tisdag 13 december 2011

Cats On Tuesday

Please don´t use the translater as Mr Google translater will 
do an even worse translation than ever if he try´s to translate english to english *MOL*

My mom have done it again !!!
Made me miss another  Cats On Tuesday last week :(
 Just because she and her friend went on a longweekend to Riga in Latvia.

atleast they met Santa Claus so she did leave my wishlist to him :)
 So I hope I will get a lot of toy´s for Christmas :)

I don´t know why she didn´t bring me along ?? 
Cause I do have a passport 

and there where special hostels for cat´s.

Mom brought me some new toy´s from Riga 

and a little brother called Balthazar.  I guess you can see that I don´t 
like him that much ??!!

He doesn´t let me have my beuty sleep :(

he just want´s to play ALL THE TIME !!

and I have seen pictures from mom´s trip that he have been with MY MOM  efurry where :( 

On the Pub 

at the movie

at the Pub again !!

I´m strongly thinking about sending him back to Riga !!!

Do visit Gattina and her cat´s 
and all the others that participate in Cats On Tuesday !!

22 kommentarer:

Katten Lisa sa...

Visst är det obegripligt att du måste stanna hemma? Hade du fått följa med hade matte insett hur onödigt det var att köpa en liten Kjellekopia. Originalet är ju så mycket bättre!

Fuzzy Tales sa...

Our human grandfather's parents were from Riga, so that is so cool! Nice to see the photos!

We're sorry you had to stay home while your "friend" got to visit and have fun with your mom -- not fair at all!

Ingrid sa...

Riga looks to be a very nice town ! I have never been up to the North !
A cat hostel, that's nice and the gifts she brought you are nice too !

Sharon Wagner sa...

Is that a mojito? This cat loves those.

Whisppy sa...

What fun places your Mom went! Your little brother may have gotten to be with her during the trip, but YOU get all the toys!

Dui och Deco sa...

Skönt att matte hittat hem igen och det är i alla fall lite stil på henne eftersom hon har köpt presenter! Nosbuff

Boo-Bah AKA Iris sa...

your toys look like fun. Your little friend is cute too. We are so sorry that you didn't get to go on the trip with your mom. Maybe next time.

Anonym sa...

Vilken tur att din matte köpte leksaker till dig från Riga. Skönt också att hon kom hem välbehållen.

Nosegosepussar från Bröderna Bus & Busan

Trollungarnas Värld sa...

Din människa var ju riktigt snäll mot dej för hon hade ju med presenter till dej. Annat man kan jama om den människa vi har inneboende i vårt hus..*svansknyck* hon åkte ju till det tyska landet utan att komma hem med något till oss i höstas *mutter*

Unknown sa...

Puzzel har också pass, om ni ska resa iväg nånstans.
Kanske i januari när Matte ska till Thailand. Tazz&Kram

meowmeowmans sa...

Wow, Riga looks like a pretty neat place! It sure was nice of your mom to bring you those nice toys (and to pass along your list to Santa).

CATachresis sa...

Won't be long before Balthazar has his own blog! Better watch out Kjelle!

Anna.S sa...

Vilka äventyr din matte är ute på, och kan med att lämna dig hemma ;)

catsynth sa...

Looks like a great trip to Riga. The old buildings are quite interesting.

Those pictures of Balthazar with the drinks at the pub are very cute!

Annie Bear sa...

That new "friend" seems like a pest but you got some neat new toys! Mama loves the pictures. She loves European Christmas markets.

Ellen Whyte sa...

We can see you're an ONLY cat. You're looking great and we look forward to seeing you every week!

Carla sa...

Hello handsome!! Love the look your giving your mom in the header pics:). Looks like your mom had fun, atleast she brought you some goodies!! (Queen Uno says milk it for more:) )

BeadedTail sa...

That looks like a fun place! Does the pub have Niptinis?

Luxington sa...

MOL! What a silly brother.

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

That looks like a lovely place. We are glad your mum enjoyed it there. You got some great toys too.....and a brother.

Cindy Adkins sa...

Well, it good you got some new toys anyway! We're sorry your Mom didn't take you along with her, though. We have missed TWO Cats on Tuesday because our Mom so busy with WORK!! Not like this at all.
Your friends,
Buster, Sam, Rudy (and Cindy)

Cats of Wildcat Woods sa...

Sorry you did not get to go! Looks like Mom had fun too. Love your header and the Santa outfit - none of us like to wear clothes!!!!