måndag 23 november 2015

Söndags selfies på en måndag :) / Sunday selfies on a monday :)

Denna veckan låter vi fjäderfäna som 
matte och husse var och tittade på 
i lördags , bidra med några selfie´s :)
This week we let the poultry that 
mom and dad whent looking at this 
saturday do the selfie´s :)

Inte säker på vilken sorts tupp det här är ?
Men fin är han i alla fall :)
Not sure what kind of rooster this is ?
But he sure looks handsome :)


En lite blyg löpanka
A shy Idler duck 

Vi hoppas att denna Kalkon överlever Thanks Giving !
We hope this Turkey will live after Thanks Giving !

Med risk för att inte vara helt politiskt korrekt så 
kallar vi denna tupp en Redneck :)
Take the risk of not being politically correct 
and call this rooster a Redneck :)

och med risk för att varningsklockorna ringer hos FRA 
så kallar vi denna en Taliban tupp :)
and with a big risk that the warning bells are ringing 
at FRA we call this a Taliban rooster :)

Hoppas ni tyckte det var kul med 
våra gäster som vi lät göra jobbet denna veckan :)
We hope you enjoyed our guests that 
did all the work with the selfies this week :)

Glöm inte att besöka ...
Don´t forget to visit ...

26 kommentarer:

Laila and Angel Minchie sa...

WOW! Look at all those beautiful chick-hens!

Anonym sa...

Mycket fina var de! Jag gillar verkligen höns, även om jag inte haft några på 3 år nu.
De är underbara, roliga och mycket sociala. Mvh Ann, Silvana och Kassia

Katten Gustav sa...

Visst är det fina bilder, men enligt min mening är de vackrast tillagade på ett fat. Särskilt kalkon!

Kattson sa...

Det där kallar jag fjäderkotletter!

Katie Isabella sa...

I LOVE chickens/roosters so this was a pleasure and I LOVE the names there. Especially the last one. :-)

Dui och Deco sa...

Mycket att sätta klorna i ;-) Fina är de.Nosbuffar

Brian's Home Blog sa...

Those sure are some interesting guests!!!

BeadedTail sa...

Those are some big purrty birds!

Kitties Blue sa...

What a great looking bunch, especially that Appenzeller. So unusual. Thanks for sharing them on the blog hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Anonym sa...

Hi Charlie, It's me....Shoko. I hadn't stopped by for awhile so decided to see what you are up to. I see you are giving folks many choices of what to have for Thanksgiving dinner....MOL Us Canucks had our Thanksgiving last month so we won't get sick of turkey 2 months in a row.

Big hugs,


Anonym sa...

These really are beautiful birds! Charlie - I bet you'd like to chase one of these around right???!!!

Love, Sammy

da tabbies o trout towne sa...

kjelle....deer cod all mite ee........we iz havin de werst kinda nite mare in broad day lite...... we must leeve thiz page ...quik lee....sorree dood...bak ina few ~~~~~



Dash Kitten Crew sa...

Those look exceptionally fine birds! I love the head feathers on the roosters!

pilch92 sa...

Very nice selfies, I really liked the white and black one.

Furries sa...

Very pretty birds. I thought "redneck" was a uniquely American term. Good to know we've shared the high points of our culture with the world ;-)

Lone Star Cats sa...

Dey all look delishus.

Summer sa...

Your post made me hungry!

Cirkus Boman sa...

oj så mycket gott..eh, trevliga flygfän du visar upp. Fick ni med någon hem?

Anonym sa...

The chicks look amazing, they all know how to do a purrfect Selfie :) Pawkisses :)

Colehaus Cats sa...

Wow! We had no idea the kinds of pretty birds people raise. We wonder if they would get along with cats, and maybe more importantly, if they will use a cat box?

LP sa...

Beautiful birds and photographs! We will be right over with a bit of butter and salt and pepper ;p

the critters in the cottage xo

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

That is a very tasty looking post Kjelle.

Photo Cache sa...

Adorably tasty post.

Emma and Buster

Timmy Tomcat sa...

They really are some prize birds fur sure Kjelle!
Buddy you made us Meow Out Loud

Noodle Cat sa...

We hope that the turkey didn't get eaten!
have a happy Thanksgiving...

Noodle and crew

A Tonl sa...

We bet Waffles over at glogirly is salivating over those CHICKEN!