söndag 17 augusti 2014

Slappe söndag / Easy Sunday

Idag ska jag slappa HELA dagen !
Today I´m going to take it easy ALL day long !

Gissa vad min matte gjorde igår ?
NÄ hon plockade faktiskt INTE ett 
enda Björnbär :)
Guess what my mom-person did yesterday ?
NO she didn´t pick any Black Berries :)

Hon var på Bjuvs Burnouten 
och tittade på en massa bilar.
She was at the Bjuvs Burnout and looked 
at lots of cars.

Att min matte tittar på bilar har jag ingenting emot , 
men att man får se att hon varit otrogen med en 
STOR dreglande hund , det gillar jag INTE !!
I don´t mind that my mom-person looks at cars , 
But that she have been cheating on me with a BIG 
drooling dog I DON´T like at all !!

Trevlig söndag på er allihopa !
Wish you all a nice and easy SUNday !

26 kommentarer:

Katnip Lounge sa...

We're right with you on the EASY!

Hjulia huller om buller sa...

Visst är de galma bensinslukande bilarna vackra, men idag är de väl hopplöst "omoderna". De släpper ut farliga avgaser och kostar massor, men som sagt... Visst är de VACKRA.
Din mattes kelobjekt ser lite farlig ut! Jag är livrädd för stora dräglande "monster". Sen kan de vara hur snälla som helst. Fast vi har några stora hundar i byn som jag VÅGAR klappa, fast Amanda håller med dig :)

Kram å nospussar

The Swiss Cats sa...

NO blackberries ? Ah, pimped cars, OK ! We wondered what suddenly happened to your mom MOL ! Enjoy your Sunday ! Purrs

Sparkle sa...

Geez, your human is either picking blackberries or looking at cars - when is she going on a big outing with YOU?!

The Furries of Whisppy sa...

That poor strangled chicken! MOL.

Did your Mom bring home some slobber?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) sa...

Thank you for the belated birthday wishes, friends! Anything close counts. MOL!

Katie Isabella sa...

Oh my goodness Charlie..tell her NEVER cheat on you again with a droopy dog! How can she when she has YOU waiting back at home??? xxooox

Donna sa...

I hope your hoomins give you lots of hugs. :) {{{hugs}}}

Brian's Home Blog sa...

I hope you have the best snuggly day Charlie!

Annie Bear sa...

The lady likes to see all those classic cars but I like the shot of you. :) Actually, she likes that too. Have a great Easy Sunday. That dog has nothing on you, Charlie!

Dui och Deco sa...

Slappesöndag med sina tvåbeningar är mysigt! Nosbuffar

KisseKatt sa...

Snygga bilar Kjelle! men den där hunden kunde väl matte ha låtit bli :) det är ju inte så himla kul att vara avis. Ha en riktigt skön söndag.

Nosi Nosi Kissekatt

Aamor sa...

Din matte gillar saker på B, björnbär, bilar Birma och säkert en massa annat också, hihi!
Fräcka bilar de där gamla sakerna och fantastiskt att de hålls vid liv.


Kattson sa...

Förstår din upprördhet. Du får nog jama lite allvar med matte.

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) sa...

Love these vintage cars! I was picking blackberries in my garden yesterday :-0

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

Did she smell of dog drool when she got home?

pilch92 sa...

Hi there, I am visiting your blog now- thanks for stopping by mine earlier today. I just signed up for your emails.

Seville at Nerissa's Life sa...

No more blackberries, yesterday? Well, there's always tomorrow...

Nissy #Niss4Senate - tell the PM, today.

CATachresis sa...

Humans are so fickle, Charlie!!!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= sa...

Hope you had a nice lazy day! I loved the photos from the car show. I even saw one that my dad had way back.
Please if you can email me and let me know if you are going on Quest III. It is this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The quest will be on Saturday. Friday we will be setting up our campsites and Sunday getting ready to head for home. I hope you can make it.

Clooney sa...

Oh Charlie Rascal what an adorable photo of you, love it!

Snoopy@snoopysdogblog sa...

Hey Buddy

I can understand why you feel cheated on, my Mum does that kinda stuff ALL the time!

Those cars are really cool though Dude!

I hope you're having a fun day,

Your pal Snoopy :)

Simba och Tasse sa...

Helt rätt kattityd mot matte, våra kära människor ska akta sig för att vara otrogna med främmande hundar :-)
Kul för matte att få bränna på med sina kära bilar och björnbär :-)
Aldrig fel med en slappardag!

Colehaus Cats sa...

Not a single berry? We're shocked! But then she made up for it with cool cars, so we think she's okay! MOL! Purrs...

meowmeowmans sa...

We like all those vintage cars your Mom saw, Kjelle, but we love you even more! :)

Anonym sa...

Wow those awe suwe sum gweat lookin' caws Charlie. But dat be one huge dog!!! Meez wuldn't like meez mommy cheatin' on me wiff hims eevew. Yous gav hers da silent tweatment, wight?! MOL

Luv ya'
