söndag 29 november 2015

Lite mixat inlägg igen :) / Little bit of this and that again :)

Igår var ju jag och matte nere i Lomma 
på Zoogiganten och firade Kattens Dag.
Yesterday me and the mom-person was down on 
Zoogiganten in Lomma and celebrated Cats Day.

Där var många 2-beningar som tittade
på och ställde frågor om oss katter :)
There was lot´s of humans that looked 
at us cat´s and ask´d lots of questions :)

Min burgranne :)
My cage neighbor :)

Passade på att fixa mitt bidrag till KONSTig lördag 
när jag ändå var på plats så länge :)
I fixed my caturday art in the shop since I was there all day :)

Glöm inte att besöka ...
Don´t forget to visit ... 

Man skulle ju kunna tro att när det är 
Kattens Dag så handlar man bara till sin katt.
Tror att min matte missuppfattade det där en aning !!
Bara hundprylar till Conrad så långt ögat kan nå *suck*
You could think that when it´s CATS DAY 
you only shop to your CAT !
I think my mom-person got that ALL WRONG !
Just woffie stuff to Conrad as far you can see *sigh*

Vad hon köpte till mig ??
2 stycken ynkligt små paket med nån slags nyttiga stickisar !!
What she bought to me ??
package with healthy sticks !!

Så jag försåg mig givetvis av Conrads hundkex istället :)
So i of course stole some of Conrads dog biscuits :)

Det här får bli mitt bidrag till Söndags Selfie 
This is my Sunday Selfie 

Conrad ser lite frågande ut på sin selfie 
eftersom husse precis sagt att man INTE får 
döda sina nya leksaker på 2 sekunder !!
Om ni undrar varför tuppen är huvudlös så beror det 
på att det är en Silly bums leksak :)
If you think Conrad looks a bit confused it´s because 
our dad-person just told him NOT to kill his new toy 
in 2 seconds !!
If you think the rooster looks headles you see right.
It´s a silly bums toy :)

Glöm inte att besöka ...
Don´t forget to visit ...

När vi kommit hem från Lomma igår kväll så 
bytte matte kläder och rymde iväg med sin 
kompis till Julgalan på Halmstad Arena.
When we came home from Zoogiganten last night ,
my mom-person changed clothes and ran of with her friend 
to the Christmas Show in Halmstad Arena.

Det var stjärnspäckat minsann !
Klicka på länkarna så bjuder artisterna 
er på lite underhållning :)
There was lot´s of BIG swedish stars !
Click on the links and get some entertainment :)

Trevlig söndag på er allihopa !
Have a nice sunday efurrybody !

30 kommentarer:

The Florida Furkids sa...

Wow.....you sure are a busy family! Have a super Sunday!!

The Florida Furkids

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs sa...

We love seeing Conrad with his toy, Fenris always kills his too.

Charlie, we thinks you were awful brave to go shopping. It terrifies our Mommy.

Marg sa...

Charlie, your selfie is great in the cage. Silly place serving dog food. Bet everyone enjoyed seeing you You all have a wonderful day.

The Island Cats sa...

What a great way to celebrate Cat Day, Charlie. We love your selfie, too.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty sa...

Looks like you and your mom person had a fun day!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie


Looks like a great day!

Brian's Home Blog sa...

That looks like a fun outing Charlie!

pilch92 sa...

Looks like you have been busy. I do think your Mom should have bought you some toys though.

Annie Bear sa...

It looks like a lot of people celebrated Cat Day! I enjoyed seeing all these pictures, but your selfie, Charlie, is really nice.

Your cage neighbor is beautiful (and big!).

Conrad is so cute!

Kattson sa...

Skicka tillbaka matte till zooaffären. Hon ska köpa MYCKET godis till dig på Kattens Dag!

noodlecat sa...

Looks like you had fun!
Have a super Sunday...

Noodle and crew

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

That is a lovely selfie, Kjelle. Looks like your mum had a great time with her friend.

Furries sa...

It doesn't seem fair that you had to spend your day entertaining humans but Conrad got all the new toys.

The Swiss Cats sa...

It looks like you and your mom had a busy weekend and a lot of fun ! Purrs

Anonym sa...

That was fun! We do love Maine Coons here, too. Maggie is a (2009) champion polydactyl Maine Coon, but we have had a few in the past. Of course, we love all cats...and critters! XO

Summer sa...

What a fun day! I wish there was Cat's Day event here I could participate in!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren sa...

your human got it all wrong, you do NOT buy the dog a gift on Cat Day! MOL!!
Love your selfies!

Shadow sa...

The dog may have gotten more toys than you on cat day, but you had the adventure. Hope you had a good cat day!

Lone Star Cats sa...

I like stealin some dog food too.

Cathy Keisha sa...

Your Mom person gets around, doesn’t she? Didn’t see ABBA on the list of entertainers. MOL! Can’t believe you didn’t get cat toys.

Katie Isabella sa...

Oh Charlie, your parents know how to celebrate your day! xxix

Dash Kitten Crew sa...

That looked like a lovely event, we saw Main Coons at our recent cat show visit, OH BOY!! BIG BIG BIG!! and altogether lovely!!

Anonym sa...

Oh wes ALWAYS loves seeing you! Both of you!
Charlie...you are still the handsomest Man cat in the world!
Your Nellie (at Mommy's Blog)

meowmeowmans sa...

Look at all those people gathered for Cats Day, Kjelle! We are surprised you did not get any cat toys, even though Conrad got one.

Big hugs!

Ingrid sa...

Super photos !

Anonym sa...

You are amazing, Kjelle Bus, so much to do and still thinking about an Art picture AND a selfie. Both are purrfect as well :) Happy Pawkisses :) <3

Timmy Tomcat sa...

Wow what a busy weekend for you and Mom Kjelle. Purrs my furend

Vi i Kasperian sa...

Oj så mycket det hänt när vi varit liksom väldigt frånvarande. Åtminstone har matte varit det. Tuppselfisarna var särskilt skojiga. :D Fast dom på dig och Conrad är finare.
Heja dig, klart du ska provsmaka Conrads godis!! Så att du kan avge ett expertutlåtande!!
Kasper med kattflock

BeadedTail sa...

Looks like a fun weekend with your mom! Your cage neighbor was cool looking! It was nice of you and your mom to take stuff home to Conrad!

A Tonl sa...

That's a pawesome Sunday Selfie. Do Conrad's biscuits taste good?