tisdag 14 januari 2014

All kinds of Tuesday

Today´s blogpost will be entirely in english , 
so turn Mr Google off !

First we have Toesie Tuesday :)

Then we have the Time Warp Tuesday 
a new Bloghop that Mollie and Alfie
and Easy come up with.

Me and Mr Rat in october 2010

Me and Mr Rat in november 2013 

and then we have Cats On Tuesday 

Last week I got a box full of Stinky Goodnes 
and 3 balls and 2 mousies.
There was a sale on the internet animalstore 
and my Mom-person never can say no to a good bargain :)

The balls flashes when you bounce them :)

As you maybe know I´m a member in the
Catscouts .
We have a lot of FUN together :)
To bad my mom-person alway´s 
turn off the computer when she goes to work , 
wich she does to often if you ask me !!

My furriend Gracie have made a vest for me 
with all my badges.
Isn´t that cool ?!

She also have made me a new profile photo 
with both of my ears and badges :)

Thank you sooo much Gracie !!

Wish you all a HAPPY Tuesday :)

43 kommentarer:

Cats Herd You sa...

We can't resist your beautiful toes. Look at how long your toe fur is!

The Florida Furkids sa...

Lots of good things in this post....adorable toesies, good packages and, of course, your pawsome Scout vest!!! Yes, Gracie is super, isn't she?

The Florida Furkids

The Island Cats sa...

That ball that lights up looks like a lot of fun, Charlie! Give it a whap from us!

Hannah and Lucy sa...

You have the floofiest toes and you have earned so many scout badges too.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Cherry City Kitties sa...

We love to see your new scout picture. You have been working hard to get all those badges. We have to say that since 2010, Mr. Rat is definitely showing his age, while you get more and more handsome! Have a great day dear friend!

Fuzzy Tales sa...

Wow, it's a very busy Tuesday for you, a lot of great things! Especially that package of treats and food and toys. :-)

Life with Ragdolls sa...

Looks like you've been busy! Congrats on the badges!

Katten Gustav sa...

Alltså, jag kan inte tycka annat än att den råttan är LÄSKIG! Den har ju blivit groteskt stor! Fattar inte hur du kan ligga så lugnt där bredvid?

Brian's Home Blog sa...

You sure are busy and we love your photos!!!

Simba och Tasse sa...

Vilket välmatat inlägg, du har alltid så mycket på tass, Kjelle :D Jamar med Gustav, råttan är verkligen stor, men du är ju en cool snubbe, klart du inte blir rädd :-)
Vilka vackra ögon du har, vi har jamat det förut men det tål att jamas igen!

The Furries of Whisppy sa...

This is a great post! We love you in your Cat Scout uniform. :)

Anonym sa...

Squeeeeeeee! Toe furs!
I agree, this is a great post. I like Mr. Ratty best, he looks like he'd be a lot of fun to snuggle.

Dui och Deco sa...

Du har en väluppfostrad matte som köper gottisar och leksaker till dig utan att du behöver jama om det! Nosbuffar

Sparkle sa...

Binga loves flashing light balls - she just wore the battery out on the one we have!

Anonym sa...

Wow, you're a real catscout! That's so cool!! Congrats on the badges, sweety!! xoxo

BeadedTail sa...

Yay, we can read it all! We love your feets! Concats on being a handsome scout! That lighted ball looks like fun!

da tabbies o trout towne sa...

dood...yur vest iz way awesum, gracie did a grate job !!! yur new toys bee rockin two !!! N is it just uz, ore haz that rat dood getted a lot bigger N de past few yeerz...him iz knot eatin YUR food iz he ??


Annie Bear sa...

Your paws are so big and cute and white! Those time warp photos are fun. Great job on all those scout badges!

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) sa...

We missed the blog hop but so glad we stopped by! These ARE SO FUN!

CATachresis sa...

Charlie, you do look mighty handsome in your uniform! I think all the girls will fall for you! :)

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

You have lots of scout badges and they look very smart on the vest.

Mariodacat sa...

You are a good scout too pal. Congratulations on all your badges. Love all your pictures - especially the Toesies one. M wants to smooch each tosie!

Mariodacat sa...

You are a good scout too pal. Congratulations on all your badges. Love all your pictures - especially the Toesies one. M wants to smooch each tosie!

A Tonk's Tail sa...

Dood, Happy Tuesday backatcha! You're SO lucky, your mom buys you stinky goodness. *sighhhh*


Oh my Cod, Charlie Rascal! You are the most awesome-ist Cat Scout EVER!!!
I just love a mancat in uniform.
; ) Katie

Karen Jo sa...

I love your toes. Congratulations on earning all those Cat Scout badges. Those balls that light up look awesome. We love balls that light up.


Clooney sa...

Oh you are just as cute as ever and we adore your toesies!

Unknown sa...

Wow! Yous has a furry exciting Tuesday!!!
PS your Cat Scout Vest is Beautiful!

Ingrid sa...

I would call your toes rather velvet paws, sounds better, lol! Mr. Rat seems to grow !

Anonym sa...

I love your flashback photos Charlie....Mr. Rat's been your pal for a while now! As for the photo Gracie did of you in your uniform....you know girls just LOVE guys in uniform! You're liable to get some FAN MAIL from girlcats because you look quite handsome!

Hugs, Sammy

LP sa...

Those look like very fun balls Kjelle! We will be right over to play!! :)

the critters in the cottage xo

meowmeowmans sa...

Balls that light up? We have to have mom and dad get us some of those! :)

You look great in your Cat Scout uniform, Kjelle!

Mr. Black sa...

Wow! That is one big stuffed rat!!

Colehaus Cats sa...

Those toesies! We bet they are very soft and kissable. We've got to find some of those light-up balls. That'd be just the thing to play with in the middle of the night, don't you think? Purrs...

Ellen Whyte sa...

you have such busy Tuesdays!

Mollie sa...

Charlie, do you have the same problems as me? everyone OOOING and ARRRING after you ..Mawahwhahhhahhaa. xxooxxxx

Mollie and Alfie

A Tonl sa...

oh we shoulda gotten our mommy to do the timewarp too, that's SO fun!

Happy (belated) toesie Tuesday!

Kitties Blue sa...

You should write in English all the time. You do better than Google Translator. Gracie is the most pawsomest Patrol Leader, isn't she? Mau is super glad you are in his Patrol so he can get to know you better. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Cathy Keisha sa...

Whoa! Lots of good stuff crammed into one post!

Linnsen sa...

Tänk att du är skaut precis som lillhusse! :D
Men du är väl inte ute och reser lika ofta?


Timmy Tomcat sa...

My Catness my furend you really look snazzy in that vest. Gracie really is one special kitty.
I like that flashy ball. I am asking Dad for one today.
See you at Cat Scouts

Timmy Tomcat sa...

My Catness my furend you really look snazzy in that vest. Gracie really is one special kitty.
I like that flashy ball. I am asking Dad for one today.
See you at Cat Scouts

Unknown sa...

Den däringa råttan e ju såå söt. Visst är den köpt på Ikea?