tisdag 16 september 2014

I helgen har jag ... / This weekend I have ...

haft sovmorgon 
had a looong snooze 

Hälsat på Gustav (mattes pappas katt)
Visited Grandpa´s cat Gustav 

Han luktar ganska okej faktiskt :)
He smells OK :)

Hjälpt matte att gräva i trädgårdslandet hos hennes pappa 
Helped my mom-person to dig in my Grandpa´s garden 

Självklart så gjorde jag rent tassarna ordentligt 
efter allt grävande :)
And of course I cleaned my paws thoroughly
after all the digging :)

Ser ni den ??
Do you see it ??

Så här ser grodan ut okamouflerad :)
Min matte hittade den när hon räfsade på ett 
ställe där jag inte var med tyvärr :(
This is how the frog looks like un-camouflaged :)
My mom-person found it when she was raking in a part 
of the garden where I didn´t get to come :(

och så har jag så klart hunnit med att slappa 
i soffan också :)
and I have of course had time to relaxe in the sofa too :)

Hoppas ni alla haft en lika trevlig helg som jag !!
I hope you all had a grreat weekend as me !!

P.S Glöm inte att kika in på alla KATTityd bidragen 
på Tabby Cat Club idag :)

P.S Don´t forget to visit Tabby Cat Club 
today ans look at all the CATtitude pictures :)

34 kommentarer:

Hjulia huller om buller sa...

Ni har haft en jättemysig helg, det kan vi se på alla fina bilder din matte har tagit!
Tack så mycket för att ni visar dem :)


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs sa...

Glad you had a nice visit with Gustav. The frog looks like one we has here. And relaxing is always good.

The Island Cats sa...

What a fun weekend you had, Charlie!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu sa...

You are clearly an expert digger!

That frog is awesome. Thanks for sharing.

Gustav seems like a very nice cat.

The Chans

Kattson sa...

Oj vad mycket du hunnit med. Vilken kattpacitet vi katter har.

Katten Gustav sa...

Det var väldans vilken aktiv helg du haft! Och vilka fina, informativa bilder på allt också!

BeadedTail sa...

You had quite the weekend! We bet Gustav enjoyed your visit and we know your mom appreciated your help in the garden! That frog is huge!

Aamor sa...

Sovmorgon och soffslappande behövs efter allt ditt jobb, i alla fall grävandet.
Söt groda, synd att du missade den.


Dui och Deco sa...

Vilken härlig helg! Oj så mycket saker du varit med om! Paddor är skojiga att jaga men superäckliga att bita i eller slicka på.. Nosbuffar

Summer sa...

What a bummer that you missed out on the frog!

Brian's Home Blog sa...

You sure look like you were having fun Charlie! That frog is cool!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren sa...

I wanna kiss that nose!

da tabbies o trout towne sa...

dood...itz veree nice ta meet yur cuzin gustav...meowlz gustav !!

ewe had a bizee week end...mom kneadz ta double up on yur treetz AND food for all de werk ewe did

and whoa....we dinna even SEE de frog til ewe menshuned it, then we had ta LOOK...then we spied him !!!

meowmeowmans sa...

Kjelle, you had quite a wonderful weekend! Your mom must have been so thankful for your help in the garden. :)


Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

Looks like you had a busy weekend Kjelle. That is a big frog!

pilch92 sa...

That is one sneaky frog, I almost didn't see him.Glad you had a nice weekend and cleaned your little paws after digging.

Cats Herd You sa...

Did you try to taste the frog? The head peep says that frogs can be bad for you, but they look tasty!

Lone Star Cats sa...

Looks like a busy weekend!

Furries sa...

You had a busy and exciting weekend. My mom must work harder to help me have as much fun as you do.

The Swiss Cats sa...

What a wonderful week end visiting Gustav ! That was a big frog ! Purrs

LP sa...

It's nice that you have a friend in Gustav! And we did find the camouflaged frog! Great photos! Kjelle, yours is the GOOd life sweetie :)

the critters in the cottage xo

Kitty Cat Chronicles sa...

Sounds like you had a great weekend! That frog sure is cool!!!

My Mind's Eye sa...

Kjelle you are one hard working man cat...I hope the toad didn't try to kiss your sweet nose.
Hugs madi your bfff

Kitties Blue sa...

It looks as if you had a pawsome day. That digging looks like a super amount of fun! Sorry you didn't get to meet that cool frog! Thanks so much for attending Misty May's and Mauricio's Birthday party today. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Katie Isabella sa...

Oh Charlie, you had the best of weekends and getting to see Gustaf and your grandpa too? Riches. xxooxx

Cathy Keisha sa...

Whoa! You had a busy weekend. That frog is UGLY! I bed digging in the garden is fun!

A Tonl sa...

We are sooo jealous! We wanna get OUR paws dirty with dirt and stuff!!

Sounds like you had FUN!

Clooney sa...

That looks like a great weekend you had, love the pics!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= sa...

Wow you sure had a super duper big day. I could not see that frog until you showed me the close up of it. Hope you got lots of rest time during your busy time.

Gunilla, Simba och Tasse sa...

Det är bara inte KLOKT vilka fina bilder du ständigt skämmer bort oss med, Kjelle! Och vilken härlig och omväxlande helg du verkar ha haft - perfekt balans mellan action och avkoppling :-)
Kramar och tassklappar

Timmy Tomcat sa...

What a grand weekend Kjelle. You sure do get those paws out and about my furend.
Say hello to Gustav for us!
Timmy and Family

Marty the Manx sa...

Looks like you and Mom had a wonderful day!!!

Donna sa...

Awww, naps and fun with hoomin friends are good. :)

Ingrid sa...

What a nice visit ! And you even saw a monster !