torsdag 17 maj 2012

Torsdags tassar / Thursday toesies

Framtassar :)
Front paws :)

Vad säger du matte ?
Ska jag visa ALLA mina tassar samtidigt ?!
What do you say , mom ?
Shall I show all my paws at the same time ?!

Blir det bra så här , matte ??
Is this OK , mom ??

NÄ , jag är inte hög på kattmynta !
Jag råkade bara lukta på mattes fot *fniss*
NO , I´m not high on catnip !
I accidently sniffed on my mom´s foot *giggle*

HJÄLP , min ena bakfot kattakerar mig !!
HELP , one of my backfeets is catacking me !!

29 kommentarer:

Dui och Deco sa...

Du är ju superskön, söta trampdynor du har! Nosbuff

Pelle sa...

Snacka om tåbira! Tänk att du e så vig kompis!

Katten Lisa sa...

He-he, vilken stil du har! Störtskön!

CATachresis sa...

Those rogue back feet can be the death of a kitty lol

Libra sa...

Vilka snygga moves du har!

Marg sa...

Oh good job getting all those paws together for the picture. You are such a handsome boy. Great pictures.

Fuzzy Tales sa...

Haha! We loved all those wonderful paws! The mom would like to smooch every one, again and again and again!

Vi i Kasperian sa...

Hoppas du klarade att avvärja den där baktasskatacken! Jag vet minsann att tasskatacker kan kännas ordentligt! :)

Mariodacat sa...

Boy you are a handsome dude.

Seville at Nerissa's Life sa...

You have got some EXCELLENT looking tootsies! The peep says she'd love to pick you up and give you a cuddle 'cause you're so cute. Sorry 'bout that but you know those peeps.

Oui Oui sa...

Kjelle, you are so silly you make all of us laugh! What a cutie you are. Careful cause our mom wants to draw on your feet. See our blog today, she has been talking about drawing teddy bears on ours, but she thinks yours are just the right color! RUN!

BeadedTail sa...

You're so cute with all your feets in one spot!

Cat-from-Sydney sa...

Kjelle Bus,
You have given a new meaning to the phrase "Talk to the Paw"!!!! purrr....meow!

Hjulia huller om buller sa...

Tjusig tassuppvisning, Kjelle Bus!
Hoppas att du lyckades trassla ut dig ur baktassens kattack ;-)



The Furries of Whisppy sa...

What a funny boy you are to have a wrestling match with your paws. *giggle*

Ingrid sa...

Fortunately we humans don't have to wash this way, we wouldn't look so cute :)!
Our weather is like a rollercoaster. One day 5°, then 10° then 4° then 15° (today) with sunshine, rain, and hail ! You have the choice !

Hannah and Lucy sa...

That was a smart move getting your pawsies altogether - we always seem to have one that won't obey!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx


My back feet have a mind of their own too!
...Glogirly LOVES your feet! She says that pink jelly beans are way yummier than black ones. Fine, I'll just go sit in the corner with my own black jelly bean toes. Fine.

; ) Katie

Katie Isabella sa...

YOU are SO absolutely gorgeous! Those feets are scrumptious. I could have them for dinner is what my Mommy said. But don't worry..she is always holding and kissing MY feets! She won't eat yours up. xoxox

Kattson sa...

Din matte är verkligen duktig på att dokumentera allt du gör och jamar. Fina bilder till dina fina texter.

Aamor sa...

Kan kanske vara samma sak mattes fot och kattmynta, hihi!
Det är illa när ens egna kroppsdelar anfaller, hihi!


Mary, Fröken Tott och Adam sa...

Ser ut som om du ska va lite försiktig med myntan om bakfötterna anfaller efter intagandet;)
Har du sett Fat boy slims video The joker och katterna som ska på utekväll och köper mynta?
trevlig helg på er!

Purrfect Haven sa...

those are the BEST paw and leg grooming shots ever! We ADORE! Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

meowmeowmans sa...

MOL! Your feet and toesies look good no matter what you are doing, handsome Kjelle! Hugs to you and your Mom!

ellie sa...

What fabulous pink toesies you have! Have a great weekend :)

Unknown sa...

You are a good looking cat, especially your toes.

Findus, Isak och Rasmus sa...

Bakfots.kattacker kan vara rackarns lömska! Tur att du var vaksam och kunde reda ut det hela. Kurr och burr.

Unknown sa...

Fina fina Tazzar. Kram

Clooney sa...

Oh my! Dem toesies is driving my Human wild! What great pictures of you Kjelle Bus! (Sorry we are very behind in visiting.)