söndag 18 januari 2015

Söndags Selfie / Sunday Selfie

Igår så var jag och hälsade på Gustav 
så vi passade på att ta en dubbel selfie :)
Yesterday I visited Gustav , 
so we took the opportunity to take a double Selfie :)

och som vanligt så ägnade vi oss givetvis åt fågelspaning  :)
and as usual we did some bird watching :)

Här talar jag om för matte att jag minsann också vill ha gottis !
In this picture I tell my mom-person that me too want´s treats !

Jag vill INTE vara med på fler bilder nu matte !!
Fota Gustav istället !
I don´t wan´t moore pictures taken now , mom !!
Take pictures on Gustav instead !

Glöm inte att besöka ...
klicka bara på bilden :)
Don´t forget to visit ...
just click on the picture :)

en lite påminnelse ;-)

a little reminder ;-)

34 kommentarer:

Lone Star Cats sa...

You and Gustav look like ya had a good time together.

Hjulia huller om buller sa...

Jättefina bilder på er!
Ha en mysig söndag!


Summer sa...

I guess Gustav doesn't mind the paparazzi as much as you!

Ingrid sa...

Very cute selfies !

The Swiss Cats sa...

You both are beautiful mancats ! Purrs

Anonym sa...

WOW! This selfie of the two of you is PAWSOME! We LOVE it! :) Happy Sunday, sweetie! :D xx Roxy & Tigerlino <3

Smudge sa...

I absolutely love that last picture! Happy Sunday!!

Katie Isabella sa...

GUSTAV! GOOD to see your orangeness again! And Charlie, I will love attending your Blogaversary!! xox

The Island Cats sa...

We love your double selfie, Charlie. We hope you got some treats too.

Brian's Home Blog sa...

Those are such good selfies!

Anonym sa...

Så vackra & coola foton ♡ ...
/Jam & Kram

Annie Bear sa...

So nice to see you and Gustav on Selfie Sunday, Charlie! I always love the pics of you two looking out the window at the pretty view.

Great selfies!

Dui och Deco sa...

Kul att hälsa på Gustav! Fina bilder på er båda! Nosbuffar

Aamor sa...

Fina bilder på fina killar!


Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

That is a great double selfie with Gustav. I will be back for your blogoversary.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty sa...

We love those selfies!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie


What a terrific Selfies!


Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) sa...

Nice new header and selfies! Happy early good wishes on your blogoversery!

Susan and the gang from Life with Dogs and Cats sa...

We love birdwatching at our house too! (That's what two of my cats are doing right now while I'm typing this!)

--Purrs (and wags) from Life with Dogs and Cats.

Anonym sa...

You all look so beautiful and that asking face for treats is adorable :) Pawkisses :) <3

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren sa...

those selfies are totally pawesome!

Anonym sa...

Wow Charlie looks and sounds like yous had a gweat time. Luv boff yous fotos, such handsum mancats.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

Angel Simba sa...

So nice to do some bird watching with a friend. Gustav is also a handsome guy.

pilch92 sa...

You both take a great selfie! We'll be there for your blogoversary.

Katiez Furry Mewz sa...

Looks like you had a good time, Charlie. Very handsome selfie. Glad you had time to visit Gustav. We hope Gustav liked your visit, too.
Especially the bird watching part!

Katie and the katz...

Vi i Kasperian sa...

Så fina bilder, och så bra du och Gustav samsas. :)
Riktigt maffig header har du också.
Nu ser jag att du fått ikonen av Nellys matte. Va snällt. :D
Kasper med kattflock

Cathy Keisha sa...

You’re lucky you don’t have to share with another cat but yet you get to hang with one. The best of both worlds. I’ll mark your pawty on my calendar.

Kitties Blue sa...

We adore your Sunday Selfie or "groupie" as it would probably be called. And your new header is just meowvolous...the best one yet. We will do our best to get by tomorrow to celebrate your blogoversary. That is quite an accomplishment. Mom is quite sick, so we cannot promise. So, just in case, we will give you our concatulations now. Thanks so much for joining and supporting our blog hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Gigi sa...

You boys are good pals, eh? I hope you got as many treats as you demanded, Buddy!

Clooney sa...

Good that you and Gustav were hanging out, love that combined selfie of you two! That is a gorgeous close-up of Gustav.

Savannah's Paw Tracks sa...

Fabulous double selfie! Gustavo is looking very well and you are as handsome as ever

Harvey Button sa...

Pleased to see such lovely pictures. You BOTH look wonderful to us and Mum laughed out loud at the hiding picture :-)

Happy Sunday

Harvey, Miranda and Silver

A Tonl sa...

Mowzers, a DOUBLE selfie?!? That takes TALENT!

Marty the Manx sa...

Double the handsome! We love when you visit Gustav! You two are such good looking Mancats!