tisdag 7 juni 2011

Cats On Tuesday

Oh my what a day it was yesterday !
It was Swedens Nationalday

My dad came home from his trip
I was THIS HAPPY to see him :)

Then it was my furriend Gustavs birhday

and he had one awsome PARTYYY !!!
That of course was M and D free :)
It was great fun to meet so many
of my blogfriends on his party under
the Rhododendrons

We ate and drank untill we almost burst

After all the food and drinks ,we rested for a while.
And then The games could begin :)

So today I´m sooo tired and have a headache
Mom doesn´t feel sorry for me at all :(

and visit Gattina and her cat´s
and the others that participate
in Cats On Tuesday

14 kommentarer:

Hjulia huller om buller sa...

Visst var det en kulig party!!!
Jätteroligt att vi blev så många!
Har du fått huvudvärk? Illa... du får ta det varligt med krongrädden nästa gång ;-)



Ellen Whyte sa...

Happy National Day, Kjelle!

Mr Puddy sa...

MOL..Had a Rough Night , Now you must rest all day long, my friend : )

Ingrid sa...

Apparently you celbrated too well your National Day, lol ! the mouse cake is real cute.
In Belgium National Day is on July 21st.

ellie sa...

Looks like u had a great day on Sweden's National day!! Hope Gustav had a great birthday. Does Gustav live with u? Love the fish and mouse cakes! :)

Katten Lisa sa...

Du kunde verkligen festa loss! Vilken tillgång du är på ett party! Och nog var det mer än en tjej som tassade runt dig litet extra...
Hoppas du får vila ifred idag, så är det full fart i morgon igen!

Irishcoda sa...

Hi, this is the first time I've visited your blog. I love the pictures!

Photo Cache sa...

You took very good pictures and happy belated birthday Gustav. We'll tell our mama to feed us something special tonite in honor of Gustav's b/day, our new furrends.

Emma and Buster

Dui och Deco sa...

Härlig dag och underbar fest!Kul att träffa alla! Extra vila krävs absolut idag!Nosbuff

Barbara sa...

LOL! Love those cakes and that rat! Hope the headache has gone by now, and happy belated birthday to Gustav :O)

Katnip Lounge sa...

We love the Fish Cake! Was it tuna fish? You looked so happy to have your Dad home, you must love him lots and lots.

Unknown sa...

hihi vilket paaaaaaaaaaarty
tazz o Kram

catsynth sa...

Happy National Day, and happy Birthday to Gustav! It sounds like it was quite a celebration.

BeadedTail sa...

Looks like you had a great celebration! Hope you get plenty of rest! We're glad your daddy is home!