söndag 12 juli 2015

Söndags Selfie / Sunday Selfie

Precis när självutlösaren tog kortet så hörde vi ett 
väldigt spinnande ljud.
Så våran groupie blev inte bättre än så här :)
In the exact moment the selftimer took the picture
we heard a really interesting sound,
So our groupie didn´t get any better than this :)

Matte och en kompis till henne var inne i stan i fredags 
där dom kollade runt lite på den Internationella Matmarknaden.
Det enda matte köpte på marknaden 
var ett par bitar Engelsk Fudge :)
My mom-person and her friend was in town this friday , 
the looked around on the International Food Market.
The only thing my mom.person bought on the market
was a couple of pieces English Fudge :)

Igår var matte o husse och tittade på en massa motorcyklar
på Apes and Flames , Jamboree. 
Som ni ser så hade dom tur med vädret :)
Yesterday my mom- and dad-person was on Apes and Flames 
Jamboree and looked on lot´s of motorcycles. As you can see they where lucky with the weather :)

Glöm inte besöka ...
det är bara att klicka på bilden :)
Don´t forget to visit ...
just click on the picture :)

Önskar er alla en trevlig slappe söndag !
Wish all of you a easy sunday !

27 kommentarer:

Summer sa...

I wonder what it was that got your attention!

Anonym sa...

Hihi...Riktigt spännande ser det ut & visst blev er "tass"groupi fin/Jam & Kram på Er!

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

That is a nice selfie of both of you. Did you hear a mouse? Did your mum enjoy her English fudge? Was it made with clotted cream? Delicious!

The Daily Pip sa...

All that food at the market looks yummy!

Brian's Home Blog sa...

You two look terrific! The food market looks yummy!

Annie Bear sa...

Charlie, we just love this pic of you and Gustav! The background is so pretty and you two are just adorable.

The lady says all that food at the market looks delicious! Did your mom-person bring you back some alligator, LOL?

meowmeowmans sa...

We wonder what it is you and Gustav saw, Kjelle?

And what a shame that your Mom did not bring YOU something from that food fair!


Hjulia huller om buller sa...

Jättefin bild på er grabbar!
Matmarknader är jätteroliga att få besöka. Tur att det fanns nåt gottigt att köpa med sig och minnas sitt besök vid ett senare tillfälle...


Kattson sa...

Groupien var jättefin. Märks att ni är på hugget.

pilch92 sa...

Did you figure out what made the sound?

LP sa...

You look very synchronized in your photo!

Your Mama was very reasonable at the food fair...ours would have left with more than fudge :)

the critters in the cottage xo


Just what was it that drew your attention away? It must've been good! Beautiful selfie!!!

Katie Isabella sa...

Charlie, is that Gustaf!? Oh and was it a motorcycle that got your attention? English fudge? My mom person would LOVE to get some of THAT!

Mariodacat sa...

yummmmmm that fudge is making M's mouth water. She would love to bite into a piece of that. Sigh -too bad us kitties can't have it because of the chocolate.

Anonym sa...

I think you heard a mouse...on a Harley :D Great selfies, great Harleys! Pawkisses :) <3

The Swiss Cats sa...

An international food market ? That sounds very interesting ! Nice double selfie ! Purrs

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren sa...

this made me hungry!

Kitties Blue sa...

What caught Gustav's and your attention? Critters of some type? Even though you two looked away, we still love your groupie. All those noms look yummy. Your humans do so many interesting things. Thanks for taking the time to join the blog hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) sa...

I bet you heard a can open!

Lone Star Cats sa...

Wonder what got y'all's attenshun.

Furries sa...

Whatever made that noise must have been very interesting.

Mmmmm, the foods look yummy (to the human).

Unknown sa...

Bwa! Haa!! Haaa!!!
At least yous was looking in the same direction!

BeadedTail sa...

Good timing you two! :) The international market got our mommy's attention!

Aamor sa...

Det är svårt att sitta still ibland, matte har hur många bilder på mig i profil eller på min nacke för jag vänder precis på huvudet när hon klickar.
Inte ens en smakbit med hem till dig som grillad krokodil eller sånt, hihi?


Ingrid sa...

Great selfies and what a nice time your humans had !

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) sa...

mmm fudge and Harleys, what a great day!

Harvey, Miranda and Silver sa...

Fudge (YUMMM) Motorikes (double YUM) and mu didn't buy ANYTHING else??? There would be nothing left here in New zealand, we don't get the rnge of foods you guys do.