tisdag 3 januari 2012

Cats On Tuesday

Yeah it´s tuesday and time to blog in english 
for the first time this year :)

Don´t forget to visit Gattina 
and her cat´s !!
CLICK on the picture 
and voila you are there :)

 Wish you all a Happy New Year !!
I hope we all stay healthy and that we will get lot and lot´s 
of treats and toy´s :)

Yesterday my mom recieved a package (again)

If I helped her to open it ??
Off course I did , I´m a gentlemancat you know :)

Yeah , I have the best mommy in the world !!
It was The chronicles of Zee and Zoey , A Journey of the Extraordinarily Ordinary  written by 
Deborah Barnes in the package :)

Mom , could you please turn the page faster ??!!

Hi , there Deborah !

This is Zee

and here we have Zoey and Zee on the left side and on 
the right side Zee , Zoey and the kittens.

Guess who I will demand to read this for me as a bedtime story ??
YES , you guessed right = My mommy :)
I´m soo looking forward to listen to the story about 
Zee and Zoey and the others in the feline clan.

CLICK HERE and read/watch moore about
Zee and Zoey 

and yes they do have a blog too :)

20 kommentarer:

Fuzzy Tales sa...

The book looks terrific, we hope both you and your mom enjoy it!

Happy new year to you too, we hope 2012 brings good health, love and laughter!

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

That looks like a very nice book. It will be good for your mum to read it to you at bedtime.

Cindy Adkins sa...

OMC! That look like a really good book! Need to ask our Mom to buy one for us, too! Keep box...it's fun to play in...MOL! Happy New Year, friends!!
Buster, Rudy and Sam

Dui och Deco sa...

Verkar vara en riktigt bra bok! Nosbuff

Unknown sa...

I was going to ask my hubby for this book for christmas but forgot! I think having seen your beautiful review and pictures that I might have to buy myself it as an 'it's January!' present!! (Any excuse)

Ingrid sa...

I see you are a very intellectual cat !
Happy New Year to you too and ask your mom to buy you a book about "How to catch a mouse"

Kat and the Furrsonality gang sa...

What an awesome blog you have - you are such a handsome, blue eyed-beauty!

And we will check out Zee and Zoey, too!

BeadedTail sa...

That looks like a great book since it has kitties in it! We hope you and your mom enjoy it!

Happy New Year to you too!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris sa...

It looks like it's going to be a great book for your mom to read to you.

You are very nice to help your mom open the package.

CATachresis sa...

Oh goodoh! I know you will enjoy it, Kjelle. It is a story about mischievious kitties! Something we all know something about, but it is told in such an enchanting way :)

Pelle sa...

Oh, vilket fint paket du fått! jag fick också ett fint med posten idag. Gissa vilket?
Matte har lite att göra men ska fixa med bloggen senare idag.

Nea theCat sa...

Sounds great! Does mummy do different miaous for each cat too? :D


Splendid Little Stars sa...

so good of you to help your mom open that package!
ooo..looks like an exciting tale! happy reading!

Whisppy sa...

What a lovely story to listen to at bedtime. Sweet dreams!

Unknown sa...

Bra pli du har på Matte. Att bläddra i boken.

meowmeowmans sa...

Happy New Year to you and your family, Kjelle!

That book sure looks great. We are very likely going to get it soon!

Viola sa...

Hehe, Kjelle Bus, du er en boklesende katt du! :)) En bokelsker med andre ord!! Jeg smilte da jeg så disse bildene, du er så fin og intelligent, og jeg elsker dine bilder som din matte legger inn! =)

Jeg var også inne og tittet på dine julekort, så mange flotte kort og hilsninger du har fått! For en super ide å legge de inn på bloggen! Jeg og Pusa har fått en par julekort også, kanskje jeg skal blogge dem en dag..

Klem fra Viola! :)

*Jeg* også elsker å åpne *pakker* som min matmor/matte får!! ^^D

Nuss på nesen fra Pusa! :)

Cathy Keisha sa...

Looks like you got a very interesting book there. Mind if I read along?

The Florida Furkids sa...

That book looks really good!! How nice of your Mommy to read to you.

Happy 2012!!

The Florida Furkids

Oui Oui sa...

Those kitties are almost as cute as you! Do you stay awake for your story? We fall sleep before our's is over!