tisdag 24 januari 2012

Cats On Tuesday

Finally tuesday and all of my furiends that 
usually uses Mr Google Translater.
Today is the day in the week you don´t :)

Last wednesday I received a letter from Royal Canin and guess what ?? I have won 4kg/ 8.8 lbs catfood and one of the pictures that mom sent in for the Cat Day photocompetition  will be in their Planner 2013 :)

As if my job as a calendar boy was not enough so I will now also be a writer in the SouthCat News.
I will write about my adventures and about my blog friends all around the world:)

The South Cat News is the magasine that our catclub Sydkatten gives out 4 times a year.

My blogversary party last thursday was great fun :)
I´m sooooo glad that so many of you my furiends could come !!!

The day after I was really felling like the day after ;-)
and slept most of the day.

Now we got snow even in the south part´s of Sweden.
Here I´m sitting in the window watching the snowflakes.

of course my mom dragged me out in the white , cold snow

This morning it was really cold = 12.2 Fahrenheit/ -11 Celsius.
I almost felt sorry for my mom that had to scrape ice from the carwindows and sit in that really cold car.

Wish you all a great tuesday where ever you are !
Don´t forget to visit Gattina and her cat´s that are 
hosting Cats On Tuesday !


26 kommentarer:

Fuzzy Tales sa...

Congratulations on winning the food in the photo competition and on writing for SouthCat News! You're on a winning streak. Maybe if Sweden has lotteries you could buy a ticket. LOL.

We're not excited about the snow, though, but we suppose winter had to show up sometime. Well, about two months and Spring will be here! :-)

Pernille sa...

Wow, it looks cold Kjelle. Here it's minus 8, and I stay inside. Mom wonder if I ever will go outside, but I was living alone for a while, without a home, so I think it's best to stay inside for a while, so I don't get lost in my new neighborhood.

Cindy Adkins sa...

OMC!! You win cat food AND get your picture in calendar?? Congratulations, friend!! You so handsome - that why you win! You have nice view out that window, watching the snowflakes. Keep warm!
Buster, Rudy, Sam and Cindy

Marie sa...

Wow, congratulations on your wonderful win and on being a writer for the cat newsletter -- all that work would make our felines tired out too!

It looks so cold there with all that snow! We have not had much snow yet this winter and none of our cats would even think of venturing out in it -- not even Giblet the Kitten who tends to do things the other cats would never do :-)

Visiting from Cats on Tuesday!

The Furballs
Bonkers in Barnhart

Whisppy sa...

Love that picture of you sleeping after the blogoversary party.

Anonym sa...

Har Kjelle helt gott över till utrikiskan? Vilken kisse. Sigrid förstog inte. Hon är bara ett halvt år! Tass på dig från Sigrid.

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

You look very sweet and peaceful in your napping photo.

Cat-from-Sydney sa...

Kjelle Bus,
You look so contented there my sweet. And what lovely snow you have...do you know that I have never seen such beauty in real life? Yeah...the frost in Mama's fridge doesn't count. purrr.....meow!

Oui Oui sa...

You look so sweet when you sleep! Our mom's been scraping ice too, but she's thankful the heat in the cat isn't broken like her last car!

Ingrid sa...

Congratulations ! you will become a famous cat !! - 11° that's really cold. This year the coldest we got was - 3° ! No snow at all, but the plants start blooming ! Arthur starts his neighborhood walks again !

CATachresis sa...

WOW! -11 that is cold. Good job your coat is so thick! Congrats on being calendar boy :))))

Dui och Deco sa...

Underbara du, KjelleBus, vi är så imponerade av att du jamar på engelska så himla bra.Nosbuff

Bob deTomaat sa...

Hi Kjelle Bus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Hi Bob !
Nice to se you here at my blog :)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Tackar för KATTplimangen om mina språkkunskaper !

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Yes it was VERY cold !!
I am VERY thankful for having such thick coat !!
Thank you for the CATulations on me being a calender boy :)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Thank´s for the CAtulations !
Yes it was REALLY cold the other morning = BRRRR !
Me and mom want´s blooming plants too !!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

My mom and dad too say´s that I´m sweet when I´m sleeping :)
Scraping ice is not fun :( and no heating in the car is even moore :(

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Hi there !
I think that frost in your mom´s fridge does count :)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

You are so right , I am peasful when I sleep :)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Japp en gång i veckan så bloggar jag på engelska :)
Sigrid lär sig nog oxå att jama på engelska när hon blir lite större ;-)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

After that blogoversary party I did sleep for a very long time :)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Thank you so much for the CATulations :)
It is cold in the snow = BRRR !

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Thank you so much for the CATulations !

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

Thank you so much for the CATulations !
Yes we do have lotteries in Sweden :)
I shall tell mom to get one or two ;-)
I´m not really excited about the snow either and wait for the spring just like you !

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal sa...

It is cold Pernille !!
You can go out in a harness like I do , it´s much safer than take walks all by your self !!