onsdag 16 maj 2012

Cats On Tuesday

 on wednesday :)

So you can turn the translater 
off and enjoy my blogpost entirely in english :)

Tonight have my mom been on a lecture 
with catbehaviorist Susanne Hellmann Holmström.
She talked about why cats do what they do. 

Susanne is also an author that have published two book about cats
and our behavior. 
I have been told that she shall be good on this , even if she is a human ;-)

Your Cats Behavior 

This one is just published
To get a cat

Sorry to have to tell you that they are
just published in swedish :(

When mom came home she brought a bag with 
goodies and some other stuff that I didn´t cared about so much :) 
Everyone who was at the lecture was given a bag to take home
to their cats.

 She also brought me a new toy.
Since I have so few of them ;-)

It was VERY funny to play with 

I jumped ...

and jumped ....

and then I jumped again :)

Come to Kjelle ;-)
 You wonder what I´m jumping after ??
It´s the world famous Da Bird !!

I hope that efurrybody have had 
as great Tuesday 
as I had ! 

Don´t forget to visit 
that hosts Cats On Tuesday

19 kommentarer:

meowmeowmans sa...

How neat that your Mom got to go to hear Susanne's lecture! Maybe one day, Susanne's books will be translated into other languages. :)

Kjelle, we love to see you playing with Da Bird. Isn't it the best?


Fuzzy Tales sa...

Wow, Da Bird! Good for you! We love your action shots!

We hope your mom enjoyed Susanne's lecture and that she found it useful!

The Florida Furkids sa...

Da Bird rocks!! We loved seeing your action shots!!!

The Florida Furkids and Lexi

Mariodacat sa...

WOW - you sure can leap high pal. We're impressed as to how good the action shots were with the camera. Our camera doesn't take very good action shots - by the time I'm thru with the leap, the camera finally goes off - missing the whole thing.

BeadedTail sa...

We bet that lecture was very interesting and that the books are too! We only speak english so we couldn't read them. :( We love your action shots of you going after Da Bird! You were flying!

Unknown sa...

Wowwie! Zowwie! look at that Action! Yous is one athletic Man Cat!

Unknown sa...

Sorry I missed yesterdays Cats on Thusday. :-(
Big Hug to you

Ingrid sa...

Studying cat behavor ? That's a rather impossible task as a cat always does what she wants ! The cat knows human behavor far better, lol !
Your jumping skills are great ! Not rusty at all !

The Furries of Whisppy sa...

Yeay!! We love Da Bird! Isn't it the best feather ever? We wish we had a cat behaviorist we could consult with over here.
Love your action shots!

CATachresis sa...

Kjelle Bus, your human takes pretty good pictures of you dancing!!!

Katten Lisa sa...

Jamars vad du kan hoppa! Där ligger mitt stakethopp i lä! Snyggt! *beundrande*

A Tonk's Tail sa...

oh we LOVE Da Bird!! That's so PAWEsome! Of course, Kjelle needs a Da Bird, cuz we're so certain you don't have enough toys. NO cat ever does, you know!

Dui och Deco sa...

Spinnande med såna tvåbeningar! Hoppas matte tyckte det var bra och att du får nytta av det! Nosbuff

Boo-Bah AKA Iris sa...

Wow!! You are a great jumper. Loved the pictures of you in action.

ellie sa...

What a fantastic game you had with that feather toy! or should we say birdie :)

Oui Oui sa...

We love your jumping! You are the best. So athletic, so handsome!


Hi Charlie Rascal!!!
We almost missed your post today!
Phew...in the nick of time!
Funny how those cat show people say the goody bag is for YOU when it's really all about your human.
But your mom made up for it with Da Bird!!!!!!! One of the coolest toys EVER.
You caught some major air playing with it! Very impressive. It could be an Olympic sport!
I can see it now... Team Kjelle Bus! Can I be on your team?
; ) Katie

Kat and the Furrsonality gang sa...

Oh, you! You are so very spoiled! ;-)

Katie Isabella sa...

Oh, I LOVE my Da Bird TOO! You look so athletic there! I know what fun you are having. xoxoxox