tisdag 24 april 2012

Cats On Tuesday

Finally tuesday and time for 
Cats On Tuesday
that Gattina and her cat´s host´s

and time for me to miaow on english :)
So please turn the Mr Google Translater OFF !

over at her blog

and gave anybody a permission slip 
to tag along and play ABC.

I made a swedish ABC yesterday , but since 
Mr Google Translater did a lousy work 
with it :(
I do one ABC in english too :)


Best looking mancat in the world ;-)






Harley Davidson rider

Intense blue eyes



Lady´s cat

Mouse catcher

Night Owl

Official Security Cat



Real Housecat


The world´s cutest Santa Cat

Under Cover agent



Yoga expert

Zzzleepy head

Don´t forget to visit 
Gattina and her cat´s 
that host´s 

19 kommentarer:

We love LUNA sa...

Charming and handsome Kjelle, I love your pictures!

The Furries of Whisppy sa...

Hahaha. Zzzzleepy Head! MOL.
This made a lot more sense than what Google Translate did yesterday!

Unknown sa...

Lovely pictures of you.
Big Hug Inkan and The Ligue

Viola sa...

Hei Kjelle Bus! =) Nå er det lenge siden jeg var og besøkte deg her inne på bloggen din!! :o men her er jeg da.. :))
Jeg er så spent på om du vant kameraet? Jeg skal scrolle nedover og se.. :))

Nydelige og artige bilder av deg her i dette innlegget! Jeg dro på smilet både her og der.. ;)

Klemmer fra Viola :) og Pusa ^^)

Ingrid sa...

Congratulations that's a wonderful ABC such cute pictures !

Seville at Nerissa's Life sa...

I love those pictures! They're great!!! I especially like A,G,I and, of course, U.

CATachresis sa...

You are no shrinking violet Mr Handsome Kjelle Bus! And rightly so :)))

BeadedTail sa...

We can read them all today! We don't think your stubborn though! When you are as handsome as you are, you can do things any way you want to!

Findus, Isak och Rasmus sa...

Vi kan bara instämma i allt! Skickligt att hitta foton till alla bokstäver! Kurr och burr.

Katnip Lounge sa...

"K" is for Kicker!! We like that one best. Nice tushy, hee hee!

Luna und Luzie sa...

Great ABC photos! I enjoyed them all ZZzzzz is the cutest!

Barbara sa...

Love your ABC - your yoga pose made me laugh, and that's a great undercover agent look!

meowmeowmans sa...

Great ABCs, Kjelle! We really liked the "dancer" picture. :)

Splendid Little Stars sa...

That is one fabulous list! You got me right from the start with Aclawpuncturist!! ha ha ha! What fun!

Unknown sa...

Wowwie! Yous did it in English and Swedish! It must be pawsome to be trilingual! Me only speaks English and cat!

Ellen Whyte sa...

MOL, this is the best ABC online!

montyandrosie sa...

Heh - what a fabulous ABC!!! What a handsome model cat! I love looking at your pictures.

Luxington sa...

Yay! We loved reading your ABC's! And we loved that you put a picture up for each letter :-)

Clooney sa...

That is sure one fantastic job of the ABC's! Loved your post, Kjelle Bus you rock big time!