tisdag 27 december 2011

Cats On Tuesday

Tuesday and time for me to blog in english 
and time for you to turn Mr Google translater of :)
What I have been up to this past week ??

I have been practiced karate , 
this karate shop is called the flying paw :)

 My ball have taking it´s Christmas bath :)

The things that my mom ordered from Susan Alisons Etsy shop  arrived in time for Christmas :)

This is called Waiting for you at Rainbow bridge

Mom also recieved a nice card from Susan :)

If Santa didn´t come to you it´s my mom´s fault !
Can you imagine she bought catfood with RAINDEER meet !!!
Poor Rudolf ,  Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet,  Cupid, Donner och Blitzen :(

I have recieved Liebster Blogaward 
from two furiends :)

and from the cats at Twinkletoe Tails

Then I have had a Raffle and Commenthaton on my blog :)

My Commenthaton raised 20 Euro to "our" local catshelter.

Yes I have had time to celebrate  Christmas too :)
Don´t forget to visit Gattina and her cat´s

15 kommentarer:

Katten Lisa sa...

OJ, så många fina bilder på dig i ett svep! Din matte är duktig, och du är en suverän skådespelare. Kan nog bli en Muscar så småningom tror jag.

Whisppy sa...

Ahhh yes. We remember the terrific Christmas gifts you received. It sure was a busy week for you!

Annie Bear sa...

Kjelle, you lead such a busy and exciting life! I love your karate move. The artwork is all beautiful, especially the one of you. I'm glad you had a wonderful Christmas!

Gemma Wiseman sa...

O wow! What a bright and happy Christmas for you! You look as if you enjoyed everything from the unknown to the rumpled paper! Good one!

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

You have had an action packed week Kjelle. We liked seeing all those pictures again, and the paintings are beautiful.

BeadedTail sa...

You had quite the week! We think it should be Christmas every week of the year!

The Florida Furkids sa...

It sounds like you've been really busy. We LOVE that last picture of you with the tree!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Unknown sa...

Sista bilden är bara sååå ljuvlig.

Panter sa...

Man ska visst önska god fortsättning säger min husmor.
Vet inte så noga vad det är men det är säkert bra.
Själv förutsätter jag att livet rullar på som vanligt liksom.
Har gjort mitt yttersta för att övertyga Astrid om att göra ett besök i granen men hon fegar ur.
Kunde va intressant annars att få se hur ett grankrig skulle se ut.
Ha dä gött!

CATachresis sa...

What a busy time you had Kjelle! I love the portrait, it catches your thoughtful side very well :)

The karate chop was very professional :))

Ingrid sa...

You were very busy at Christmas ! and the pictures are so nice !

Boo-Bah AKA Iris sa...

What a busy cat you've been. I loved the art work.

It looks like you had a lovely Christmas. We hope you have a Happy New Year.

Oui Oui sa...

We are taking a nap after reading all that you did!

Carla sa...

LOVE your new header!! Meowy Christmas dear Kjelle!!

Barbara sa...

What a busy cat you've been! So glad you got some great presents, hope you had time for a well earned rest too!