måndag 19 januari 2015

Idag fyller min blogg 4 år / Today it´s my blogs 4th "birthday"

Tänk så fort åren går när man har roligt :)
The years sure goes fast , when you have FUN :)

Varsågoda och hugg in !
Welcome to dig in !

Krongrädde till dom små ...
Cream to the younger ones ...

och Niptinis till dom stora :)
and Niptinis to the big ones :)

Godis Sushi till alla 
Candy Sushi for efurrybody 

och krispig Ankfilé 
and Crispy Duck steak 

Tänkte ha ett kommentars Marathon 
och en liten utlottning :)
Ni får från och med idag till 
onsdag 21/1 på er att lämna en kommentar.
Som "vanligt" så kommer vi att 
skänka pengarna till Kattfotens Katthem.
Matte kommer att betala 3kr/kommentar
upptill 300kr.
I´m having a Commentathon and 
a small give away :)
As "usual" we are giving the money to 
Catfoot Shelter in Halmstad.
My mom-person will pay 0.50$ per/comment , 
we have set the roof on 50$.

Tack så mycket för det fina kortet , Nellie !
Thank you so much for the card , Nellie !

Tack så mycket för kortet Fozziemum & Gang :)
Thank you so much for the card Fozziemum and Gang :)

66 kommentarer:

Summer sa...

Happy fourth blogoversary! And many more!

Unknown sa...

Tänk att du bloggat så länge och att vi nästan läst hela tiden.
Kram och tack för att vi får läsa:)
Mary, Adam och Fröken Tott

Anonym sa...

Kramar från Jane, Tigger & Seven!

Anonym sa...

Tjohoooo ...♡-ligt Grattis till din fina blogg!
Tar en gottesushi ger nospussar innan jag går hihi

Anonym sa...

Älskade Kjelle! Sötaste katten och trevligaste bloggen! Grattis och tack till dig och din matte. Ulla

Fozziemum sa...

Happy blogaversary sweet Charlie :) we left a cardie on your FB ..what a great party and the noms are a treat..plus I have not been to the cinema in a lonnng time so thankyou :)loves Fozziemum xxx

AnneSofie sa...

Nils och Linus hälsar!

Anonym sa...

Happy Blogaversary Charlie! I'm so sorry I didn't know (I should have) but I'm sending you a card to your Mum's email just so you know how much I love you and enjoy your bloggy! What a NICE party!

Hugs, Sammy

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties sa...

Happy blogoversary! We just loves you! Wow, what a party, lots of yummy things!

marg sa...

Happy Blogoversary to you Charlie. We sure are glad that you started blogging. All the food and drink looks yummy. Have a wonderful day.

Hannah and Lucy sa...

Concats on your 4th blogoversary Kjelle.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Katten Enzo sa...

Jag har inte t i d att gratulera dig idag, Kjelle! Jag måste g ö m m a mig! Matte tänker b a d a mig och Alfons!

Fuzzy Tales sa...

Wow, is it 4 years already? Congratulations and happy blogoversary! What a wonderful party! Good luck with the commentathon, it's a great way to celebrate! :-)

The Island Cats sa...

Whoohoo! Happy Blogoversary, Charlie!

Donna sa...

Happy Blogaversary! :)

Alice sa...

Jamarstort grattis!
Vi ser fram emot minst lika många år till. :)

Seville at Nerissa's Life sa...

HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!! May your next four years be as wonderful and amazin' as the first. And may you always have plenty of nip.


Savannah's Paw Tracks sa...

HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY Charlie Rascal! I love your red car in Nellie's card and the gang down under sent a great card too. So pleased you are my furriend.

Katten Gustav sa...

Men GRATTIS! Och grattis till oss som fått läsa din fina blogg i 4 år! Nu ska jag putsa morrisarna och göra mig beredd för att komma på ditt härliga kalas! Jamarns vad smaskigt det ser ut!!!

BeadedTail sa...

Happy 4th Blogoversary Kjelle Bus! We hope you enjoy your celebration!

Hjulia huller om buller sa...

GRATTIS Kjelle Bus!
Jag ska bara lägga matte, så kommer jag!
Kattikoptern är beställd och vi plockar upp flera på vägen till dig. Räkna med att vi blir många som kommer och firar med dig ;-)

Nosgos så länge!!!

Brian's Home Blog sa...

Happy Blogoversary from all of us gang!

Jans Funny Farm sa...

Happy birthday, Kjelle's blog!

Kattson sa...

Det har varit 4 spännande år. Kul att läsa fortsättningen också.

Ingrid sa...

Congratulations ! That's indeed a reason to celebrate !!

The Florida Furkids sa...

Happy Blogoversary! What a pawsome celebration this is!

The Florida Furkids

Aamor sa...

Grattis till dina 4 år i bloggvärlden!


Dui och Deco sa...

Grattis finaste Kjelle! Tänk vad tiden går fort, och du blir bara snygggare!
Vi är på ingång så på med musiken! Nosbuffar

Canadian cats sa...

Happy 4th Blogaversary Charlie. You've been in Blogville for a long time my friend.

ummm...this Nipitini is delish..it must be the bacon on the side that makes it taste so mmmmmm....good. The candied sushi was ever so good. Thanks my friend.


CATachresis sa...

Happy Blogoversary, Charlie!!! What a great pawty! Thanks for the noms! They look yummy *hic* ;)

meowmeowmans sa...

Happy 4th Blogoversary, dear Kjelle Bus! We love you, buddy, and hope you have many many more blogoversaries yet to come. Hugs!

LP sa...

Happy Blogoversary Kjelle! We are so happy you started blogging and that we are furiends! Here's to many more years of blogging and friendship! :)

the critters in the cottage xo

Anonym sa...

Happy fourth blogoversary, sweetie! Here's to many more! :D xx Roxy & Tigerlino <3

pilch92 sa...

Happy 4th Blogoversary! I wish I had known about blogs back then, I would have read it from the start. Phoebe loves your car!!!

Clooney sa...

Happy 4th Blogoversary, Charlie Rascal! Congrats! We'll have one of theese niptinis please!

Mr Puddy sa...

So quick !
Happy forth Blogoversary !!!!
All the best Kjelly

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren sa...

Happy Happy 4th Blogoversary Furiends!!! What a great pawty!! Wishing you many more years! Love, Cody and Caren

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

Happy Blogoversary Kjelle. I will have a niptini to drink a toast to you.

Dash Kitten Crew sa...

ConCAtulations on your fourth blogoversary. What a party!! Wow this all looks so cool!!!!

Cleopawtra sa...

Happy 4th Blogaversary!!! Love reading your blog. Love the pictures even more, the cat, the cars, the towns. Keep them coming. Again congrats on the 4th anniversary.

Laika sa...

Grattis på "blogelsesdagen" :)

The Swiss Cats sa...

Happy 4th Blogoversary ! We wish you many many more ! Your pawty is pawsome ! Purrs

Anonym sa...

Oh Charlie dat's so pawsum. Happy Blogoversawy. Yous look pawsum.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) sa...

Thanks for the fun pawty and wish you happy 4th Blogversery! It's a big milestone.

Annie Bear sa...

Happy 4th Blogaversary, Charlie!! The goodies look so good. It's so nice of you guys to do a commentathon!

Klosterkatterna sa...

JAMARGRATTIS på fyraårsbloggardagen, Kjelle! Vi deltar förstås både i festen och i försöken att pungslå din matte på slantar till Kattfoten! *kurrar*

Svansdans från klosterkatterna

PS. Hälsa din matte att vi är FEM katter, EN hund och TVÅ mattar... det borde räknas som ÅTTA kommentarer, tycker vi *fnissar busigt* DS-

Angel Prancer Pie sa...

Concatulations on your 4th Blogoversary, Kjelle!

We just love that candy sushi. It looks delicious!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) sa...

Happy 4th blogoversary!!! Time does fly when you're having fun :)

Just Mags sa...

Happy 4th Blogaversary! We are so happy to be your blogging friends. Love you and your blog! Hugs and nose kisses

Lone Star Cats sa...

Happy blogoversary!

Furries sa...

Congratulations on your 4-year blog birthday. The crispy duck steak looks delicious. The kitties at the shelter will be thankful for your donation. It looks like they have many beautiful kitties who need loving homes.

Just Ducky sa...

Happy Blogversary! Four years, not bad. I joined in helping Derby just about 5 years ago.

Kitty Cat Chronicles sa...

HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!! How exciting! Those niptinis and candy sushi are delicious!! Congrats on such a momentous achievement!

Cathy Keisha sa...

Happy 4th Blogoversary! I can’t believe I’v known you that long. Here’s to many more! *raises Niptini*

Gunilla, Simba och Tasse sa...

Hipp hipp HURRA och HURRJAM på din fyraårsdag som bloggare! Vi hoppas få fira massor med framtida bloggfödelsedagar med dig, käre vän! :-) <3
Kramar och tassklappar

Gunilla, Simba och Tasse sa...

Hipp hipp HURRA och HURRJAM på din fyraårsdag som bloggare! Vi hoppas få fira massor med framtida bloggfödelsedagar med dig, käre vän! :-) <3
Kramar och tassklappar

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs sa...

Happy 4th Blogoversary! Sorry we are late stopping by, but wow you sure have a lot of leftovers we will be sure to help you finish them off ;>)

Thanks for inviting us to your party. Raising Niptini for a toast to our host.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens sa...

Happy Blogoversary!

A Tonl sa...

MOWZERS! Concatulations dood, on four FAB years!!!

*happy dance*

NO niptini for the BABY, Faraday. He can has CREAM.

Allie will act all sophisticated and hold a niptini in her paw while munching on sushi though. She's like that. (MOL)

Colehaus Cats sa...

Happy, Happy Blogoversary, Kjelle Bus! May there be many, many, many more!

Marty the Manx sa...

Happy (late) Bloggaversary! Sorry we missed the party, but the wish is still as heartfelt! So glad that we found you! We love your blog!
Marty and the Gang

Eöin Eurén sa...

söt kattkille du är :) hoppas ni skänker många kronor till katthemmet! :)

Vi i Kasperian sa...

Och idag fyller bloggen tydligen fyra år och två dagar. :)
Festen missade jag/vi ju, men det känns ändå väldans fint att se på alla bilder! Själv håller jag ju sträng diet, så jag hade ändå inte fått smaka på nåt enda av allt det där goda.

Och visst har du rätt - tänk så fort tiden går...
Kasper (med katter som inte får läsa det här, för DOM hade ju fått smaka på allt det goda om dom kommit i tid till kalaset... mattes fel alltihop...)

Kitties Blue sa...

It does look as if it was a great party. The card from Nellie with you driving that little red car is so super cute. Bet you could get a lot of dates if the girls thought you really had one of those. Best wishes belatedly. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Katie Isabella sa...

Dearest handsome Charlie, please forgive me for not being around yesterday to comment. Congratulations on 4 wonderful years of blogging and us being fortunate to know you. (and us Ladycats love LOOKING at you too!!!)

Charlie, is there any cream left for me, if I ask sweetly?


Timmy Tomcat sa...

Oh My Catness Kjelle what a pawty!
Love your new car. That Nellie is something
Purrs Buddy
Timmy and Furmaly