tisdag 22 maj 2012

Cats On Tuesday

 YAY !
It´s tuesday and time for me to participate 
in Gattina and her cat´s 

 and time for you to turn Mr Google Translater OFF !

It have been really hot here in south Sweden yesterday and today = +27 C / 80,6 F in the shade.

So it has  completely exploded out in the nature
This is an Paradise Appletree

This Poppy was huge , say´s mom

Here is a field of Cowslips

and here is a Kjelle Bus a.k.a Charlie Rascal ;-)

 I was out for a walk yesterday evening.
I can tell you I didn´t walk far because of the heat.

My beans ran away on both saturday and sunday
On the saturday they looked at a lot of Bikes

and on the sunday the looked at a lot of cars :)

This little Fiat was my mom´s favourite

My mom have helped me fix a new Facebook page 
called Kjelle Bus a.k.a Charlie Rascal

Don´t forget to visit Gattina and her cat´s
and the other participants on 

18 kommentarer:

Fuzzy Tales sa...

Wow, you've had another busy week! The flowers are so lovely, and we think the old cars are especialy neat.

Remember to find a shady spot for a nap and to drink lots of water, with your heat. :-)

Dui och Deco sa...

Så härliga bilder!Skönt med promenad med tanke på att dina tvåbeningar varit på rymmen så mycket! Nosbuff

Bob deTomaat sa...

Wow! Those flowers are beautiful! And what kind of bikes are those? My mama likes that little Fiat, too :-)

Oskar sa...

Hey Charlie, those are some beautiful flowers!

Nubbin wiggles,

Nadbugs sa...

I hope your little pawpads didn't get burnt -- those flowers are wonderful!

Katten Lisa sa...

Så fantastiskt fina bilder! Våren är bäst! :D

Ingrid sa...

The flowers are beautiful ! so it was hot ? Zapping on TV I saw the christening of Princess Victoria's little daughter life ! and the reporters complained about the heat. The little princess was so good and cute !

CATachresis sa...

Kjelle Bus you need to get your summer clothes out!!!

Katie Isabella sa...

Oh the flower pictures are outstanding. I could eat them ALL but the screen gets in the way.

You look gorgeous too Kjellebus! I will go like your page but it will be thru my mommy's FB. I don't have one. xoxoxo

BeadedTail sa...

It's been cool here this week so we can't wait for warm temperatures like yours again. It's always cute to see you on your strolls!

The Island Cats sa...

Those flowers are so beautiful, Kjelle!!

Oui Oui sa...

The flowers are so pretty! We are surprised you did anything in that heat. Our heat comes with lots of humidity, and it just feels nasty.


Oh those apple blossoms are BEAUTIFUL! ...and they're my signature color! ; )
Take it easy in the heat. I'm sure a good long nap wouldn't hurt.
; ) Katie

The Furries of Whisppy sa...

Such beautiful flowers...especially the Poppy. With that kind of heat, we think it's probably better to stay indoors. :)

The Florida Furkids sa...

Those flowers are beautiful but not as gorgeous as you are!!

The Florida Furkids and Lexi

A Tonk's Tail sa...

Mowzers! Mommy loves the paradise apple tree blooms - beautiful! But then we said WAIT! Not as pretty as KITTY PICS!! You look like you were having fun, Kjelle!

Findus, Isak och Rasmus sa...

Tänk så vackert det är när alla blommor slår ut! Fast den finaste bilden är förstås den som har morrisar och en svans. ;) Kurr och burr

Unknown sa...

Lovely cars and bikes and lovely YOU. :-)