Om jag petar lite på kameran så blir det nog en perfekt Selfie ?!
Ja eller hur , Gustav *fniss*
If I paw the camera a bit it will be a purfect Selfie ?!
Yeh right , Gustav *giggles*
Får nog jama att jag är lite bättre
på det här med Selfies än du !
I must miaow that I think I am a
bit better on taking Selfies than you !
Önskar er alla en trevlig Val söndag !
Hoppas att era 2-beningar varit och röstat !
Wish you all a nice SUNday !
It´s election in Sweden today for the Government ,
County and Regions.
My humans have been away and left there votes today.
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som anordnar Sunday Selfies Blog Hop
that hosts Sunday Selfies Blog Hop
33 kommentarer:
Those are sure terrific selfies!!!
Jättefina selfie's, fast Gustav får nog öva lite till ;-)
So, so cute :)
Gustav might learn to take good selfies someday Kjelle Bus! You look wonderful of course!
Du är ju ett selfieproffs, Kjelle Bus, men med lite övning ska du se att Gustav lär sig fokusera lite bättre, han också. :)
(Du är faktiskt nästan otroligt vacker!!)
Kasper med matte
Sötisar ....
Alltid fina! <3 Nosbuffar
Jamarfina bilder! Men du får tänka på att du har lite mer modellvana än Gustav ;)
We think Gustav is darn adorable, even though he only got half of his face, but you Charlie, you never take a bad photo. This is not an exception. Those blue eyes have all of us girls trying to get to the computer to see you and plant a kiss right on your face. Thanks for joining, supporting and purrmoting our Blog Hop. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Kjelle, Gustav is cute, however yous is the most gorgeous man cat mes knows!
I like both selfies. Gustav's is an action selfie and Charlie's is for a magazine.
What great selfies Gustav is giving us a close up of his whiskers and made us smile but you did a very refined version Kjelle - sexy!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
You really do have the selfie taking down - you will have to give Gustav a lesson or two!
Gustav, could you try to take a picture of the upper part of your head next week ? So we could have the two parts of your selfie ! Nice shot, Kjelle ! Purrs
Those selfies are so hard to line up yes?
That is a lovely selfie Kjelle.
Tell Gustav not to worry, there are a lot of nose selfies today.
they are both pawtastic selfies!!
Du Kjelle är ju van att bli fotad så du måste ha lärt dig hur det funkar, hihi!
Min matte har röstat för ett tag sen.
Aaaw Charlie yous look vewy handsum in yous selfie. Hav a Blest day.
Luv ya'
Fantastic selfies!!! Have a super Sunday!
The Florida Furkids
Kjelle !
You melt my mom with your cute blue eyes :)
Happy Sunday to you
Charlie, you couldn't take a bad selfie if you tried. Gustav is pretty cute!
What a riot that Gustav got in on the action! Yours IS a bit better, Charlie!
They're both great selfies! Good job!
Nice selfies, Kjelle and Gustav! Hey, Kjelle, will you be teaching Gustav how to take better selfies? :)
Love these selfies. Have a great week!
What great "Selfies" and your eyes, oh my they are gorgeous!!! Hugs and nose kisses
Mjau, så jamans kul att du kunde komma Kjellebus =^..^=
God mat hade alla med sig så vi blev ju mätta, alla katter
Sedan var det ju så roliga lekar som alla kom på, att dom ville leka :)
Det får vi göra om nästa år, när jag/Sessan fyller hela 10 år.
Då får vi slå på stort *Fniss*
Tass tass
Great Selfies! Both! But Kjelle..are your eyes truly that blue? Because those are crazypants blue eyes! You are the real "Ole Blue Eyes"!! :)
the critters in the cottage xo
NO one takes selfies like YOU, Charlie Rascal!
What adorable selfies you both took!
We did selfies, well I did, this Sunday Kjelle. Dont tell Gustav but you do take a bit better selfie
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