tisdag 26 augusti 2014

Kattutställning / Catshow visit

Som jag jamade om förra veckan så var ju 
min matte och kollade på en massa katter 
på utställningen i Helsingborg förr förra söndagen
och nu så tänkte jag nu visa en del av av dom :)

As I mentioned last week  , my mom-person 
visited a Catshow two sunday´s away and 
now I will show you some of the pictures :)

Min kompis Sören Fernström med sin matte.
My furiend Soren Fernstrom with his mom-person Ann-Sofie.

Sörens syster Signe med matte.
Soren´s sister Signe with their mom-person Ann-Sofie.

 Närbild på söta Signe 
Close up on cute Signe 

Den här missen väger "bara" 9,5 kg :)
This cat weight is "just" about 22lb :)

 Titt ut sa den här katten till min matte :)
Peekaboo said this cat to my mom-person :)

Trött liten Birma <3
Tired little Birman <3

Den här Birma missen blev Supreme under utställningshelgen 
This Birman became Supreme during the Catshow weekend

En 6-månaders rödmaskad Ragdoll kille 
A 6 month old flame point Ragdoll boy 

Sören och Signe sover på sitt fårskinn <3
Soren and Signe sleeping on their Sheepskin <3

Min matte tog några lotter och gissa vad hon vann ?!
My mom-person took some lottery tickets and 
guess what she won ?!

Jo , hon vann TVÅ kilo choklad !
She won 4lb chocolate !

Fick jobba lite för att öppna asken ;-)
I had to work hard to get the box open ;-)

OMC , titta så många chokladkakor !!!
OMC , look so many chocolate bars !!!

och nu över till vad du har med dig hem till mig , matte ??
and now over to what you brought home to me , mom ??

EN liten katt som luktar kattmynta , är det allt du 
har att komma med ??!!
ONE little cat filled with nip , is that all you brought to me ??!!

Är nog bäst att du aktar dina tår ett par dagar framåt , matte !
You better watch your toes a couple of night´s ahead , mom !!

Önskar er alla en trevlig tisdag !
Wish all of you a nice tisdag !

36 kommentarer:

Katnip Lounge sa...

All that chocolate drove any commenting ability CLEAN out of Mommy's head!


Lone Star Cats sa...

Ya definitely shoulda gotten more dan dat!

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) sa...

I loved seeing all the cats but especially you!

Summer sa...

Chocolate?! What kind of lottery was that? They need one that has cat treats as a prize!

Unknown sa...

Ja de va ju förbenat snålt alltså. *lipar åt din Matte coh hela Ligan skickar vassa klor*

Anonym sa...

Åh,vilka underbaringar - raringar & Grattis till din din matte hihi inte illa :)

/Nospuss från mig denna soliga dag!

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty sa...

Nice kitties and chocolate (for my mum).

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

Hjulia huller om buller sa...

Många vackra katter, men du ÄR vackrast.
Min Husse dräglar åt din mattes chokladvinst... Han älskar just den sorten och matte föredrar mörk choklad i olika smakvarianter. Så de köper oftast flera sorter :)

Nosgos från

Ingrid sa...

What lovely pictures !

Anonym sa...

Chocolate! Oh my goodness! No wonder your Mum only brought you one toy...she was overcome.

CATachresis sa...

I was giving all the kitties the Austin critical perusal and then the human saw the chocolate !!!!!! Any clever comment just went straight out her head and she started drooling !!

Donna sa...

What a show!!

The Florida Furkids sa...

It might only be one little cat but it IS cute and filled with nip!

The Florida Furkids

ps - Mom is squeeeing over that Birman in the bed.

Fozziemum sa...

Oh my what beautiful cats Charlie..and good grief all that chocolate that mum won!!! hahaahaha :) but i do love that little nip kitty:) try not to chomp mums tootsies :) loves Fozziemum xxxx

Vi i Kasperian sa...

Oh så synd jag tycker om den där nakna katten - jag blev ju nakenrakad under magen, så jag fattar...
Fast den kanske trivs så där, vad vet jag som "bara" är en hund...

Du är i alla fall finast av allihop, och jag tycker att din matte skulle ha bytt bort sin vinst mot en hel massa gottigt till dig!!
(Fast min matte fattar, och slickar sig om munnen...)

Hannah and Lucy sa...

The Birman that became supreme champion has the longest whiskers we've ever seen.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Vanessa Morgan sa...

Of course, you are the most pretty of them all.

Simba och Tasse sa...

Åh, så många fin a bilder! Sören blir ju alltid bra på bild, men vem kunde ana att hans syrra är så söt! *blink* :-)
Men... inget ont om nakenkatter, men vi är ändå rätt tacksamma över att vi har päls :-)
Matte blir jätteavis på din matte - hon vill också ha ett sådant där tvåkiloschoklad :-)

Meowers from Missouri sa...

what a fine collection of pictures! we are sure yer mama had a fun time. but that does seem like a really small gift for a really nice kitty (you!). yes, a hairball in her shoe in a day or two would be an excellent idea! ;-)

Katie Isabella sa...

Charlie, my mom person LOVED seeing all the kitties in the show! ALL and each of them! All were 1st less winners to her. And that tiny little cat with the catnip in it..I so wish such a thing were available here. I think it's precious. xxoox

BeadedTail sa...

Kitties and chocolate? Our mommy wants to go there too!

Anonym sa...

What a great show Charlie! That's a HUGE box of chocolate bars and all YOU got was a little catnip toy????? Well!!!!! Maybe next time.

Hugs, Sammy

Brian's Home Blog sa...

Such a big bunch of beautiful kitties!

Aamor sa...

Tack för alla vackra kattbilder även om vissa var vackrare än andra ;-)
En väldans massa choklad, vad det ska ätas, hihi!
Du kunde väl fått lika mycket godsaker som matte fick, hihi! Tror nog att du blev jätteglad över din fina katt.


Dui och Deco sa...

Med tanke på alla choklad borde det väl varit liiiiite mer gottisar till dig och gärna någon mer sak. Nosbuffar

RedSetter sa...

So, so funny....one lousy wee catnip toy....no wonder Mum had better look out. That is some amount of chocolate she's won.

Those cats are gorgeous. Soren looks huge and Signe is just gorgeous, but then we've got a soft spot for torties.

Laughing at the Sphinx and the longhaired cat in the picture below-is that what the sphinx looked like before the haircut...?

Kitties Blue sa...

We think your new toy is so cute. Though our mom loves chocolate. Everyone of these kitties is so fabulous, but you are just as handsome as any of them. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo from

Timmy Tomcat sa...

You tell Mom Kjelle.
And you furend Soren looks like a big fellow too.
Love a good cat show thanks for showing
Dad says you can send him some chocolate MOL

da tabbies o trout towne sa...

dood....ewe wuz robbed...her goes a way N looks at OTHER catz all day long... then comes home fish less N treet less.... N onlee brings home 400 pounds oh candy ewe cant eat ...yea....ewe wuz robbed buddy....revenge for sure !!!! ♥♥♥

meowmeowmans sa...

Whoa. Look at all that chocolate, Kjelle! And wall your Mom brought you was that small nip filled toy? Maybe she could not fit anything more, with all that chocolate! ;)

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren sa...

Those are some of the BEST cat show photos I have ever seen! Mom loved Signe!!
Don't bite your Mom's toes, I would have been happy with a mousie!!
My Mom wants some chocolate!! MOL!
Love, Cody

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

So many lovely cats.

Kitty Cat Chronicles sa...

What great photos! Beautiful cats! Love the Sphynx photo.
4 lbs of chocolate and only a little mouse for you? Preposterous!!

Kattson sa...

På en kattutställning tycker man ju att man skulle vinna flera kilo kattgodis - choklad är inte alls nyttigt för oss katter, och inte är det gott heller.

Sarah sa...

wow, some beautiful cats...and no fear! My cats would be hiding and terrified!!

Marty the Manx sa...

Those were some wonderful kitties but none as wonderful as you! That little catnip cat is cute.