tisdag 17 april 2012

Cats On A Tuesday

Mom changed her mind and let me have the computer a little bit longer :)
So turn the translater of and her we go 
with a shorter variant of the earlier blogpost !

This weekend have me and mom been on a 
BIG catshow down in Malmoe.
There was 620 cat´s on the saturday and as many on the sunday.
Some of us where there both day´s.
It was Sydkatten that arranged their annual catshow , this year it´s the catclub´s 50th birthday so there was many extra things at the show :)

Some of the judges was dressed like Hippie´s as it was 60´s theme on the catshow.

Here I´m showing my tongue for the judge Hannah *giggles*
It was not very nice of me say´s my mom , since Hannah gave me great reviews and a certificate.

One certificate = One CAP-bow :)

Me and mom meet some of our blogfriends and FB-friends IRL.
It was FUN !!! 
From the left : Karin , Gunilla , Carina och Nilla

From the left : Carina , Åsa , Titti and my mom Camilla.

Since me and mom was at the catshow both day´s , we stayed at a hotel :)

Here I´m checking out if  they would show The Real Housecats on TV ??
They didn´t :(

The bar was open all night ;-)

and the bed was VERY comfy

Hope you all are having a GREAT tuesday :)

Don´t forget to visit Gattina and her cat´s 
that host´s 

19 kommentarer:

Fuzzy Tales sa...

What a great time...What a HUGE cat show! Wow!

You're also a fantastic traveller...no way would our mom travel with us. LOL.


WooHoo! TWO posts in one day! You've got your mom VERY well trained. Congrats on your ribbons, Kjelle Bus! It looks like it was a great trip. And a bar that is open all night! Very nice touch.
; ) Katie

Boo-Bah AKA Iris sa...

That looks like a very big cat show! Congratulatiions on your wins.

It looks as though you loved your stay in the hotel. Love that bar! :o)


Unknown sa...

I now try to participate in "Cats on Thuseday".
I like the catbar. :-)
Big Hug

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

That looked like a very exciting weekend. It is a good job that the judge didn't mind you sticking your tongue out at her. You made yourself right at home in the hotel.

The Furries of Whisppy sa...

You sure did enjoy your hotel room and it's bar, didn't you, Kjelle Bus? :)

Ingrid sa...

Wow ! that looks like the "Oscar" festivities for cats, you look great and staying in a hotel with an open bar whole night, what a luxury ! Congrats for the awards !

NoOne sa...

Underbart tassat inlägg & så roligt att se foton på kändisar/Jam & Kram

Katnip Lounge sa...

HURRAH for Tuesday! Google translator isn't working for us and we were dying to know what was up with the costumes at the cat show! Now we know.

Katie Isabella sa...

Oh Kjelle Bus, I LOVED seeing the cat show you were in and it was really specially nice seeing what it was like there. Congratulations again darling beauty!

Cindy Adkins sa...

OMC!! 620 cats?!! We never see that many cats in one place! You are so beautiful and now you are a celebrity!
Buster, Rudy, Sam and Mom Cindy

BeadedTail sa...

Concatulations on your ribbon! You looked so handsome! We enjoyed seeing your mom too! The hotel looked like quite the retreat! Our sisfur Sadie has been in hotels but we have never stayed over night anywhere besides here.

Unknown sa...


Oui Oui sa...

Concats on your show! You looked beautiful. We wouldn't have traveled very well and our pix would have all been under the bed.

Barbara sa...

Wow what a weekend. Congrats on your certificate, and sometimes you just have to stick your tongue out at someone no matter how nice they are. That hotel looks so swanky, looks like you had a great time there.

Mr Puddy sa...

620 kitties !!!!! OMC ! That show can call a town of kitties ! I like your judge's dress " hippee " !!!! And you was doing great, buddy !
And what I like most about this post ? I see your mommy !!!!! Kiss her for me , will you ?

Handsome Puddy

CATachresis sa...

All that primping and fluffing certainly paid off Kjelle Bus. You look terrific and well done on the ribbons :)

Pee Ess Glad the bar was open all night ;)

Sharon Wagner sa...

I'm dying to pet that soft fur. Beautiful!

A Tonl sa...

Mowzers! Mommy never takes us anywhere! You so lucky! And you gotted a ribbon! HIGHPAW! We thinks having the bar open all night shows that's really a classy hotel. (Except they really SHOULD have been showing Real Housecats if they wanted a Four-Paw rating!)