tisdag 10 januari 2012


It´s tuesday and time for me to blog in english and time for 
you to turn Mr Google translater off :)

This blogpost for Cat´s On Tuesday 
that Gattina and her cat´s host´s is my 40:th !

What I have been up to since last tuesday ??

I have been harvesting my grass :)

Given efurybody a good tip on how to get attention ;-)

Received The Liebster Blogaward from Austin at CATachresis

Showed how much snow we had the 6:th january 
LAST YEAR (2011)

Here I´m laying in the sun the 5:th january this year (2012)
It sure is a BIG different in the weather this winter and last :)

Wish you all a pawsome tuesday !

Don´t forget to visit Gattina and her Cat´s !!

30 kommentarer:

Irishcoda sa...

I love your pictures, so big and beautiful! Do you use Photobucket? I've been using Blogger but don't like it, my pictures are too small. I guess you are having a mild winter too? We only had two or three days of really cold weather right after New Year. Now it's mild again.

Fuzzy Tales sa...

You've had a very busy week! We hope you enjoy this week as much too. :-)

The Florida Furkids sa...

It looks like you had a fun week!! we like your attention getter!!!

The Florida Furkids

Ingrid sa...

I invite you for harvesting our grass when it grows, although it already grows a bit with this warm weather. Last year I had difficulties to find Arthur in the snow, that was a nice camouflage for him, lol !

Annie Bear sa...

Wow, your grass looks great! You had a great week. Again, I just love that shot of you on the rocks in the sun.

Happy Tuesday, sweet Kjelle!

Cat-from-Sydney sa...

Kjelle Bus,
May I have some of that grass purrrrrlease? They look yummmmy... purrr....meow!

Dianne sa...

you looks so cozy and warm in the sun!!
I love your tail, it's a beautiful color
all of you is beautiful actually :)

CATachresis sa...

That shot in the sun is great, Kjelle. You look so content >^,,^<

Whisppy sa...

We saw your grass and told Mommy we wanted it too! So she went to our regular pet shop and had them order some for us. Meowwwff!!

Dui och Deco sa...

Såå gott med alldeles nytt gräs! Nosbuff

Sol-Måne sa...

Ser smaskigt ut det där.

Pernille sa...

Oh, you look so nice Kjelle Bus, and I can see you're busy:-)
I'm Pernille from Norway. New in bloglandia, and if you want to, you can visit my blog:
I have been living with my new family for only 3 weeks, and they are helping me with my blog.
Have a nice evening:-)
XXXX Pernille:-)

Vilt og vakkert sa...

Mjau, mjau!

Mum had to take a brake in evaluating the student's work since some of them pasted and sent too large digital photos, and she don't manage to upload them and put then into the powerpoint for tomorrow!

Thank you for the useful tips to get attention!
Time to grow car grass.... I will!
Nice to see how you looks! You are really beautiful ;:OD)
Have a nice time!

Mjaugreetings from Sia

BeadedTail sa...

That's a great way to spend the week! We think the sun is way better than snow!

Photo Cache sa...

Wow, you have a good time outdoors in winter this year. Pawsome Tuesday.

Your pals,
Emma and Buster

Donna sa...

Your pictures are very pretty. I would love to sit on a rock in the park like that. :)

Katnip Lounge sa...

Your grass looks scrumptious! We cannot believe how little snow has fallen this year.

Daisy sa...

Good idea tipping your toys out all over the floor! You got a good crop of grass growing there!

Kat and the Furrsonality gang sa...

You've been such a busy kitty! Keep us updated on your activities :)

Luxington sa...

You look beautiful in the snow! Well, you ALWAYS look beautiful actually!

Carla sa...

MY what a busy week you've had!!

Oui Oui sa...

Kjelle, you are so sweet and we love your little lion face in the last picture! The mom just wants to kiss and scratch you!

Nea theCat sa...

Matte säger att hon saknar snön! Inte kul med flera plusgrader, regn och rusk. :(

Du var så fin där i snön, ja i solen också givetvis.


Hanna sa...

oh du har oxå en birma, jag har 2 st!
kolla gärna in :)

Vi i Kasperian sa...

Jag läste också, för jag tyckte det var fint med en repetition. :)

Cats of Wildcat Woods sa...

We had a lot more snow last year than this year too. Nice to see all these pics!

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

Your grass is looking very good and green. Our outdoor grass is like that also because it has been very warm and rainy this winter. We like the picture of you in the snow, and also on the rocks.

meowmeowmans sa...

Wow, such a busy week, Kjelle! And all good things, too. :)

We hope this week is just as good!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris sa...

The snow looks so cold! Yes you have had a very busy week. I want to get some of that grass for my cats. I bet they would love it.

You sure looked pretty sunning yourself on the rocks.

Cindy Adkins sa...

You so beautiful, sitting on that rock...we all have would like to give you kiss!! MOL! We also want to say good on you to send Mr. Puddy presents while he was at cattery! That was so sweet of you! No snow here either yet!
Your friends,
Buster, Rudy, Sam and Cindy