torsdag 5 april 2012


Nu tänkte jag ta lite Påskledigt ett par dagar :)
Så jag och min matte önskar er alla en .......


37 kommentarer:

Fuzzy Tales sa...

A very happy Easter to you and your family too! We hope you have a wonderful weekend and that the Easter Bunny brings you treats. :-)

Rebellen sa...

Åhh finis, va stilig du är! Önskar er detsamma såklart!

Hoppas ni får en jamarshärlig Påskhelg med massa gos och gottigt! :D <3

Nosgos och Mjölkisar

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

Happy Easter to you and your mum Kjelle Bus.

Vi i Kasperian sa...

Glad Påsk tillbaks!
Fast våran går nog lite i saknadens tecken, förstås...

Deb sa...

"Happy Easter you funny little guy". Hugs, Deb=^..^=x6

Kippy Marrie sa...

Feliz Páscoa amiguinha...
Muita paz, amor e diversão.
E chocolates....rsrsrs.
Fica com o Papai do Céu.
Aus e Beijos de minha mamis a voces...



Happy Easter, Charlie Rascal! Work those bunny ears!!! ; )

I hear you're DRIVING the Official Real Housecats Cast Trailer!!! I sure hope your license is valid.
...better stop by and take a peek ; )

xo Katie

Hjulia huller om buller sa...

Glad Påsk till er tillbaka! Ha en jamarskön helg med god mat och mycket bus å gos!



Anonym sa...

Håll dig i kvasten så du inte ramlar av. Så glad påsk på dig. Krams, jams från Sigrid en söt birma tjej o matte Lisa.

The Furries of Whisppy sa...

Happy Easter, Kjelle Bus and family!

A Tonl sa...

Oh my cat! What BIG EARS you have Kjelle! MOL!

NoOne sa...

Jamarn's Glad Påsk sötis/Nospuss

CATachresis sa...

Happy Easter Kjelle Bus :) Why does Mr Google tell me you are a hipocritical furball? lol

Mary sa...

Glad påsk på er !
och njut av ledigheten:)

We love LUNA sa...

You are adorable!
Happy Easter!

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs sa...

Happy Easter!!!!!!!

Pelle sa...

Trevlig Påsk!

Mariodacat sa...

Happy Easter - you are the cutest dang bunny we've ever seen. he he

Anonym sa...

Vilket härligt påskkort! Glad påsk på er!

Aamor sa...

Glad Påsk!

Hannah and Lucy sa...

Happy Easter to you and your family.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Katie Isabella sa...

Happy Easter sweetheart to you and your family. xoxox

Donna sa...

Have a Happy Easter! Love, Keisha. :)

{{{Kjelle Bus}}}

BeadedTail sa...

Happy Easter to you and your mom!

meowmeowmans sa...

Happy Easter to you and your family, Kjelle! :)

Gigi sa...

Happy Easter to you, Kjelle Bus!! I hope you get lots of treats!

Ingrid sa...

Happy Easter to both of you !

Oskar sa...

I hope you have a wonderful Easter too. You look adorable in your picture.

Nubbin wiggles,

Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey sa...

Oh!!! So precious!!! HAPPY EASTER to all!

Kattfamiljen sa...

Glad påsk till dig och matte :-)

HH and The Boys sa...

Happy Easter to you too. HH just wants to give you a big hug because you look so cute in your bunny outfit.

pawhugs, Max

Wikki sa...

Efter allt Wikkibloggstrul tidigare, så tappade jag totalt klöstaget om vilka jag redan jamat påskhälsning till! Så här kommer för säkerhets skull en idag också! PåskTassKram Wikki & PåskMysKurr Nova


Happy Easter, Charlie Rascal!!! We hope you "get" some bunnies! (just kidding...)
You and the other original Housecats are featured in a new 30 second video on my blog today! Poking fun at DOGS..again!
; )

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) sa...

Adorable. Happy Easter. Come for our Caturday egg hunt.

Oui Oui sa...

Kjelle, you are sweet in your bunny ears, and we can't believe how well behaved you are around those chickens! Where's the "bus"? Hee, hee. Happy Easter & enjoy your time with your mom!

Kat and the Furrsonality gang sa...

Looks like you had an awesome Easter!! :)

Photo Cache sa...

happy belated easter.

emma and buster