 629 votes :)

Last friday my mom was working double = first the morning and then the evening too and dad he ran away to visit friends.
So I was left all alone :(
Lucky me I was invited to a boy´s night with Max and Måns and there dad :)
We ate Cod and Catsticks and Cheese Doodles and watched the movie The Lion King.
We had a really good time !!

On the saturday my mom was working too and when she came home they (mom and dad) started to pack their overnightbags and then they where gone again :(
Apparently they where at a BIG party with a lot of good food and drinks and cake.
They sleept at a hotell over the night and when they came home on the sunday afternoon they where all worn out ??!!
Don´t ask me why ??!!
(Mom´s parents was over to feed and cuddle me so I wasn´t left all alone :)

and I´ve got my mousie to play with 

I guess mom had some guilty feelings
when she and dad came home ??
Cause she took me out for a nice evening walk :)

 I looked at one of our neighbors cows , 
he sure have longer fur than me ;-)

 Sitting in the sun :)

Mom want´s to show the Toadstoll again and 
tell you that it is a real one !!!
She took this photo right after a rainfall , 
therefore it´s so red and  shiny.

Yesterday I snoozed until 12:00.
It was berry nice :) 
Mom had to go up 06:00 when her alarmclock went of , 
I wasn´t feeling sorry for her at all ;-)

Happy tuesday efurrybody !

21 kommentarer:

Cat Mandu sa...

Hi, Cutie!
I especially like the photo "Sitting in the Sun". I think it brings out the loveliness of your furs!

What a nice mouse! I've never seen one that big!

Fuzzy Tales sa...

OMC, we thought that was a ceramic toadstool! Seriously! We didn't even know real ones could look like that--we thought they just looked like that in children's stories and movies. DUH.

Well, you've had a very busy week, but what is with your human parents, always taking off and leaving you? Gees...You need to train them better to stay home! Or get new servants! ;-)

Unknown sa...

I haven't used the google translater.
I have read all by my self.
I think my Liga is going to write in english one day to.
Is it okej for you ?
But, dont laugh.
Our mom isn't good at all in speking english.
paw and hug

Whisppy sa...

Wake up at 6am! By golly. Serves your Mummy right, though, for leaving you alone over the weekend.
Hey! We want to go for walks too. We're going to have to bug Mummy to get us a harness too. Our Mummy worries we'll escape from the harness and get mowed down by a car or get ourselves lost. Sheesh.

Love, Cosmo and Ling

Dui och Deco sa...

Du får ju till det så bra när du jamar på engelska "imponerade" Nosbuff

Klosterkatterna sa...

Oj, en så vacker flugsvamp ni har hittat - rena konstverket! Och fotot på dig när du har fångat musebusen i svansen bara älskar vi... så vi är inte ett dugg förvånade att du fick så många röster med den bilden. Grattis!

Tass från Imma och de andra klosterkatterna.

Ingrid sa...

Your picture with that big mouse tail in your mouth is priceless ! Of course your Mom had to take you out because they dared to leave you alone. The advantage with my cats is, they never take ME out, they always want to go alone and then I would have difficutlies to go with them through the cat flap.

CATachresis sa...

Kjelle, you write English a lot better than Google you'll be very pleased to know (and not surprised! :)

Jackie sa...

That is a nice mouse you have Kjelle, come over and see the BIG one our mama made for us, it's really a 'scratching mouse' we can clean our claws on it, but we pretend to kill it sometimes just to make mama laugh.

That big furry cow is a Highland cow, our papa likes them, he has a toy one...!

meowmeowmans sa...

Such a busy week, Kjelle! We really loved the picture of you sitting in the sun. :)

That toadstool is amazing! We've never seen one like that before!

Luxington sa...

Looks like you've been having a great time! And you sure are good lookin!

Smudge sa...

That toadstool looks like candy! (to my dad) Nice napping photo, too.

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

You look very pleased to be sitting in the sun. We have never seen a toadstool like that before. Ours are all boring and white or brown.

Annie Bear sa...

Congrats on your award and congrats on winning with that cute picture!

You've had quite a week! Mama is going to show Papa your mousie toy set-up to see if he'll set something like that up here for Annie, who's still young enough that she wants to play a lot. I never would've thought that toadstool was real! Wow!

I love the shots of you in the sun!


Photo Cache sa...

In our experience, grandmas are the best when it comes to spoiling kitties rotten. They also give superb hugs.

Emma and Buster

The Florida Furkids sa...

You've been busy (and so have your Mom and Dad) so we know you needed to sleep so late!!

That toadstool is amazing!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Cat-from-Sydney sa...

Hmmm....am reading this on a Wednesday, Kjelle. What a busy feline you are. purrr....meow!

Daisy sa...

What a busy week you have had! And congratulations on defeating the doggie in the contest.

I never saw a toadstool like that! Ours are brown and white and boring.

amanda sa...

wow, you have had quite an eventful week! Firstly, congrats on your blogaward! yummy, Cod and catsticks sounds yummy, must try that! Oh, I must tell my mummy and daddy to take me out for a walk one day on a leach like you ... but we live in the big city so that is why I am not allowed outside...purrs, Rio from Barcelona

NoOne sa...

"Sitting in the sun" is Lovely...

Angel MoMo and Charlotte sa...

Not sure you got my comment. It just disappeared as soon as I hit the "Skicka kommentar" button.

Just admiring your handsome self luxuriating in the sun and that pawsome toadstool.

Note to self - must come every Tuesday since it is your English blogging day.